301 Ways to Have Fun At Work



We wrote 301 Ways to Have Fun at Work for everyone who works: from line employees to managers, from contract workers to senior executives. The book is designed so that you can open it to any page and find valuable ideas to use immediately.

We have organized the book into seven sections to facilitate your finding a fun idea to suit your particular work situation or need. At the end of each section, we present an in-depth case study, which we call a “Fun Focus,” that illustrates the theme of the section. The sections are as follows:

image Work Environment: Giggle While You Work

image Communication: Funny You Should Say That

image Training: Learning the Fun-damentals

image Meetings: Having Fun—Wish You Were Here

image Recognition: Say It with Fun

image Team Building: How to Create Fun-atics

image Simple Acts of Fun


Look for the Fun Icons throughout the book, which identify

Fun Facts,

Fun Resources

and Fun Quotes.

There are even Dave and Leslie Icons, which identify stories we are telling or retelling.

In addition, we have included our Twelve-Step Method to Fun, a program we suggest you share with your coworkers, and follow by implementing one step a month for a year.

At the end of the book is our list of suggested readings—books we highly recommend for your reading pleasure and to aid you in your pursuit of fun at work.