More Praise for The Female Vision
"The Female Vision provides an essential guidebook for leaders of the future. Those seeking to inspire and engage women's talents will find it indispensable."
—Frances Hesselbein, Distinguished Chair of
Leadership, US Military Academy, West Point, and
recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
"The book deserves our full attention! The authors make a compelling case for why we need to rethink leadership development and selection. They show why we desperately need leaders who exhibit broad-spectrum notice, find satisfaction in the daily experience of work, and have a penchant for viewing work in a larger social context."
—Linda A. Hill, Wallace Brett Donham Professor
of Business Administration and Faculty Chair,
The Leadership Initiative, Harvard Business School
"Nothing has more potential for healing the planet than the purposeful vision of women. This book paves the way!"
—Richard Leider, author of The Power of Purpose
"The world is experiencing a crisis of confidence about its leaders. The Female Vision shows how women can address this by redefining leadership. It's the right message for women and for girls!"
—Kathy Cloninger, CEO, Girl Scouts of the USA
"The Female Vision is essential for those who want to understand the real difference women's leadership can make to our economy and society by emphasizing the power of women's strategic thinking."
—Linda Basch, President, National Council for Research on Women
"The Female Vision digs deep to find the real reason women's progress has stalled and shows why companies have been so slow to adapt. Read it, believe it, live it!"
—Margaret Heffernan, author of Women on Top
"Women leaders are underrepresented today in the nonprofit sector as well as in the corporate world. The Female Vision clearly articulates what women uniquely bring to leadership of any organization."
—Susan E. Danish, Executive Director,
Association of Junior Leagues International
"The economic crisis provided a wake-up call. Organizations must do a better job of drawing on women's visionary talents. Thank you, Sally and Julie, for building the case!"
—Jacki Zehner, former partner, Goldman Sachs,
and Vice-Chair, Women's Funding Network
"Sally Helgesen and Julie Johnson show the price the world pays for not listening to women but also shows women what they must do to be heard."
—Michelle Clayman, founder and Chair, Clayman
Institute for Gender Research, Stanford University
" Visionary! Twenty-first century leadership, talent, and market imperatives make this book a mandatory management read. A real eye-opener."
—Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, author of How Women Mean Business
"The business case has been proven—financial results are far better with women in the C-suite and the boardroom. Sally and Julie's research shows CEOs how to set a new tone at the top by leveraging the competitive advantage of women's leadership."
—Janice Reals Ellig, Co-CEO, Chadick Ellig Executive Search
Advisors, and President, New York Women's Forum
"Provocative and timely. The Female Vision shows why what women see matters. It offers strategies for women seeking to develop their leadership capacity and actionable advice for employers to help them do so."
—Mary Brabeck, Dean, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education,
and Human Development, New York University
"Too much male-think brought the world's financial system to its knees. It's time to bring The Female Vision into the corner office!"
—Consuelo Mack, anchor and Managing Editor, WealthTrack
"Reading The Female Vision can help women assume greater control. As I read it, I kept thinking, "This is how I really think, feel, and work.'"
—Michele Coleman Mayes, Senior Vice President
and General Counsel, Allstate