List 3

0200 politician [ˌpɒlɪˈtɪʃn]
n. 政治家
例 Politicians have started to do something to better the situation. 政治家们已经开始采取措施来改善这种状况。
0201 politics [ˈpɒlɪtɪks]
n. 政治,政治事务;政治观点;政治局势
例 Most urban Africans work for a small minority of the rich, who tend to be involved in either cronyish businesses or politics. 大多数非洲城市人口为少数富人工作,这些人要么是当地富商,要么是当地政客。
0202 stranger [ˈstreɪndʒə]
n. 陌生人
例 Shoppers seldom complain to the manager or owner of a retail store, but instead will alert their friends, relatives, co-workers, strangers, and anyone who will listen. 消费者很少向零售商店的经理或店主抱怨,而是会警示他们的朋友、亲戚、同事、陌生人,以及任何会听取他们意见的人。
0203 underground [ˈʌndəgraʊnd]
adj. 地下的
adv. 在地下
n. 地铁
例 Millions of irrigation wells in many countries are now pumping water out of underground sources faster than rainfall can refill them. 分布在许多国家的数百万灌溉井都在从地下水源中抽水,并且取水的速度大于降水补给的速度。
0204 disagree [ˌdɪsəˈgriː]
v. 不同意
例 About 68%of those surveyed disagreed with the opinion that reading is boring or oldfashioned. 约68%的受访者不同意读书是无聊的或过时的这一看法。
0205 disagreement [ˌdɪsəˈgriːmənt]
n. 分歧;不符
例 Not surprisingly, expressing anger and disagreement leads to lower marital satisfaction at the beginning. 毫不奇怪的是,表达愤怒和意见分歧在一开始会降低婚姻的满意度。
0206 unusual [ʌnˈjuːʒʊəl]
adj. 不寻常的,特别的
例 Women’s education may be an unusual territory for economists, but enhancing women’s contribution to development is actually as much an economic as a social issue. 女性教育对于经济学家来说可能是一个特别的领域,但提高妇女对发展的贡献实际上既是经济课题又是社会课题。
0207 unusually [ʌnˈjuːʒəli]
adv. 出乎意料地,异常地
例 Comet Hale-Bopp discovered in 1995 was an unusually bright comet. 1995年发现的海尔 -波普彗星是一颗异常明亮的彗星。
0208 per cent [pəˈsent]
n. 百分之…
例 Today tourists provide 80 to 90 per cent of Andorra’s income. 目前,安道尔80%至90%的收入都来自旅游业。
0209 percentage [pəˈsentɪdʒ]
n. 百分比
例 The percentage of people living in cities is much higher than the percentage working in industry. 城市的常住人口比例远高于在工业领域工作的人口比例。
0210 daily [ˈdeɪli]
adj. 1 每日的;日常的 2 按日的
例 At the age of six she started reading the daily financial newspapers and opened her own bank account. 六岁时她开始阅读金融日报,并开设了自己的银行账户。
0211 midday [ˌmɪdˈdeɪ]
n. 正午,中午
例 People were beginning to tire in the midday heat. 在正午的炎炎烈日下,人们开始感到疲劳。
0212 daylight [ˈdeɪlaɪt]
n. 1 日光 2 白昼
例 Around the world, people change sleep patterns thanks to the start or end of daylight. 在世界各地,人们都跟随白昼的开始和结束时间来调整睡眠模式。
0213 addition [əˈdɪʃn]
n. 增加;增加物
例 In addition to saving lives, informative speakers help people learn new skills and solve problems. 除了拯救生命,讲解人还帮助人们学习新的技能和解决问题。
0214 additional [əˈdɪʃənl]
adj. 额外的
例 I think I can give you an additional 15%discount on that shirt. 那件衬衫我想我可以再给你打个八五折。
0215 loss [lɒs]
n. 损失,丧失
