Unit 2 自我介绍 Self-Introduction
family[ˈfæməli] n.家,家庭;亲属
In 1980s in China, few families have television.
同义词kin[kin] n.(总称)亲属,家属
相关词family tree家谱;家谱图;
family planning计划生育;
royal family王室,皇族
习语put sb in the family way使某人怀孕;
run in the family世代相传
medium[ˈmi:diəm] adj.中等的;n.手段,媒介
I was born in a medium-sized rural family.
相关词large[lɑ:dʒ] adj.大号的(L);
small[smɔ:l] adj.小号的(S);
medium[ˈmi:djəm] adj.中号的(M)
习语the happy medium中庸之道,折中办法
age[eidʒ] n.年龄;时代;v.变旧;成熟
What's your age?
同义词time of life年龄
相关词aged[ˈeidʒid] adj.老的,老年的;
ageing[ˈeidʒiŋ] adj.变老的;老化的;
agelong[ˈeidʒlɔŋ] adj.长年的;持续很久的;久远的;
ageless[ˈeidʒlis] adj.不会老的,长生不老的
习语at a tender age年幼而未成熟的;
in this day and age现时代,当今;
the awkward age尴尬年龄(青春期的一段时期,青少年在此期间缺乏自信心,难以适应成人生活)
name[neim] n.名字;名称
Write down your name and address on the form.
相关词namesake[ˈneimseik] n.同名的人(或物);
anonymous[əˈnɔniməs] adj.不知名的;名字不公开的;
nameless[ˈneimlis] adj.无名的;不知名的
习语drag sb's name through the mud使某人蒙羞
谚语A good name is better than great riches.
A good name is sooner lost than won.
surname[ˈsə:neim] n.姓氏;别号
In our country, we put the surname first.
同义词family name姓氏;last name姓氏
相关词appellation[ˌæpəˈleiʃən] n.名称,称呼;
given name教名,名字
ancestor[ˈænsistə] n.祖宗,祖先
Monkey and human share one ancestor.
同义词forebear[ˈfɔ:bɛə] n.祖宗,祖先;
forefather[ˈfɔ:ˌfɑ:ðə] n.祖宗,祖先(尤指男性)
相关词ancestry[ˈænsistri] n.(统称)祖宗,祖先;
descendant[diˈsendənt] n.后裔,后代;
posterity[pɔsˈteriti] n.后裔,子孙
相关短语be one's own ancestor自己当始祖(指不靠父祖余荫,自立特殊功勋)
human[ˈhju:mən] n.人,人类;adj.人类的
You know that human life is limited, but you still don't cherish every day.
同义词humankind[ˈhju:mənˌkaind] n.(统称)人类;
human being人类
相关词humanism[ˈhju:mənizəm] n.人文主义;
humanist[ˈhju:mənist] n.人文主义者;
humane[hju:ˈmein] adj.仁慈的;
human interest人情世故;
human rights人权
习语the milk of human kindness人类的善良天性;
to err is human人孰无过(宽恕为上)
individual[ˌindiˈvidjuəl] adj.个别的
Each individual person should be responsible for his own future.
反义词whole[həul] adj.全部的,完整的
相关词individualism[indiˈvidjuəlizəm] n.个人主义;
individualist[indiˈvidjuəlist] n.个人主义者;
individualistic[ˌindiˌvidjuəˈlistik] adj.个人主义者的;利己主义者的
generation[ˌdʒenəˈreiʃən] n.一代人;发生;繁殖
We are the cross-century generation and shoulder heavy mission .
相关词generative[ˈdʒenərətiv] adj.有生殖能力的;有生产能力的;
generator[ˈdʒenəreitə] n.生殖者;创造者;发生者;
generation gap代沟(两代人之间态度的差异或隔阂);
beat generation垮掉的一代;
lost generation迷惘的一代;
wakening generation觉醒的一代
senior[ˈsi:niə] adj.地位高的;年长的;资深的
My senior brother works in one state-owned enterprise.
同义词elder[ˈeldə] adj.年长的
反义词junior[ˈdʒu:niə] adj.年少的;资历较浅的
相关词seniority[si:niˈɔriti] n.年长;资历深;职位高;
senior citizen老年人
relation[riˈleiʃən] n.亲属,亲戚
All my relations live in this city, so we often meet on weekends.
