第三章 审判组织
Chapter Ⅲ Trial Organization
第三十九条 人民法院审理第一审民事案件,由审判员、陪审员共同组成合议庭或者由审判员组成合议庭。合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。
Article 39 The people's court of first instance shall try civil cases by a collegial panel composed of both judges and judicial assessors or of judges alone. The collegial panel must have an odd number of members.
Civil cases in which summary procedure is followed shall be tried by a single judge alone.
When performing their duties, the judicial assessors shall have equal rights and obligations as the judges.
第四十条 人民法院审理第二审民事案件,由审判员组成合议庭。合议庭的成员人数,必须是单数。
Article 40 The people's court of second instance shall try civil cases by a collegial panel of judges. The collegial panel must have an odd number of members.
If a case is remanded for retrial, the original trying court shall form a new collegial panel in accordance with the procedure of first instance.
If a case for retrial was originally tried at first instance, a new collegial panel shall be formed according to the procedure of first instance; if the case was originally tried at second instance or is brought by a people's court at a higher level for trial, a new collegial panel shall be formed according to the procedure of second instance.
第四十一条 合议庭的审判长由院长或者庭长指定审判员一人担任;院长或者庭长参加审判的,由院长或者庭长担任。
Article 41 The president of the court or the chief judge of a division of the court shall designate a judge to serve as the presiding judge of a collegial panel; if the president or the chief judge participates in the trial, he shall serve as the presiding judge.
第四十二条 合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数的原则。评议应当制作笔录,由合议庭成员签名。评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。
Article 42 When deliberating a case, a collegial panel shall observe the rule of majority. The deliberations shall be recorded in writing, and the transcript shall be signed by the members of the collegial panel. Dissenting opinions in the deliberations must be truthfully entered in the transcript.
第四十三条 审判人员应当依法秉公办案。
Article 43 The adjudicators shall deal with all cases impartially and in accordance with the law.
The adjudicators shall not accept any treat or gift from the parties or their agents ad litem.
Any adjudicator who commits embezzlement, accepts bribes, engages in malpractice for personal benefits or who perverts the law in passing judgment shall be investigated for legal responsibility;if the act constitutes a crime, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the law.