CHAPTER 9 Dislodge Log-Jamming Directives
To get what you want, you must communicate to others in a way that inspires them to give it to you.
Leaders especially want to make their mark on operations, stamp their philosophical footprint on minds, and leave their legacy on hearts and in hallways. They hope their work will be unique, pleasant, and profitable. Understandable goals. No leader intentionally creates a logjam. They want to set clear goals and increase productivity. No one intentionally delays or stops work that needs to be done.
All too often, however, new leaders (or seasoned leaders taking over in a new position) start out with directives or statements that set their team up for disappointment rather than the intended positive reaction and productivity boost. No matter the intention, the result is often delay, disillusionment, disengagement, and even derision.
"Give me your wish list, as if money were no object." Generally tossed out during strategic planning meetings or retreats, this comment—meant to start a brainstorming exercise—sounds like a generous gesture. The leader wants input on needs: What resources do staff members need to get the job done faster or better? Equipment? Tools? More people? Space?
The problem with this goodwill gesture from the new leader? Money is always an object—even when you have plenty of it. Even if venture capitalists have just dropped $200 million in your pocket, you'll have to justify why one project gets funded and another doesn't. When new manager after new manager arrives and encourages people to "dream big," but there's no basis for thinking the fairy godmother will fund the dream, this approach becomes tiresome to the troops. It simply takes everyone's time to submit ideas and saps their emotional energy to see no result from the effort.
"I'd like us to blow this up and try to rebuild it from the ground up." For all our complaining, most of us are attached to our work. We take pride in our achievements. Yes, we're open to progress, change, improvements, growth. But to have a new leader walk in and talk about "rebuilding" implies that what has gone before has become worthless. Many employees consider it arrogance for a new leader to begin "change for change's sake" before he or she knows what's what and why what's what.
Whether you're talking about processes, procedures, or products, understand that phrasing counts. "Modify," maybe. "Upgrade," probably. But "rebuild" will most often create a wall of resistance.
"Let's put everything on hold until I get a better understanding." What does "on hold" mean? Literally stop work? Stop planning? Stop doing? Stop funding? Stop signing contracts? Notify all departments/people related to the project? For how long? Do what in the meantime? What if "this" is my primary job at the moment? This comment sets up a major logjam, with the boss blocking workflow.
A more positive phrasing: "I'm going to put my plans on hold for a few weeks until I do some listening. I want to hear about your projects and progress, get your opinions on what you're doing and why, and gather your feedback. Then we can move forward together."
"Check back with me before we make a final commitment on that." This directive has the same effect as the previous one—a bottleneck while productivity decreases to a spurt here and there. The only difference with this comment is the additional fear it generates with the "until I get a better understanding" omitted. Employees may fear this check-back directive suggests the leader's ongoing management style: tight control with little room for personal initiative and decision making.
A more positive phrasing: "Please keep me updated as things move along until I can get myself up to speed on your projects."
If you're a new leader, winning the trust of your team will be one of your top priorities. To do that, instead of immediately issuing directives, listen. Take a breath to find out what's in play and how the score stands. Ask about individual goals. Share your goals with the team. And then invite them to join your mission. From the very beginning, they need to see you as a real partner—not a roadblock to their productivity.