例 The three environmental trends—the shortage of fresh water, the loss of topsoil and the rising temperatures—are making it increasingly hard to expand the world’s grain supply fast enough to keep up with demand. 淡水短缺、表土流失和气温上升,这三种环境变化趋势正在使快速扩大世界稻谷供给以满足需求变得越来越困难。
0216 leader [ˈliːdə]
n. 领导者
例 Katharine was recognised as an important leader in newspaper publishing. 凯瑟琳被公认为是报纸出版领域的重要领导者。
0217 leadership [ˈliːdəʃɪp]
n. 1 领导职位 2 领导才能
例 The difference in handling conflict could be the deciding factor on who gets promoted to a leadership position. 处理冲突能力的差异可能会成为影响谁被提拔至领导岗位的决定性因素。
0218 mislead [ˌmɪsˈliːd]
v. 误导
例 Inadequate advertisements may mislead people to rely on sunscreen for protection. 不当的广告宣传可能会误导人们依赖防晒霜来保护皮肤。
0219 actual [ˈæktʃʊəl]
adj. 实际的
例 It is reported that the memory of our previous meal may have a bigger influence on our appetite than the actual size of the meal. 据报道,相比这一餐的实际丰盛程度,对上一餐的记忆可能对我们的食欲有更大的影响。
0220 campus [ˈkæmpəs]
n. 校园
例 For an increasing number of kids, the extra time and money spent pursuing a college diploma will leave them worse off than they were before they set foot on campus. 对越来越多的孩子来讲,额外花在读取学位上的金钱和时间会使他们的境况比走进大学校园之前更糟糕。
0221 worth [wɜːθ]
n. 价值
v. 值得;值…
例 Experts tend to agree that for the average student, college is still worth the price today. 专家更倾向于相信,对一般的学生而言如今上大学仍是值得的。
0222 worthy [ˈwɜːði]
adj. 值得的,有价值的
例 Once you have worthy opponents, set some ground rules so everyone understands responsibilities and boundaries. 当你有了有价值的对手,就建立一些基本法则,让每个人都了解自己的责任和界限。
0223 risk [rɪsk]
n. 风险
v. 使…冒风险;冒…的风险
例 There is no final conclusion about whether TV watching is linked to a greater risk of diabetes, heart disease or early death. 关于看电视是否会增加人们患糖尿病、心脏病甚至是早逝的风险,尚无最终定论。
0224 risky [ˈrɪski]
adj. 有风险的
例 Even if you think it makes sense to move most or all of your applications to the cloud, it might seem too risky to move everything all at once. 即使你认为应该将大部分或者全部的应用程序都转移到云上,但是一次性完成这样的转移似乎太冒险。
0225 affect [əˈfekt]
v. 1 影响 2 使感染 3 深深打动
例 Decisions that affect your life should be your decisions—decisions you make after you’ve considered various factors. 影响你生活的决定应该是你自己的决定,是你考虑各种因素之后做出的决定。
0226 enjoyable [ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbl]
adj. 令人愉悦的
例 Shopping has stopped being an enjoyable experience because most people want to find what they need and pay quickly. 购物不再是一种令人愉快的体验,因为现在大多数人只想快速找到他们需要的东西并付款。
0227 force [fɔːs]
n. 1 力,力量 2 武力
v. 强迫;迫使
例 Even if one country has a resource another nation wants, they shouldn’t take it with force. 尽管一个国家拥有另一个国家想要的资源,他们也不应该用武力夺取。
0228 directly [dɪˈrektli]
adv. 直接地
例 You may gain confidence by laying out your fears and confronting them directly. 你可以将恐惧的事物一一列出,直面它们,以此来获得自信心。
0229 likely [ˈlaɪkli]
