Defining Your Ideal Professional and Personal Life
ON A beautiful day in early June—unusually warm after a bitter cold spring in the New York–New Jersey area—Ray and Carol drove to Coach Eric’s home. Ray thought that maybe their list of professional and personal ideals was too much to ask for. Even so, he had high hopes. He heard the tune “June Is Busting Out All Over” playing in his head and felt the warm sun of hope shining in his heart.
Coach Eric greeted Ray and Carol warmly. He invited them in for refreshments and listened as they gave him a recap of the frustrations they’d shared with Ed and Alanna.
“Ed and Alanna are two of my favorite people,” Coach said with a twinkle in his eye. “How much did they tell you about Aligned Thinking?”
Ray shared all that Ed and Alanna had told them. Then Carol added, “We are very curious about this Aligned Thinking that Ed and Alanna say is the key to their happiness. And we are both skeptical that we can align every action with what we really want.”
Coach smiled and said, “Great! That’s a great place to be in. Let me ask you not to worry about aligning every action. Years ago, before my clients helped me discover Aligned Thinking, I never dreamed I could align every action. And at the time I was not clear about what I really wanted.”
Carol and Ray found this reassuring. Coach continued. “Let me see your list of what you want in your ideal professional and personal life.”
Ray handed him their list and said rather apologetically, “I hope we are not asking for too much.”
Our Ideal Professional and Personal Life
We hope becoming Aligned Thinkers will help us
1.Overcome the frustration of too much to do
2.Increase accomplishment and satisfaction
3.Reduce stress
4.Increase quality personal and family time
5.Enhance meaning and happiness
Coach nodded approvingly. “There’s nothing here that becoming an Aligned Thinker can’t give you. I do have one request though. Would you add ‘make every moment count so life becomes a celebration’ to the list?”
Ray added the line and Coach continued, “When you understand the three questions that impact everyone daily and discover the MIN Secret, it will help you live your ideal professional and personal life or better. You’ll also be able to do some things most people find hard to believe, like achieve everything you plan each day and get rid of all interruptions.” With this, Ray and Carol were even more skeptical. However, their hope mounted with their skepticism.
With confidence, Coach continued, “But one step at a time. Let’s agree that if you feel you can’t do a step, you will immediately tell the person you’re working with. You’ll go on only when you’re comfortable with the present step.”
“Hard to believe, but agreed,” Ray said. Carol nodded with disbelief.
“Then let’s get started!” Coach said with a smile.