The principal authors and coeditors (Gregory A. Garrett and Rene G. Rendon) would like to thank the following contributing authors for their excellent work:
John T. Dillard, Col. U.S. Army (Ret.)
David F. Matthews, Col. U.S. Army (Ret.)
Lt. Col. Leslie S. Deneault, USAF
Bryan Stambaugh
Christopher Hanks
Mike Bolles
Olin O. Oedekoven, Ph.D.
Jack L. Cunnane
William L. Spacy II
Michael W. Boudreau, Col. U.S. Army (Ret.)
Brad R. Naegle, Col. U.S. Army (Ret.)
L. R. Jones, Ph.D.
Jerry McCaffery, Ph.D.
Further, we would like to extend our appreciation to the following individuals for their guidance, inspiration, and support:
Dr. William C. Pursch, CPCM, Lt. Col. US Army (Ret.)
Lenn Vincent, RADM, USN (Ret.)
With special appreciation to Mrs. Barbara Hanson for her continued outstanding administrative support.
Finally, we would like to recognize the great support of the Management Concepts team for the final editing, indexing, design, layout, printing, and marketing of this unique book.