Yet he, for whom l grieve, shall never know it. My tongue does not betray, nor my eyes show it. Not a sigh, nor a tear my pain discloses, but they fall silently, like dew on roses.
For you
We love someone secretly in heart, but he knows nothing about it. The feeling that doesn't disclose is still concealed deeply in heart. Although it is painful, it is memorable.在心里,暗暗地喜欢一个人,他却毫不知情。那份没有表露的感情,暗藏在内心深处,虽然痛苦,却也不能忘怀。

Words and Phrases
disclose[dɪsˈkləʊz] v.揭露;显露
conceal[kənˈsi:l] v.隐藏;隐瞒