adj. 可能的
例 Today’s shaky economy is likely to produce many more such tricks. 今天动荡的经济形势可能产生更多类似的骗局。
0230 unlikely [ʌnˈlaɪkli]
adj. 不大可能的
例 Men are unlikely to break their career trajectory to raise a family. 男性通常不太会为了抚养家庭而打破职业轨迹。
0231 adulthood [ˈædʌlthʊd]
n. 成年
例 The transition from college to adulthood might be the hardest one we make in our whole lives. 从大学生到成人的转变也许是我们一生中所经历的最困难的一个转变。
0232 gasoline [ˈɡæsəliːn]
n. 汽油
例 The government is likely to raise prices of gasoline soon, but there are concerns that the move will fuel inflation, which is already running high. 政府可能很快就会提高汽油的价格,但是也有人担心,这样做会导致已经很高的通货膨胀率进一步攀升。
0233 roof [ruːf]
n. 屋顶;顶部
例 One of the major criticisms of the museum was that it was too dark. Now, new skylights in the roof let the sun shine in. 原本人们主要批评该博物馆太暗了。现在,太阳光直接从博物馆屋顶新安装的天窗照射进来。
0234 era [ˈɪərə]
n. 时代
例 Some people may long for an era when divorce was still hard to come by. 有些人可能渴望一个离婚难的时代。
0235 root [ruːt]
n. 1 根 2 根源
v. (使)生根
例 Uncleanliness is the root of various diseases. 不注意清洁是各种疾病的根源。
0236 banker [ˈbæŋkə]
n. 银行家
Katherine’s father used to be a successful investment banker. 凯瑟琳的父亲曾经是一位成功的投资银行家。
0237 grammar [ˈgræmə]
n. 语法
例 Mrs. Black surprised everyone when she excused me from her grammar class, saying my time would be spent more productively writing in the library. 令大家感到诧异的是,布莱克夫人免除了我的语法课,她说我的时间花在图书馆里写作会更有成效。
0238 oxygen [ˈɒksɪdʒən]
n. 氧气;氧
例 Water is a compound containing the elements hydrogen and oxygen. 水是含有氢元素和氧元素的化合物。
0239 bone [bəʊn]
n. 骨头
例 Strength training is another important component of physical activity. Its purpose is to build and maintain bone and muscle mass, both of which shrink with age. 体能训练是身体锻炼的另一个重要组成部分。其目的是增强和维持骨骼和肌肉的力量,这两项都会随着年龄的增长而萎缩。
0240 mean [miːn]
v. 1 意味着 2 打算
adj. 1 吝啬的 2 刻薄的
例 I didn’t mean this to happen at all. 我压根就不想发生这样的事。
0241 means [miːnz]
n. 1 方法 , 途径 2 财富
例 Homework should not be used as a means of controlling children. 家庭作业不应该作为约束孩子的手段。
0242 meaningful [ˈmiːnɪŋfʊl]
adj. 有意义的
例 Genuine criticism creates a precious opening for an author to become better on his own terms—a process that is often extremely painful, but also almost always meaningful. 真诚的评论为作者提升自身写作能力创造了宝贵机会,这个过程往往非常痛苦,但也通常非常有意义。
0243 respond [rɪˈspɒnd]
v. 1 回答 2 应对
例 Do Millennials respond to their economic troubles by doing whatever it takes to make ends meet? Hardly. 这些“千禧一代”会不惜一切代价地去努力应对他们的经济困难,以达到收支平衡吗?答案是“几乎不会”。
0244 fair [feə]
adj. 公平的
n. 展览会;市集
例 The cost of a single ticket to enter the fair was 20 cents. 进入展会的单人票价是20美分。
0245 unfair [ˌʌnˈfeə]
adj. 不公平的
例 Each of these unfair trade practices is expressly prohibited both by World Trade Organisation rules as well as rules established by the U.S. government. 这里的每一桩不公平的贸易行为都是世界贸易组织和美国政府的条文明令禁止的。