同义词relative[ˈrelətiv] n.亲戚,亲属;
folks[fəulks] n.亲属
相关词related[riˈleitid] adj.有亲属关系的;
relationship[riˈleiʃənʃip] n.关系;亲属关系;
blood relation血亲,骨肉
习语have(sexual)relations with sb与某人发生(性)关系;
in/with relation to sb/sth与某人/某事物有关;
a poor relation穷亲戚;较同类逊色的人或事物
parent[ˈpɛərənt] n.父亲;母亲;家长
My parents are industrious farmers.
相关词parentage[ˈpɛərəntidʒ] n.出身,家世;
parental[pəˈrentl] adj.父母的,双亲的;
parenthood[ˈpɛərənthud] n.做父母的身份;
parenting[ˈpeərəntiŋ] n.养育,抚养;
parent-in-law[ˈpɛərəntinˌlɔ:] n.公婆;岳父母;
daughter-in-law[ˈdɔ:təinˌlɔ:] n.儿媳
father[ˈfɑ:ðə] n.父亲
You've been a father to me since my childhood.
相关词fatherless[ˈfɑ:ðəlis] adj.没有父亲的;
fatherly[ˈfɑ:ðəli] adj.父亲的,慈父般的;
fatherhood[ˈfɑ:ðəhud] n.父亲的身份;
fatherlike[ˈfa:ðəlaik] adj.如父亲的;慈爱的;
father-in-law[ˈfɑ:ðəinlɔ:] n.岳父(公公)
习语be gathered to one's father随先人于地下,死;
谚语Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。
A miserly father makes a prodigal son.
The child is father of the man.
mother[ˈmʌðə] n.母亲,妈妈
As is known to all that failure is the mother of success, so we shouldn't be afraid of failure in our life.
相关词mothering[ˈmʌðəriŋ] n.省亲,探亲;
motherhood[ˈmʌðəhud] n.母亲身份;母性;
motherless[ˈmʌðəlis] adj.无母亲的;
motherly[ˈmʌðəli] adj.慈母般的;
mother-in-law[ˈmʌðərinlɔ:] n.岳母(婆婆);
maternal[məˈtə:nl] adj.母亲的;母亲般慈爱的
习语Necessity is the mother of invention.需要是发明之母。
marry[ˈmæri] v.娶;嫁;和……结婚
My sister married a foreigner.
反义词divorce[diˈvɔ:s] v.离婚
相关词marital[ˈmæritl] adj.婚姻的;夫妻的;
marriage[ˈmæridʒ] n.结婚;婚姻;
marriageable[ˈmæridʒəbl] adj.适宜结婚的,达到结婚年龄的
谚语Marriage comes by destiny.姻缘命中注定。
husband[ˈhʌzbənd] n.丈夫;v.节俭地使用
A bad husband makes a bad wife.
相关词wife[waif] n.妻子;
husbandman[ˈhʌzbəndmən] n.庄稼人;百姓;
husbandlike[ˈhʌzbəndlaik] adj.善于管理农活的;
son-in-law[sʌninlɔ:] n.女婿
习语husband and wife夫妇
谚语It is too late to husband when all is spent.花光了再讲节约,为时已晚。
man[mæn] n.男人;人类
Man is the mainstay of a family .
反义词woman[ˈwumən] n.成年女子,妇女
习语as one man一齐;一致;
be one's own man能独立自主;能做主;
be man enough(to do sth)有足够勇气(做某事);
make a man(out)of sb使某人长大成人
grandparent[ˈgrændˌpɛərənt] n.祖父(母);外祖父(母)
My grandparent is the only party member in my family.
相关词grandfather[ˈgrændˌfɑ:ðə] n.(外)祖父;
grandpa[ˈgrændpɑ:] n.爷爷;外公;
grandmother[ˈgrændˌmʌðə] n.(外)祖母;
grandma[ˈgrændmɑ:] n.奶奶;外婆
offspring[ˈɔ:fspriŋ] n.孩子,子女
As offspring of farmers, we all should carry forward the style of hard work and plain living.
相关词son[sʌn] n.儿子;
daughter[ˈdɔ:tə] n.女儿;
firstborn[ˈfə:stbɔ:n] n.头胎;
illegitimate[ˌiliˈdʒitimit] adj.私生的;非法的
grandchild[ˈgrændtʃaild] n.(外)孙子;(外)孙女
My grandfather has five grandchildren.
