I would like to thank the friends and colleagues who have significantly affected my thinking about life and work in ways that helped me to arrive at The Power of Failure philosophy, especially the role that learning and development play in moving from setbacks to success. They include Hank Sims Jr., Chris Neck, Greg Stewart, Vikas Anand, Bob Marx, Jim Mancuso, Bob Mitchell, Peter Hom, Frank Shipper, Tedd Levitt, Tom Thompson, Tedd Mitchell, Chris Argyris, Richard Hackman, Denny Gioia, Ed Lawler, Kathi Lovelace, John Newstrom, Mike Beyerlein, Fred Luthans, Bill Glick, John Sheridan, Art Bedeian, Kevin Mossholder, Andy Van de Ven, Hal Angle, Mary Nichols, John Slocum, Mike Mahoney, and my wife and co-author, Karen Manz.
In addition, I thank the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and especially my Dean and Department Chairs in the Isenberg School of Management, Tom O'Brien, Bill Wooldridge, and Linda Smircich. The Administrative Resources Center, and especially Becky Jerome, have been very helpful with preparing my book manuscripts over the past few years. Special thanks go to Charles and Janet Nirenberg, whose generous gift made possible my current position as the Nirenberg Professor of Business Leadership.
I am also very grateful for the encouragement, support, and assistance I received from my editor Steven Piersanti and the very competent, wise, and compassionate staff at my publisher, Berrett-Koehler. Finally, I express my appreciation to all my other friends, colleagues, and to my extended family who have provided encouragement and support for me and my work through my many failures and successes over the years.
Charles C. Manz
February 2002