0246 logical [ˈlɒdʒɪkl]
adj. 1 符合常理的 2 合乎逻辑的
例 The detective has to discover the murderer by logical deduction. 那位侦探得通过逻辑推理来找出凶手。
0247 basic [ˈbeɪsɪk]
adj. 基本的
例 We have protected our unity and struggled to perfect our union by extending basic rights to all our people. 我们通过将基本权利惠及所有人民,来维护团结,并努力完善我们的国家。
0248 basically [ˈbeɪsɪkli]
adv. 1 基本上 2 大体上说
例 Basically, if we look at what becomes of a person, you can root it from the upbringing of the person, to be more specific, from childhood. 大体上说,要分析一个人身上发生的事,你可以从他的成长历程中找到根源,更准确地说,是童年经历。
0249 balance [ˈbæləns]
v. 保持平衡;权衡,比较
n. 平衡,均衡;平衡能力
【例1】8-44 is the age range when many women are trying to balance careers and home. 18到44岁这个年龄段的很多女性都试图在事业和家庭之间找到平衡。
0250 shame [ʃeɪm]
n. 羞愧
v. 使羞愧;使蒙受耻辱
例 As we get older, crying becomes a tool of social interaction: grief and joy, shame and pride, fear and manipulation. 随着我们逐渐长大,哭泣成为一种社交手段,表达悲伤或喜悦、羞愧或骄傲、恐惧或克制。
0251 chip [tʃɪp]
n. 薯片
例 Potato chips are a snack food for the world. 薯片是世界人民都喜爱的小食。
0252 sample [ˈsɑːmpl]
n. 样本
v. 对…抽样调查
【例1】8%of the adults sampled admitted having had problems with alcohol abuse. 在接受抽样调查的成年人中有18%的人承认有过酗酒问题。
0253 hydrogen [ˈhaɪdrədʒn]
n. 氢;氢气
例 Technological improvements are needed so that wind, solar and hydrogen can be more feasible parts of the energy equation. 科技需要进一步发展,才能使风能、太阳能和氢成为可用性更强的能源。
0254 sudden [ˈsʌdn]
adj. 突然的
例 The sudden death of the young man invested the house with an air of mystery. 这个年轻人的突然死亡给这座房子增添了一种诡秘的气氛。
0255 chemical [ˈkemɪkl]
adj. 化学的
例 We know the constitution of mineral through chemical analysis. 我们通过化学分析来了解矿石的构成。
0256 freeze [friːz]
v. / n. 冻结,结冰
例 Mr. Li and four other officials will be subject to an international asset freeze and travel ban.这位李姓官员及其他四位官员将被冻结国际资产,并禁止出国旅行。
0257 require [rɪˈkwaɪə]
v. 需要;依赖
例 If you require further information, you should consult the registrar. 如果需要更多信息,你应该向教务主任咨询。
0258 requirement [rɪˈkwaɪəmənt]
n. 要求
例 Graduation requirements specify the number of credits you must earn, the minimum grade point average you must achieve and the distribution of credits you must have for among differing departments or fields of study. 毕业要求明确规定你必须获得的学分数量,必须达到最低平均成绩,以及各部门或研究领域的学分分布必须合理。
0259 equipment [ɪˈkwɪpmənt]
n. 设备;装备
例 Equipment and technology upgrades do not necessarily solve the problem either. 设备和技术的升级也不一定能解决这个问题。
0260 equip [ɪˈkwɪp]
v. 装备,配备
例 The staff in the mall are often equipped with iPads to take your payment while you relax on a sofa. 商场职员常常会配备iPad,可以在你坐在沙发上休息的时候来找你付款。
0261 ideal [aɪˈdiːəl]
adj. 理想的