相关词grandson[ˈgrændsʌn] n.孙子;外孙;
granddaughter[ˈgrænˌdɔ:tə] n.孙女;外孙女
brother[ˈbrʌðə] n.兄弟
My brother and I graduated from the same university.
相关词brotherly[ˈbrʌðəli] adj.兄弟般的;亲切友好的;
brother-in-law[ˈbrʌðərinlɔ:] n.姐夫;妹夫;
brotherliness[ˈbrʌðəlinis] n.友爱;手足之情
习语brothers in arms战友
cousin[ˈkʌzn] n.表(堂)兄弟姐妹
The boy is my husband's cousin, so we are distantly related.
相关词nephew[ˈnefju:] n.侄儿;外甥;
niece[ni:s] n.侄女;外甥女;
second cousin父母的表(堂)兄弟姐妹的孩子;
remote cousin远房表亲
相关短语call cousins with sb和某人攀亲戚;称兄道弟
习语a country cousin乡下人,乡巴佬
uncle[ˈʌŋkl] n.叔父;伯父;舅父;姑父
The little boy is proud that his uncle works in the government.
相关词aunt[ɑ:nt] n.婶母;伯母;舅母;姑母
习语bob's your uncle易如反掌;
talk to sb like a Dutch uncle严厉而善意地教训某人
orphan[ˈɔ:fən] n.孤儿
The old man used all of his money to help orphans.
相关词orphanage[ˈɔ:fənidʒ] n.孤儿院;
orphanhood[ˈɔ:fənˌhud] n.孤儿身份;
foundling[ˈfaundliŋ] n.弃儿;
orphanize[ˈɔ:fənaiz] v.使成孤儿
fellow[ˈfeləu] n.同辈;同事;adj.同类的;同伴的
Most of my fellows have married.
相关词fellow feeling同病相怜;同感;
fellow traveler同路人
nationality[ˌnæʃəˈnæləti] n.国籍;民族
China is made up of 56 nationalities.
同义词race[reis] n.民族
相关词nationalism[ˈnæʃənəlizəm] n.民族性;民族主义;
nationalist[ˈnæʃənəlist] n.民族主义者;国家主义者;
nationalistic[ˌnæʃənəˈlistik] adj.民族主义的;国家的
class[klɑ:s] n.阶层;阶级
She didn't think that the marriage from different classes would have a happy ending.
同义词stratum[ˈstreitəm] n.阶层;rank[ræŋk] n.阶层
相关词middle class中产阶级;upper class上等阶层
相关短语at the top of one's class出类拔萃;居首位;
be classed with归入……类
习语in a class of one's/its own独一无二,无以伦比
youth[ju:θ] n.年轻人;青年时期
The youth is the future of our country, so in youth we have to study well.
同义词youngster[ˈjʌŋstə] n.年轻人
相关词youthful[ˈju:θful] adj.朝气蓬勃的;
young[jʌŋ] adj.年轻的;
youngish[ˈjʌŋiʃ] adj.颇年轻的;
young offender少年犯
习语in the first flush of youth青春的初期
character[ˈkæriktə] n.性格;特点
Everyone has his own unique character.
同义词personality[ˌpə:səˈnæliti] n.性格
相关词characteristic[ˌkæriktəˈristik] adj.独特的,特有的;
characterize[ˈkæriktəraiz] v.以……为特征;
characterless[ˈkæriktəlis] adj.无个性的;平凡的
相关短语gain the character of...博得……的名声;
give sb a good character颂扬某人
习语in/out of character合乎/不合乎某人的性格
optimistic[ˌɔptiˈmistik] adj.乐观的
We must never stop being optimistic to life.
相关词optimism[ˈɔptimizəm] n.乐观;乐观主义;
optimist[ˈɔptimist] n.乐观的人;
optimistically[ɔptəˈmistikli] adv.乐观地,乐天地;
positive[ˈpɔzitiv] adj.自信的,积极乐观的
pessimistic[ˌpesiˈmistik] adj.悲观的
Though we are in adverse circumstance, we still can't become pessimistic or lose confidence.
相关词pessimism[ˈpesimizəm] n.悲观;悲观主义;
pessimist[ˈpesimist] n.悲观主义者;
pessimistically[ˈpesiˈmistikli] adv.悲观地
相关短语take a pessimistic view of...对……抱悲观态度
brave[breiv] adj.勇敢的;无所畏惧的n.勇敢的人;v.勇敢地面对
The door to success is always open to the brave.
