第3章 Abstract
After Putin came into power, Russia endeavors to achieve national recovery, Russian domestic politics go through series of changes and a lot of challenges. For the sake of conformed to popular will and improved support rate of United Russia, Putin's government made a series of topdown reform for authority system and bureaucratic system so that meet Russian citizens' requirement of their country improve freedom and democracy. After Putin's third presidency in 2012, Russian political ecology became a signal of "Putin Era".
Putin realizes that patriotism and ethos inside nationalist trend remedy Russians' sense of loss vastly and have very important meaning for national unity and social integration, hence, Putin made them into ruling thoughts and gradual became national will.
Orthodox, an important spiritual strength for Russian transition and renaissance, shows political function gradually and its influence gets unprecedented develop. However, in the trade of diverse society, it is impossible to back the situation of caesaropapism or orthodox becomes state religion. For over a thousand years, orthodox play an important role in the way to make Russia powerful and it also plays its special influence and function.
The core objective of Putin establishes "Eurasian Union" is to make uniform politics, economic, military, customs and humanity space. The development of Eurasian Economic Union in a complex external situation; the main external factor which hinders develop is the obstruction of Western countries. For a long period of time, the development of Eurasian Union will stay in the stage of economic integration.
Since Ukraine crisis outbreak, Russia face the situation of economic woes and diplomatically isolated. If Russia wants to achieve country's renaissance, an issue which Russia must focus on is that obtain soft power match with hard power.
Ukraine crisis struck frail RussiaUS relationship severely. Games between Russia and America never stop; besides, divergences also exist in understanding and expect for improving their relation. America hopes to start stronger and significant communication and cooperation in specific problems with Russia. Russia hopes to start bilateral cooperation with US on an equal footing and US admits Russian sphere of influence and greatpower status. Hence, Russia US relationship will not have a fundamental improvement in a short time.
Putin is value in developing relationship with Europe countries and hopes to establish strategic partnership with EU. Ukraine crisis struck Russia EU relationship severely, but with broad common interest, Russia EU relationship won't continue to deteriorate. However, Russia EU relationship is very hard to achieve breakthrough because influence of fundamental divergences and aggravations of competition.
Ukraine crisis causes impressive effect to international political pattern. Russian consideration based on national security and interests, therefore Russia took tough stance on Ukraine. Russian "looking east" strategy made achievement which deals with Russian domestic political and diplomacy stress from Western countries. Russian strong approach brings huge fear and uneasy to small countries of Commonwealth of Independent States; they fear that Russia will erode their sovereignty, therefore they inclined to join Western for their security which deteriorate Russian west and south surroundings.