As a totally new political concept,“modernization of state governance system and governance capability”highlights CPC's deepening understanding of the logic of social and political development. It represents an important innovation on Marxian state theory by CPC and heralds CPC's transition from a revolutionary party into a ruling party. From a practical perspective, governance reform is an important part of political reform and, correspondingly, state governance modernization is an inherent component of political modernization in a given country. To push forward the modernization of state governance system and governance capability in China, we must carry out breakthrough reforms in key fields, including administrative system, decision-making system, judicial system, budget system and oversight system etc.
The 3rdPlenum Session of CPC's 18thParty Congress made“perfecting and developing a socialist system with Chinese characteristics and pushing forward the modernization of state governance system and governance capability”the ultimate objective of China's further reform, which represented an important theoretical innovation. Based on China's realities, this objective also reflects the general trend of political development in the world.Under the direction of this objective, China's democratic governance will be substantially advanced.
In this book, the author explored the significance of modernization of state governance system to contemporary China by examining the theoretical foundation of governance and good governance, globalization and governance changes, social autonomy and orderly governance transformation as well as global governance issues. Only through developing democracy and the rule of law, the author argued, can China realize state governance modernization. Meanwhile, steps in modernization of state governance system not only indicate how far the Chinese society has moved in its drive toward modernization, but they are also a measure of China's progress towards democracy and the rule of law.