同义词gallant[ˈgælənt] adj.勇敢的
相关词bravery[ˈbreivəri] n.勇敢,大胆;
bravely[ˈbreivli] adv.勇敢地
相关短语brave it out拼命干到底;
brave danger and hardships冒着危险和艰难
习语a brave new world美好的新世界
谚语None but the brave deserve the fair.英雄才能配美人。
courageous[kəˈreidʒəs] adj.勇敢的;无畏的
She is very courageous to challenge the leader's decision.
相关词courage[ˈkʌridʒ] n.勇气;勇敢;
encourage[inˈkʌridʒ] v.鼓励,激励;
encouragement[inˈkʌridʒmənt] n.鼓舞,鼓励;
discourage[disˈkʌridʒ] v.使灰心,使泄气;
discouragement[disˈkʌridʒmənt] n.泄气,灰心
serious[ˈsiəriəs] adj.严肃的;庄重的
We should take a serious attitude towards science.
同义词solemn[ˈsɔləm] adj.严肃的
相关词seriously[ˈsiəriəsli] adv.严肃地;认真地;
seriousness[ˈsiəriəsnis] n.严肃;认真;
seriousminded[ˈsiəriəsˈmaindid] adj.严肃的;认真的
相关短语pretending to be serious煞有介事地
习语take sb/sth seriously认真对待某人/某事物
confident[ˈkɔnfidənt] adj.自信的
He is confident that he can overcome all the difficulties in life.
同义词sanguine[ˈsæŋgwin] adj.自信的
反义词diffident[ˈdifidənt] adj.缺乏信心的
相关词confidently[ˈkɔnfədəntli] adv.自信地;
confidence[ˈkɔnfidəns] n.信心
dignified[ˈdignifaid] adj.庄重的;有尊严的;高贵的
He maintained a dignified silence about the rumors.
同义词stately[ˈsteitli] adj.庄严的
相关词dignity[ˈdigniti] n.庄重;庄严;
dignify[ˈdignifai] v.使有尊严;使崇高;
undignified[ʌnˈdignifaid] adj.不体面的;不庄重的
modest[ˈmɔdist] adj.谦逊的,谦虚的
He's very modest about his achievement.
同义词humble[ˈhʌmbl] adj.谦逊的,谦虚的
相关词modesty[ˈmɔdisti] n.谦虚,谦逊;
humility[hju:ˈmiliti] n.谦逊,谦虚
cautious[ˈkɔ:ʃəs] adj.小心的,谨慎的
Only a cautious researcher can get great success.
同义词prudent[ˈpru:dənt] adj.谨慎的;
discreet[diˈskri:t] adj.(言行)谨慎的
反义词careless[ˈkeəlis] adj.粗心的;草率的
相关词caution[ˈkɔ:ʃən] n.谨慎,小心;慎重;
prudence[ˈpru:dəns] n.慎重;谨慎
patient[ˈpeiʃənt] adj.有耐心的
Be patient with the baby, he needs your love.
反义词impatient[imˈpeiʃənt] adj.不耐烦的
相关词patiently[ˈpeiʃəntli] adv.耐心地;
patience[ˈpeiʃəns] n.耐心;忍耐力
meek[mi:k] adj.温顺的;顺从的
He is confessing to a meek and charitable clergyman.
同义词submissive[səbˈmisiv] adj.顺从的;
biddable[ˈbidəbl] adj.顺从的
相关词meekly[ˈmi:kli] adv.温顺地;
meekness[ˈmi:knis] n.温顺;顺从;
vaunting[ˈvɔ:ntiŋ] adj.傲慢的;
unyielding[ʌnˈji:ldiŋ] adj.不屈服的;坚硬的
gentle[ˈdʒentl] adj.温柔的;慈祥的
The newcomer is introducing herself in a gentle voice.
同义词tender[ˈtendə] adj.温柔的;
mild[maild] adj.温和的
反义词truculent[ˈtrʌkjulənt] adj.残暴的;凶狠的
相关词gently[ˈdʒentli] adv.温柔地;温和地;
gentlefolk[ˈdʒentlfəuk] n.上流人士;名门世家;
gentleness[ˈdʒentlnis] n.温和;温柔
习语gently does it要慢些;小心做这事
strict[strikt] adj.严格的;严谨的;严厉的
There is a strict rule against smoking in the office.
