More Praise for Seeing Red Cars
“Goodrich takes what could be complex and simplifies it into a lifestyle for action that works! I’ve seen it and experienced it. Her toolkit takes the work out of the planning process and helps put it into practice quickly. Her video Seeing Red Cars should be on the desk of every leader, and this book should be on the desk and workstation of all employees in your organization, especially in today’s lean and ever-demanding environment. Start seeing red cars to help keep your organization a leader and out of the red.”
—Robert Scott, Retired Vice President and CSO, Advanced Bio-Medical Company
“Seeing Red Cars by Laura Goodrich is not merely a metaphor. It is a powerful catalyst for personal, team, and organizational transformation. In this important new book, Laura has masterfully captured the critical element of success and failure: the focus of our attention. Seeing Red Cars is a much-needed wake-up call, inviting readers to shift their focus from what they don’t want onto what they truly want—and keep it there. Laura further provides a compelling formula for action to bring one’s focus from the domain of the imagination into the arena of actualization. Having used her material with great success in my own leadership seminars, I can recommend Seeing Red Cars without hesitation to anyone who wants to be more successful in any area of life. Focus on the principles of Seeing Red Cars and fasten your seat belt for an exciting ride to the future of your wants.”
—David Chard, former Director, Asia-Pacific Edelman Academy, and President, Engaging Minds, Hong Kong
“Seeing Red Cars is one of the most powerful messages I have ever come across. It’s crazy good. It changed my thought process immediately. Goodrich offers a constant reminder to ask others and myself what we want. I thought that I thought positively until I realized how much room for improvement I have! It is not only the best personal development process I’ve ever encountered, I believe that any organization can realize huge benefits from implementing this methodology. I can’t wait to share it with my customers and colleagues.”
—Kristin Ford, President, PC Training Source, and President, American Society for Training and Development, Twin Cities Chapter
“Seeing Red Cars provides a fresh perspective on facilitating successful change and is a very useful extension to the material that Laura has previously covered in her film on the same topic. Goodrich includes great case studies based on real-world experience and combines this with easy-to-understand theory based on solid scientific research. Seeing Red Cars is a practical guide for managers and leaders seeking to lead change more effectively. It has a range of easy-to-use tools that can be leveraged by both individuals and teams seeking to adopt a more positive mind-set. The Seeing Red Cars concept is also fun, which is an important element in getting people to buy into a new approach.”
—Tony Ritchie, Vice President for Technology, Asia Pacific Region, for a Fortune 100 company
“Goodrich has made it easy to focus on ‘what I do like’ about her book. Any book that identifies how a single change in mind-set can make a profound, positive difference in our lives is a book worth reading. The concept of Seeing Red Cars is elegance on wheels.”
—Leo Bottary, Vice President, Public Affairs, Vistage International, and Adjunct Professor, Master of Arts in Strategic Communication and Leadership program, Seton Hall University
“Seeing Red Cars is a must-read for anyone who is interested in individual or organizational transformation. As a human resources executive and life coach, I strongly recommend the book. The scientific knowledge is presented in an easy-to-read and engaging manner. The practical tools walk you through a process all readers can follow to bring about change in their company or their own life.”
—Lesa Hammond, PhD, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, Mills College