例 Romantic love has clear evolutionary roots, but our views about what makes an ideal romantic relationship can be swayed by the society we live in. 浪漫爱情有其清晰的演进渊源,但我们关于是什么成就了理想的恋爱关系的观念会受所处社会的影响的。
0262 ideally [aɪˈdiːəli]
adv. 理想地
例 Ideally, a school should provide its students with a well-balanced education that helps them develop all of their skills. 理想的情况是,学校给学生提供非常均衡的教育,以帮助他们培养各项技能。
0263 dioxide [daɪˈɒksaɪd]
n. 二氧化物
例 It is said that concentrations of smoke and major air pollutants such as sulphur dioxide have now decreased, mainly due to less coal burning by industry and homes. 据说,浓烟和主要的空气污染物质(比如二氧化硫)已经减少,这主要归功于工业燃煤和家庭燃煤的减少。
0264 treasure [ˈtreʒə]
n. 1 珍宝 2 财富
例 Each decision made at the Forum is, as politicians like to say, about our blood and treasure.就如政客们喜欢说的,大会作出的每一个决定都关乎我们的血汗和财富。
0265 wooden [ˈwʊdn]
adj. 木制的
例 You may find inner peace walking along these exquisite wooden corridors. 漫步在这精致的木制走廊里,你会感受到心灵的宁静。
0266 mission [ˈmɪʃn]
n. 任务
例 Users will be able to do almost anything they can think of from a single search box. That is our mission for the future of search. 用户仅用一个搜索框几乎就能做到他们能想到的任何事情。这就是搜索的未来,我们的使命。
0267 tailor [ˈteɪlə]
n. 裁缝
v. 剪裁;使合适
例 In his youth his father bound him out to a tailor. 他年轻时他父亲叫他去给一个裁缝当学徒。
0268 wherever [weəˈrevə]
adv. 无论哪里
例 Wherever you go and for whatever reason, it’s important to be safe. 无论你去哪里,出于什么原因,重要的是要保证安全。
0269 staff [stɑːf]
n. 工作人员
例 Between 1980 and 2008, staff and teachers at U.S. public schools grew roughly twice as fast as students. 1980至2008年间,美国公立学校的教职和工作人员数量的增长大概是学生数量的两倍。
0270 passport [ˈpɑːspɔːt]
n. 1 护照 2 途径
例 You need proof of citizenship, either an old passport or a birth certificate and three photographs. 你需要出示你的公民身份证明,可以是旧护照或者出生证明,外加三张照片。
0271 afterwards [ˈɑːftəwədz]
adv. 后来
例 It would be better if you could check the same information in English newspapers afterwards.你最好之后能查看一下英文报纸上的相同信息。
0272 unthinkable [ʌnˈθɪŋkəbl]
adj. 难以想象的
例 Teresa Zapata told her family the unthinkable; she was going to work in the United States.特雷莎·扎帕塔告诉了家人那件他们难以想象的事——她打算去美国工作。
0273 aloud [əˈlaʊd]
v. 出声地;大声地
例 Practise reading aloud as often as possible. 尽可能多地练习大声朗读。
0274 murder [ˈmɜːdə]
n. / v. 谋杀
例 In l977, when he was 17 years old, James Terry Roach and two friends cruelly murdered three people. 1977年,当他17岁时,詹姆斯·特里·罗奇和两个朋友一起残忍地谋杀了三个人。
0275 murderer [ˈmɜːdərə]
n. 凶手;谋杀犯
例 Those who imagine that every renter is a murderer won’t like the idea of “sharing economy”.那些把每位租客都想象成杀人犯的人是不会认同“共享经济”概念的。
0276 wonder [ˈwʌndə]
v. 怀疑;对…感到惊讶
n. 奇迹,奇观
例 Many people catch a cold in the springtime or fall. It makes us wonder if scientists can send a man to the moon, why can’t they find a cure for the common cold? 许多人在春天或秋天会感冒。这让我们不禁怀疑:科学家可以把一个人送去月球,为什么就不能找到普通感冒的治愈方法?