同义词severe[siˈviə] adj.严厉的;严格的;
stern[stə:n] adj.严厉的;严格的
相关词strictly[ˈstriktli] adv.严格地;
severely[siˈviəli] adv.严格地
习语strictly speaking严格来说
calm[kɑ:m] 镇定的;平静的;adj. v.使平静n.安静;风平浪静
Now keep calm. The police are on their way.
相关词calmness[ˈkɑ:mnis] n.平静;安静;
calmative[ˈkælmətiv] adj.镇静的
相关短语calm sb down使某人平静/镇静下来
习语the calm before the storm暴风雨前的平静(在预料到激烈的活动、情绪等即将爆发之前的反常的平静时期)
resolute[ˈrezəˌlu:t] adj.坚决的;果断的
Before the war, he had made full preparation to take resolute action.
同义词determined[diˈtə:mind] adj.坚决的;果断的;
purposeful[ˈpə:pəsfəl] adj.果断的
反义词irresolute[iˈrezəlu:t] adj.优柔寡断的
相关词resolution[ˌrezəˈlu:ʃən] n.正式决定;决心;
indubitable[inˈdju:bitəbəl] adj.不容置疑的
candid[ˈkændid] adj.坦率的,直率的;公正的
To be candid, I don't like the way you speak.
同义词straightforward[streitˈfɔ:wəd] adj.坦率的;
frank[fræŋk] adj.直率的;
outspoken[autˈspəukən] adj.坦率的
相关词candidly[ˈkændidli] adv.坦率地;
candor[ˈkændə] n.坦率
相关短语be candid with you实不相瞒,不瞒你说
energetic[ˌenəˈdʒetik] adj.精力充沛的;积极的
He is an energetic and active-minded student.
同义词gumptious[ˈɡʌmpʃəs] adj.精力充沛的;
vigorous[ˈvigərəs] adj.精力充沛的
相关词energy[ˈenədʒi] n.精力,活力;
energize[ˈenədʒaiz] v.使充满热情;
energetics[ˌenəˈdʒetiks] n.热力学;能量学
fear[fiə] n.害怕,恐惧;v.畏惧,害怕
Don't fear the future and remember that you can control your own life.
同义词dread[dred] v.畏惧;n.恐惧
反义词boldness[ˈbəuldnis] n.大胆
相关词fearsome[ˈfiəsəm] adj.可怕的,吓人的;
fearless[ˈfiələs] adj.不怕的,无畏的;
fearmonger[ˈfiəˌmʌŋgə] n.散布恐惧心理者
习语put the fear of God into sb使某人非常恐惧;
there's not much fear of sth某事不太可能发生
introverted[ˈintrəvə:tid] adj.内向的;不喜欢交往的
Compared to other children in this family, Tom is introverted.
反义词extroverted[ˈekstrəvə:tid] adj.外向的;喜欢社交的
相关词introvert[ˈintrəuˌvə:t] n.内向的人;不喜欢交往的人;
introversion[ˌintrəuˈvə:ʃən] n.性格内向;内向性
easygoing[ˌi:ziˈgəuiŋ] adj.随和的;悠闲自在的;从容的
My girlfriend is an easygoing person, she never gets angry.
同义词leisurely[ˈleʒəli] adj.从容的
相关词easygoingness[ˌi:ziˈgəuiŋnis] n.随和;悠闲
silent[ˈsailənt] adj.不爱说话的,少言寡语的
After the death of his mother, he has been silent all day.
同义词quiet[ˈkwaiət] adj.寡言少语的;
withdrawn[wiðˈdrɔ:n] adj.沉默寡言的
反义词talkative[ˈtɔ:kətiv] adj.健谈的;爱说话的
习语the silent majority沉默的多数(不能或不愿公开表达意见的中间群众)
rash[ræʃ] adj.轻率的,鲁莽的
Please calm down. Don't be rash to make a decision.
同义词reckless[ˈrekləs] adj.鲁莽的,轻率的;
impetuous[imˈpetjuəs] adj.鲁莽的
相关词rashly[ˈræʃli] adv.轻率地;
daredevil[ˈdɛəˌdevl] n.鲁莽大胆的人,冒失鬼;
impetuosity[imˌpetjuˈɔsiti] n.急躁,冲动
coward[ˈkauəd] n.胆小鬼,懦夫
Remember that you are not a coward and be brave enough to face the life.
