Collaboration Begins with You
Collaboration Begins with You
Copyright © 2015 by Polvera Publishing, Jane Ripley and Eunice Parisi-Carew
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Ken Blanchard

To my father and mother, Ted and Dorothy Blanchard, who came from completely different backgrounds but modeled collaboration in over fifty years of marriage.
Jane Ripley

To my late father, Bill (William) Anderson, who always taught me it is better to collaborate than to just cooperate. To my mother, Betty, who provided the support for my research and the confidence to write it up as a story. You are my inspiration.
Eunice Parisi-Carew

I would like to dedicate this book not to a person, but to a community of people who make up the faculty of NTL Institute. NTL is an organization committed to democratizing organizations and social justice. These values are deeply instilled in its members, and it continues to be a guiding force in my life.