董晨君 滕建州 刘志蛟[2]
关键词:人民币国际化 汇率预期 汇率 时变参数向量自回归模型
中图分类号:F832.6 文献标识码:A
The Study of Relationship between RMB Internationalization and Exchange Rate Expectation
——Based on SV-TVP-VAR Model
Dong Chenjun Teng Jianzhou Liu Zhijiao
Abstract:Based on the theoretical analysis of RMB internationalization,exchange rate and exchange rate expectation,this paper uses the VAR model and the stochastic volatility time-varying parameter vector autoregressive model to empirically analyze the linkage among RMB internationalization,exchange rate and exchange rate expectation from December 2005 to March 2017. The result shows that,there is a same direction relationship between RMB exchange rate,exchange rate expectation and internationalization of RMB on average. But before the financial crisis,the exchange rate expectation has a negative effect on RMB internationalization. The result also shows that,the positive impact of RMB internationalization and exchange rate on exchange rate expectation is stable,and the short-term impact is the largest. The RMB exchange rate has a positive effect on the internationalization of the RMB in the short term,but it will gradually decline in the medium and long term. The positive impact of exchange rate expectations on RMB internationalization is persistent,and increases gradually with time. In the process of exchange rate expectation management,we should pay attention to the short-term effect of spot exchange rate at first,then the influence of RMB internationalization should be taken into account. When promoting RMB internationalization,we should focus on exchange rate expectation management.
Keywords:RMB Internationalization Exchange Rate Expectation Exchange Rate TVP-VAR Model