同义词weakling[ˈwi:kliŋ] n.懦夫
相关词cowardice[ˈkauədis] n.胆小,怯懦;
cowardly[ˈkauədli] adj.胆小的
谚语Cowards are cruel.胆小鬼总是残忍的。
shy[ʃai] adj.羞怯的;腼腆的;胆怯的
The shy little boy hid in the corner crying secretly.
同义词timid[ˈtimid] adj.羞怯的;胆怯的;
bashful[ˈbæʃfəl] adj.羞怯的;
coy[kɔi] adj.羞怯的,腼腆的
反义词bold[bəuld] adj.厚脸皮的,不害羞的
相关短语shy away from sth/doing sth(因害羞、恐惧等)避免或逃避做某事
习语fight shy of sth/sb避开某事物/某人;
谚语Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
stubborn[ˈstʌbən] adj.固执的,执拗的;顽固的
That stubborn man refused to change his decision.
同义词headstrong[ˈhedstrɔŋ] adj.顽固的;
obstinate[ˈɔbstinit] adj.顽固的;固执的
相关词stubbornly[ˈstʌbənli] adv.固执地,执拗地;
obduracy[ˈɔbdjurəsi] n.顽固;固执
习语as stubborn as a mule非常执拗或顽固,顽固不化
capricious[kəˈpriʃəs] adj.任性的
The capricious little boy has no friend.
同义词willful[ˈwilfəl] adj.任性的;
self-willed[ˈselfwild] adj.任性的
相关词capriciously[kəˈpriʃəsli] adv.任性地;善变地;
capriciousness[kəˈpriʃəsnis] n.任性;善变;
caprice[kəˈpri:s] n.反复无常,任性
sentimental[ˌsentiˈmentl] adj.多愁善感的
My sentimental mother is moved by the love story.
相关词sentiment[ˈsentimənt] n.伤感,柔情;
sentimentalist[ˌsentiˈmentəlist] n.多愁善感的人;
sentimentality[ˌsentimenˈtæliti] n.多愁善感
apathetic[ˌæpəˈθetik] adj.冷漠的,缺乏兴趣的
Today young people are so apathetic about politics.
同义词impassive[imˈpæsiv] adj.冷漠的
反义词passionate[ˈpæʃənit] adj.热情的;充满激情的;
vehement[ˈviəmənt] adj.热烈的,激烈的
相关词apathy[ˈæpəθi] n.冷漠,淡漠;
apathetically[ˌæpəˈθetikli] adv.冷漠地
irritable[ˈiritəbəl] adj.易怒的
He was irritable and always hit children.
同义词testy[ˈtesti] adj.易怒的;
irascible[iˈræsəbəl] adj.易发怒的
相关词irritability[ˌiritəˈbiləti] n.易怒;
irascibility[iˌræsəˈbiləti] n.易怒,脾气暴躁
obedient[əˈbi:djənt] adj.顺从的,唯命是从的
Obedient character is your fatal weakness.
反义词disobedient[ˌdisəˈbi:diənt] adj.不顺从的;
contumacious[ˌkɔntjuˈmeiʃəs] adj.违抗的,不服从的
相关词obedience[əˈbi:djəns] n.服从,顺从;
obey[əˈbei] v.服从,顺从;
disobey[ˌdisəˈbei] v.不顺从,违抗;
impertinent[imˈpə:tinənt] adj.无礼的;鲁莽的
习语Your(most)obedient servant.拜上,谨启(等)(信尾用语)
animated[ˈænimeitid] adj.活跃的,生气勃勃的
The animated discussion continued late into the night.
同义词lively[ˈlaivli] adj.活跃的;
active[ˈæktiv] adj.活跃的
相关词animation[ˌæniˈmeiʃən] n.活力,富有生命力;
animate[ˈænimit] v.使具活力,使生气勃勃;
animator[ˈænimeitə] n.动画的制作者
kindergarten[ˈkindəˌgɑ:tn] n.幼儿园
The children are playing in the kindergarten.
同义词preschool[ˈpri:ˈsku:l] n. 幼儿园
相关词kindergartener[ˈkindəˌgɑ:tnə] n. 幼儿园老师;
multi-class kindergarten多班幼儿园
elementary school[ˌeləˈmentəri][sku:l](美国)小学
My son in elementary school is very naughty.
