The first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away.
For you
There are a lot of first times in life, the first speaking, the first walking, and the first going to school. So do you still remember your first love? It changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away.人生有很多的第一次,第一次牙牙学语,第一次蹒跚学步,第一次踏入校园,那么你是否依然记得第一次的恋爱呢?它改变了你的人生。尽管你努力试图忘怀,那种情愫却总是难以释怀。
Words and Phrases
fall in love 爱上(某人)
fall against 绊倒
fall behind 落后;下降;退后
fall away 离开;消瘦