B the bottom line 结果
Idiom Defnition
When used in non-fnancial matters it refers to the end result. In financial matters it can only mean the total proft or loss for the project being discussed, or the entire business.
成语定义 用在非金融方面指的是最后结果。如果是金融方面,它指的是所讨论的专案,或是整个企业的盈亏。
例 He hurries people along by saying, get to the bottom line.
例 The bottom line is we earned 2%more this month than last month.
This comes from the fnancial world, where the bottom line is the figure reached once all computations are complete, or the total proft or loss. This is mostly used to discuss fnances.
However, its use is so popular in fnancial meetings, as well as the fnancial portions of other types of meetings, that it's been adopted by most people. It refers to the end result.
背景资料 这个用法来自金融界,指的是加总后的金额或是总盈亏。这大部分用在财务讨论上。
Business Use
It's a short version or code term for what's between the quotation marks.
商业用法 以下面两句引号里的话为例,这个词是描述这类情况的一种简短说法。
(Financial)“After all assets are added and expenses deducted the total proft or loss is shown on the last line of the report.”
(Non-fnancial)“Once all factors are considered the fnal outcome is stated.”
Alternatives 相关用语
◇what it all comes down to is 总计
◆in the fnal analysis 归根究底
◇in the end 最后
◇to cut to the chase 只谈重点