同义词primary school(英国)小学;
junior school小学;grade school小学
school[sku:l] n.学校
I graduated from the second experimental school in this city.
相关词schooldays[sku:ldeiz] n.学生时代;
schoolteacher[ˈsku:lˌti:tʃə] n.(中小学)教师;
school leaver中学毕业生;
school age学龄;学龄期
习语a school of thought有类似观点的一批人;学派;
one of the old school老派人物;保守人物
college[ˈkɔlidʒ] n.大学;学院
It's very easy for these students that graduated from this college to find jobs.
同义词university[ˌju:niˈvə:siti] n.(综合性)大学
相关词collegiate[kəˈli:dʒiit] adj.大学的;学院的;
tertiary college高等院校
undergraduate college大学本科
academy[əˈkædəmi] n.专科学院
My son is studying in an academy of music.
相关词academia[ˌækəˈdi:miə] n.学术界;
academic[ˌækəˈdemik] adj.学院的;学术的;
academician[əˌkædəˈmiʃən] n.院士;学会会员;
art academy艺术院校
graduate[ˈgrædjueit] v.毕业
I graduated from university as an English major student.
相关词graduateship[ˈɡrædjueitʃip] n.研究生的身份;
graduator[ˈɡrædjueitə] n.分度器;刻度员;
graduation[ˌɡrædjuˈeiʃən] n.(大学毕业时)授学位,毕业典礼
相关短语graduate sb from sth授予某人学位、毕业文凭等
major[ˈmeidʒə] v.主修
She majored in philosophy at Tsinghua University.
反义词minor[ˈmainə] v.辅修
相关词selective course选修课;
required courses必修课;
elective course选修课
相关短语major in sth主修(大专院校的)科目
lesson[ˈlesən] n.课,课程
I like to review lessons with my friends.
相关短语give lesson in教授……课程;
give sb a lesson教训某人
习语learn one's lesson吸取教训
course[kɔ:s] n.课程,讲座
Training courses will benefit to your future work.
相关词forum[ˈfɔ:rəm] n.讨论会,论坛;
syllabus[ˈsiləbəs] n.课程表;
course consultant课程顾问
specialize[ˈspeʃəlaiz] v.专门研究,专攻
What did you specialize in?
相关词specialized[ˈspeʃəlaizd] adj.专门的;
speciality[ˌspeʃiˈæliti] n.专业;专长;
specialist[ˈspeʃəlist] n.专家;专门医师;
dabble[ˈdæbəl] v.涉足,浅尝
相关短语specialize in sth在某方面成为专家,专门从事
degree[diˈgri:] n.学位;程度
I received my degree of BA last month.
相关词MA=Master of Arts文科硕士;
MS=Master of Science理科硕士;
MBA=Master of Business Administration工商管理硕士;
BA=Bachelor of Arts文科学士;
BS=Bachelor of Science理科学士
习语by degrees逐渐地;
to a degree非常;在某种程度上
master[ˈmɑ:stə] n.硕士;大师
Our intensive English teacher is a master from Nanjing University.
相关词mastership[ˈmɑ:stəʃip] n.硕士学位;精通;熟练;
masterless[ˈmɑ:stəlis] adj.无主人的;无主的
习语master in one's own house自己做主,自己说了算;
one's lord and master丈夫,夫君
doctorate[ˈdɔktərit] n.博士学位
She is studying for a doctorate.
相关词doctoral [ˈdɔktərəl] adj.博士的;博士学位的;
doctor[ˈdɔktə] n.博士;
doctorship[ˈdɔktəʃip] n.博士学位;
post doctorate博士后
library[ˈlaibrəri] n.图书馆
When in university, I spent most of time in library.
相关词librarian[laiˈbrɛəriən] n.图书馆馆长;图书馆管理员;
librarianship[laiˈbrɛəriənʃip] n.图书管理者的工作;
reference library参考书阅览室(图书不外借);
reading room阅览室
professor[prəˈfesə] n.教授
She became a professor at the age of 30.
相关词professorial[ˌprɔfiˈsɔ:riəl] adj.教授的;像教授的;
professorship[prəˈfesəʃip] n.教授的职位;
assistant[əˈsistənt] n.助教;
associate professor副教授
scholarship[ˈskɔləʃip] n.奖学金
As an excellent student, he wins national scholarship every year.
