Yang Zixuan Professor, School of Law, Peking University.Supervisor for Ph.D.candidates.Member of the 9th Session of the National People's Congress(NPC); Member of the Law Committee of the NPC; Special Advisor of the 1st Session of Supreme People's Court; Member of the 7th Session of the Expert Advisory Committee of the People's Government of Beijing; Advisor of CLS Research Committee of Economic Law.
Main published books: National Harmonization; Economic Law(chief editor);A New Concept of International Economic Law—International Harmonization(chief editor); and so on.
Main published articles: On Establishing the Chinese Legal Responsibility System; On the Scientific Development and the Concept of the Chinese Economic Law;The Emergence and Development of Economic Law in China; and so on.
Xiao Qiangang Professor, School of Law, Zhengzhou University.Member of the Law Sub-committee of the National Exam Committee; Vice Director of the Environmental and Resources Law Academy Committee of the Research Institute of Environmental Law(RIEL)of Wuhan University; One of the Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Science in University approved by the Ministry of Education;Advisor of the CLS Research Committee of Economic Law.
Main published books: Energy Law(co-author); Natural Resources Law(coauthor); General Introduction of Economic Law(chief editor); and so on.
Main published articles: General Progress of the Strategy of Sustainable Development of China and Its Judicial Guarantee; Making for Modernization: The History and Revelation of the Development of Chinese Economic Law; and so on.
Sheng Jiemin Professor, School of Law, Peking University.Supervisor for Ph.D candidates.
Main published books: Economic Law System Involving Foreign Elements in China(chief editor); The Theory and Practice of Anti-unfair Competition Act(chief editor); Principles and Practice of Economic Law(co-author); and so on.
Main published articles: Competition Law in China—Status Quo and Prospect;The Tendency to Multilateralism—on Government Purchase Agreement of WTO and Chinese Legislation of Government Purchase; Administrative Monopolization in a Perspective of Economic Law; and so on.
Wang Quanxing Professor, Supervisor for Ph.D.candidates; Director of Economic Law and Social Law Research Center of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.Vice Chairman of CLS Research Committee of Economic Law; Vice Chairman of CLS Research Committee of Social Law; Vice Chairman of CLS Research Committee of Labor Law.Member of Consultant Expert Committee of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of P.R.China.
Main published books: Subject Research on the Basic Theory of Economic Law;Labor Law; Law of State Assets of Enterprises(coauthor); and so on.
Main published Articles: Elementary Study on the Research Structure of Economic Law; On Economic Law and Economic Democracy; Legally Regulating Governmental Economic Activities on the Market; and so on.
Zhang Shiyuan Professor, North Industry University; Vice Chairman of Beijing Law Society Research Committee of Economic Law.Advisor of CLS Research Committee of Economic Law.
Main published books: Joint-stock Association, Company, Company Law; An Introduction of Company Law(chief editor); Corporation Law(chief editor); and so on.
Main published articles: The Regime of Economic Law; On the Category and classification of Subjects of Economic Law; On Legal Regulation of Governmental Economic Authorities and Indirect Controlling; and so on.
Zeng Donghong Doctor of Law Science; Vice Director of Economic Law Research Center, School of Law, Zhongshan University, Associate Professor, Arbitrator of Finance Specialty of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee.
Main published books: Legal Instrument Law; Legal System on the Function of Market Economy(coauthor); and so on.
Main published articles: Revision on the theory of the Traditional Economic and Civil Legal Relationship Involving Foreign Elements; The Jurisprudential Analysis on the Insurance Interest Regime in China; The development Tendency of Insurance Law System in Hongkong and the Learning From Each Other between Hongkong and the Mainland in this Field; and so on.
Xiao Jiangping Doctor of Law Science; Post-doctor of Management and Engineering; Associate professor, School of Law, Peking University.Director of the Institute of Anti-Unfair Competition Law, Peking University.
Main published books: Study on the History of Chinese Economic Law; Textbook of Economic Law Cases(chief editor); Translation and Compilation of Foreign Reproducible Energy Law(subeditor); and so on.
Main published articles: The Conformation of the System of Economic Law; On Subjects of the Market Control Law; The Regime Designed for Reproducible Energy Promoting Law in China; and so on.
Zhang Shouwen Professor, Dean of School of Law, Peking University.Supervisor for Ph.D.Candidates; Director of the Institute of Economic Law, Peking University.Secretary-General of CLS Research Committee of Economic Law, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of CLS Research Committee of Finance and Tax Law.
Main published books: Reformation of The Theory of Economic Law; Principles of Tax Law; BriefComments on Finance and Tax Law; and so on.
Main published articles: The Modern Character of Economic Law; Basic Hypothesis of Economic Law; BriefComment on Regulating Activities in Economic Law; and so on.
Cheng Xinhe Professor of Law Department, Zhongshan University; Supervisor for Ph.D.candidates; Director of Law Institute of Zhongshan University.Vice Chairman of CLS Research Committee of Economic Law, Vice Chairman of CLS Research Committee of Comparative Law, Arbitrator of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee, Legislative Counselor of Permanent People's Congress of Guangdong Province; General Secretary of Research Committee of Civil and Economic Law of Guangdong Law Society.
Main publication Books: A New Introduction of Economic Law; Economic Law and Governments'Economy Regulation; Law of Real Estate(chief editor); and so on.
Main publication articles: The Establishment and Execution of Comparative Economic Law in China; Innovation of Economic Law in China; Modern Economic Law in a Public Management Perspective; and so on.
Zhou Linbin Professor, School of Law, Zhangshan University.Supervisor for Ph.D.candidates; Standing Member of CLS Research Committee of Economic Law, Standing Member of Research Committee of International Economic Law.
Main published books: Outline of Legal Economy—Economic Analysis ofLegal Economy Function in China; WTO Rules and Innovation of Theories of Economic Law in China; Comparative Commercial law(coauthor); and so on.
Main published articles: Regime Reformation and The Innovation of Economic Law in China; On State-ownership Legislation and Its Mode-Choosing in China; CostBenefit Analysis of Market Economy Legislation in China, and so on.
Xu Yan Doctor of Law Science; Served as a Faculty Member after Graduation from School of Law, Peking University.Served at Listed Company Supervision Department of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Now Partner of Jin Du Law Firm.
Main published books: The Principle of Company Law; The Law of Economy(coauthor); An Introduction of Economic Law and International Economic Law(coauthor); and so on.
Main published articles: Some Legal Issues in Floating and Listing Stocks Abroad by Chinese Enterprises; Legal Issues in Listing Stocks in Hongkong by Hinterland Enterprises; Contemplation on Perfection the Taxation Legislation System in China, and so on.