0277 pole [pəʊl]
n. 1 杆 2 极点
例 Sea ice around the North Pole could almost disappear in summer by the end of the century.到本世纪末,北极附近的冰川很可能会在夏季近乎消失。
0278 moreover [mɔːˈrəʊvə]
adv. 此外
例 Moreover, Americans eat out nearly four times a week on average. 此外,美国人平均一周约有四餐是在外面吃的。
0279 capable [ˈkeɪpəbl]
adj. 有能力的;足以胜任的
例 Girls in this class worked so hard to prove that they were as capable as boys. 这个班级里的女生学习非常努力,以证明她们和男生一样有才能。
0280 capability [ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlɪti]
n. 能力
例 Always remain eager to learn; you never know what knowledge or capability will push you up in your career. 要一直保持求知欲,你永远不知道哪些知识和能力会在你的职业生涯中让你更进一步。
0281 acre [ˈeɪkə]
n. 英亩
例 There was a three-acre wood near my house, where I used to play games with my friend.我家附近有个三英亩大的树林,我过去常常和朋友一起在那里玩游戏。
0282 pad [pæd]
n. 垫子
例 She was always carefully dressed and wore white pads called shields under her arms so her dress or blouse would show no sweat. 她穿衣总是很考究,会在手臂下穿上被称为吸汗垫的白色垫子,这样她的裙子或上衣就不会显出汗迹。
0283 document [ˈdɒkjəmənt]
n. 文件;文件记录
例 Unlike the U.S., these governments had all signed the 2001 declaration, so they had no reason to object to a document that reaffirmed it. 与美国不同,这些国家的政府都签署了2001年的宣言,所以他们没道理拒绝一份重申该宣言的文件。
0284 assistant [əˈsɪstənt]
n. 助手
例 If you are a graduate teaching assistant, your adviser may also be your boss. 如果你是一名研究生助教,你的导师也可能是你的老板。
0285 assist [əˈsɪst]
v. 帮助
例 Through school projects, students can learn to be involved in community projects ranging from planting trees to cleaning up a park to assisting elderly people. 通过学校的活动项目,学生能够学习参与社区活动,从植树、清理公园到帮助老人。
0286 assistance [əˈsɪstəns]
n. 帮助
例 The government should move swiftly to close these facilities, investigating those who running them, and provide assistance to those who were abused in them. 政府应迅速采取行动关闭这些机构,调查经营者,并为在其中受到虐待的人提供援助。
0287 fax [fæks]
n. / v. 传真
例 Customers can place direct orders by mail, telephone, or fax. 顾客可以通过邮件、电话或者传真直接订购。
0288 tail [teɪl]
n. 尾巴
例 The tail and generally fuzzy atmosphere around the comet are characteristics that can help identify this phenomenon in the night sky. 彗尾和周围朦胧的大气这两个特征可以帮助在夜空中识别彗星现象。
0289 abandon [əˈbændən]
v. 抛弃,摒弃
例 Many European governments have abandoned policies that used to encourage people to retire early. 许多欧洲国家的政府已经摒弃了原有鼓励人们提前退休的政策。
0290 shore [ʃɔː]
n. 岸
例 The Mercy is equipped with special facilities and a multi-specialist medical team to provide a wide range of medical services both aboard the ship and on shore. “慈悲号”上配有特殊的设备,以及一支由多位专家组成的医疗队,既可以在船上又可以在岸上提供多项医疗服务。
0291 button [ˈbʌtn]
n. 按钮
例 Your essay will be scored by a software program. Click the “send” button when you are done and you will receive a grade back instantly. 你的论文将由一个软件程序自动评分。写完后点击“发送”按钮,你会立刻收到一个分数。
0292 heavily [ˈhevɪli]
adv. 1 大量地;很大程度上 2 以猛力
例 Parents and students, who have invested heavily in higher education, tend to worry about graduates’ job prospects. 家长和学生在高等教育上投入了很多,往往会担心毕业生的就业前景。
0293 hardship [ˈhɑːdʃɪp]
n. 艰难
例 The couple managed to stand the test of economic hardships at last. 那对夫妻最后成功经受住了经济困难的考验。
0294 harden [ˈhɑːdn]
v. (使)变硬
例 In nature, lots of insects and animals use a touch of metal to harden body parts such as jaws, claws, and stingers. 在自然界中,许多昆虫和动物都会用一点金属元素来使自己身体的某些部分更加坚固,例如牙齿、爪子和螫刺。
0295 publish [ˈpʌblɪʃ]
v. 出版;公布
例 In 1997, NASA published a report concluding that selling trips into space to private citizens could be worth billions of dollars. 1997年,NASA(美国国家航空航天局)发布的一个报告称,发展民众太空旅游可能价值数十亿美元。