同义词bursary[ˈbə:səri] n.奖学金
相关词scholar[ˈskɔlə] n.学者;奖学金获得者;
scholarly[ˈskɔləli] adj.学术性的;有学问的;
financial aid助学贷款,助学金
comprehensive[ˌkɔmpriˈhensiv] adj.全面的,综合的
Her daughter has been studying at the local comprehensive school.
同义词integrated[ˈintigreitid] adj.综合的
反义词incomprehensive[inˌkɔmpriˈhensiv] adj.包含不丰富的
相关词comprehensive faculty理解力;
comprehensive English综合英语;
comprehensively[kɔmpriˈhensivli] adv.全面地;彻底地
相关短语be comprehensive of包含……
tutor[ˈtju:tə] n.导师;家庭教师
Her tutor said she could make greater success in the future.
相关词tutorial[tju:ˈtɔ:riəl] adj.辅导的;个别指导的;
tutorship[ˈtju:təʃip] n.导师职务;
research supervisor研究生导师
lecture[ˈlektʃə] n.讲座;v.给……讲课;讲授
Father is lecturing on Modern Chinese History.
相关词lecturer[ˈlektʃərə] n.授课者,(英国大学的)讲师;
lecturee [ˌlektʃəˈri:] n.听讲演者;
lectureship[ˈletʃəʃip] n.(英国大学的)讲师职位;
lecture theater阶梯教室
习语lecture sb for/about sth就某事斥责或告诫某人
coach[kəutʃ] n.教练;辅导教师;四轮大马车v.训练;指导
When I was a child, father coached me to ride a bike.
相关词coaching[ˈkəutʃiŋ] n.训练;指导;
coachman[ˈkəutʃmən] n.马车夫;
coachwork[ˈkəutʃwə:k] n.汽车车身的设计;制造和装配
相关短语coach sb for/in sth辅导或训练某人
习语drive a coach and horses through sth钻(法律或规章的)空子
maths[mæθs] n.数学
Maths is my favourite subject.
相关词mathematician[ˌmæθiməˈtiʃən] n.数学家;
mathematical[ˌmæθəˈmætikl] adj.数学的;精确的;
mathematically[mæθəˈmætikəli] adv.数学上地
economics[i:kəˈnɔmiks] n.经济学;经济
Parents tried their best to persuade me to learn economics.
相关词economist[i:ˈkɔnəmist] n.经济学家;
economic[ˌi:kəˈnɔmik] adj.经济的,经济上的;
economize[iˈkɔnəmaiz] v.节约;
economism[iˈkɔnəmizəm] n.经济主义
agronomy[əˈgrɔnəmi] n.农学,农艺学
He devoted all his life to studying agronomy.
相关词agriculturalist[ˌægriˈkʌltʃərəlist] n.农学家;
agronomic[ˌægrəˈnɔmik] adj.农艺学的;农事的;
agronomics[ˌæɡrəuˈnɔmiks] n.农业经济学;
agrology[əˈgrɔlədʒi] n.农业土壤学;
agrotechny[ˈæɡrəutekni] n.农产品加工学
diplomacy[diˈpləuməsi] n.外交学;外交手腕;外交
Diplomacy is the key to develop economy.
相关词diplomat[ˈdipləmæt] n.外交官,外交家;
diplomatist[diˈpləumətist] n.外交官;
diplomatize[diˈpləumətaiz] v.运用外交方法,施展外交手腕;
diplomatism[diˈpləumətizəm] n.外交,外交手腕
literature[ˈlitərətʃə] n.文学;文学作品
Wuthering Heightsis a classic of English literature.
相关词literary[ˈlitərəri] adj.文学上的;
literalism[ˈlitərəlizəm] n.直译主义;写实主义;
literalize[ˈlitərəˌlaiz] v.照字面解释;
literariness[ˈlitərərinis] n.文学性;文艺性;
literate[ˈlitərit] adj.有学问的,有文化的
相关短语literature and art文艺
1.Good morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
2.It's my great honor to have this chance to be here.
3.Firstly, thank you for your support, and now please let me introduce myself.
4.It's a privilege to be speaking to you today.
5.It's a great pleasure for me to introduce myself to you here.
6.It's my pleasure to introduce myself to you here.
7.It's a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity.
8.I'm very happy that I am qualified for this interview. First of all, please let me make a brief self-introduction.