Managing projects requires a great deal of effort, skill, and finesse. As a project manager, you are expected to engage with a big-picture vision and make a certain promise to execute it and turn it into reality within certain time, quality, and budget constraints. This requires thoughtful consideration and a great deal of skill and personal leadership. It requires you to fully understand the vision, scope, and constraints of the project and to continually work to remove blockages. You must consistently spend time on those things that matter the most to the success of the project, and you must focus on people as much as you focus on tasks.
There are as many ways of executing a project as there are people. We all have different ways of doing things, and we experience different degrees of success in what we do. Yet some people stand out from the crowd. They seem to have a different mindset and tend to succeed at most things they venture into. That is not to say that they do not fail, because they do. What matters is that they have the drive, confidence, and attitude to keep going and to turn failure into key learning points which will eventually help them succeed. They have a winning mentality, and they set a great example for others to follow.
When you come across a person who has a winning mentality and whom you admire, it may be because you feel that you lack some of what he has. You admire him for having a particular skill that you would love to have. If you are searching for guidance on what you can do to enhance your own career, a natural first step is to look at people who inspire you.
Exercise: Inspirational People
Take a moment to consider the people who have inspired you in your life and career to date. This could be anyone you have worked with professionally, a family member, a friend, or a person you have admired from a distance.
1. Below, write the names of people who have made a positive impression on you because of their management or leadership skills. List people who stood out for one reason or another. Maybe they were particularly courageous, charismatic, driven, or inspirational.
2. Write down what you admired in each of them.
3. Which of those qualities do you most want to develop?
4. How would you feel if you embodied these qualities? What would you be doing differently from what you are doing today?