8 家庭安全
Dialogue 对话 MP3 01-08
Steven heard of a robbery happened several days ago. Now he is talking about the family safety with his wife Julia.

Steven:Julia, burglaries in our town have been on the wing.
Julia:Why do you say that?
Steven:I heard that a robbery happened in our town several days ago. The robbers ripped off a car in broad daylight .
Julia:Thank God, we haven't enconntered a burglar. I hope that our house is secure against burglary.
Steven:I am worrying about it too. I want to install a security door.
Julia:Is the security door useful?
Steven:Yes, I think so. The security door is so firm that nobody can break in.
Julia:I totally agree with you. In this way I won't be afraid of the burglar if you are away.
Steven:OK, I will do it right now.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
burglary [ˈbɜːɡlərɪ]n.盗窃行为
on the wing在飞行中,增长
robber [ˈrɒbə]n.盗贼,强盗
in broad daylight在光天化日之下
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 They bought a dog to prevent any burglaries.他们买了条狗以防盗。
2 I have to safeguard my house against burglars.我不得不在家里装置防盗警铃以防窃贼。
3 The room is equipped with a burglar alarm.这个房间安有防盗警报器。
4 I want to install a security door.我想安装防盗门。
5 It won't open because it's a security door.打不开,因为这是安全门。
6 Don't forget to lock up all the doors and windows when you leave.你走的时候别忘了把门窗都关紧。
7 The door which was protected by an iron grate, was intended as a safeguard against burglars.门上装着铁栅栏,是用于防盗的。
8 Most of the houses in the area have barred windows.这个地区大多数人家都安装了防盗窗。
9 Remember to put anti-burglary chain on the door when you lock it.锁门时别忘挂防盗链。
10 I bought some more locks as an additional insurance against burglary.我又买了些锁,做为额外的防盗措施。
11 The security door is so firm that nobody can break in.防盗门这么结实,没有人能闯进来。
12 Do you have cover against theft?你有防盗保险吗?
13 The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off.防盗警报器一响,盗贼立刻逃走了。
1 All furniture is covered in fireproof fabric.所有的家具都罩上了防火布。
2 Keep a fire extinguisher available at all times.任何时候都要放置及时可用的灭火器。
3 Will you please tell us how to use the fire extinguisher to put out fire swiftly?你能告诉我们如何才能用灭火器迅速扑灭火灾吗?
4 To prevent fire, do not cover the ventilation of the apparatus with newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc.为防止火灾,请勿用报纸、布、帘等覆盖本装置的通风口。
5 Take special precautions to prevent fire.采取特别措施防火。
6 Fire doors should not be wedged open at any time.任何时候都不要将防火门打开。
7 Fire doors must have done their job.防火门起作用了。
8 The fire exit is located at the end of the hallway.紧急出口在走廊尽头。
9 We had better buy a fire resistance rolling shutter door.我们最好买个防火卷帘门。
10 The roof has been fireproofed.这个屋顶装有防火设备。
11 We packed the papers in fireproof safe.我们把文件装入防火的保险箱。
12 The curtains are made of fire-resistant fabric.这些窗帘是用防火布料作的。
13 This building which is made of steel and concrete is fireproof.这所房屋用钢筋水泥建造,是可以防火的。
14 We need take special precautions to prevent fire.我们需要采取特别措施防火。
15 Is your house insured against fire?你的房子投了防火保险了吗?
16 You should spare no efforts in taking precautions for the sake of yourselves, your families and your neighbours.你应该身体力行,为自己、家人及邻居搞好防火措施。
17 There is a fire extinguisher on hand in case of a fire.万一有火灾,手头就有一个灭火器。
18 We keep fire extinguisher downstairs in case of fire.灭火器就在楼下,如果着火的话可以使用。
19 We've installed an extinguisher next to the cooker in case there is ever a fire.我们在炉旁安了一个灭火器,以防着火。
20 Place the fire extinguisher where it is get-at-able if it is needed in a hurry.灭火器要放在方便的地方以备紧急之用。
1 Batteries must be kept in dry places lest electricity should leak away.电池应放在干燥的地方,以免漏电。
2 You'd better put some insulating tape on electric wires.你最好给电线裹上绝缘胶布。
3 Pull the plug before you try to fix the vacuum.修理吸尘器前,先拔掉电源。
4 Make sure the sockets in your house are insulated.确保你房中的插座是防触电的。
5 Heater must be disconnected from power supply before servicing switch.在修理热水器开关前,务必切断电源。
6 We should install all-insulated switches.我们应该安装防电击开关。
7 Turn off the switch after using.使用后请将电源关闭。
8 Make sure the current is switched off before you leave on holidays.你出去度假前一定要把电源关上。
9 Don't touch electrical appliance with wet hand.不要用湿手触摸电器。
10 Don't wipe the TV with a wet towel.不要用湿毛巾擦电视机。