7 资金管理
Dialogue 对话 MP3 02-07
Steven wants to talk over their daily expenses with his wife Julia. He decides to save some money for the future. Now they are figuring out their expenses last month.

Steven:We need to figure out how much money we've spent and what we've spent it on.
Steven:Well, I think we should save more. If we save more money we can retire earlier and enjoy our life better.
Julia:Really, well, OK. Get the receipts out.
Steven:Let's see. We spent $700 for our home loan payment, $300 on groceries, $75 on utilities, $250 on gasoline, $100 on books, and $400 on entertainment last month.
Julia:That's $1825.
Steven:We put $500 into the savings account, and $750 into our stock account.
Julia:$3075. Our paychecks is $3300, combined. That means we don't have any receipts for $225.
Steven:Right. Stop thinking about it. Where do you think we can save more money?
Julia:Well, we could eat in more often. That $400 for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants.
Steven:Yeah, that's a good idea, and you like to cook.
Julia:All right.
Vocabulary and Phrases 单词和短语
figure out计算出
spend [spend]v.花费,浪费,度过
retire [rɪˈtaɪə]v.退休,撤退
entertainment [entəˈteɪnmənt]n.娱乐
paycheck [ˈpeɪtʃek]n.薪水支票,工资
combine [kəmˈbaɪn]v.联合,使结合,结合
Key Sentences 核心句型
1 They are often disturbed by the trade deficit.他们常常被赤字困扰。
2 If we went on like this, we will surely go into the red.假使我们长此以往,准要搞出赤字来。
3 I'm $500 in the red this month.我这个月负债500美元。
4 I'm on strict budget.我现在预算很紧。
5 We've got to tighten our belt.我们得省吃俭用了。
6 We have to control our spending.我们必须控制支出了。
7 I'm robbing Peter to pay Paul.我拆东墙补西墙。
8 I should not have spent so much money on that thing! 我真不该为那个东西花那么多钱。
9 You have no business throwing money like that.你不应该花钱如流水。
10 I'll dig into my savings.我将动用我的存款。
11 My earnings and spending were out of whack.我入不敷出。
12 I am in debt again this month.我这个月又入不敷出了。
13 The accounts show we have spent more than we received.账目显示我们已经入不敷出了。
1 We need to figure out how much money we're spending and what we're spending it on.我们要算算我们要花多少钱而且都要花在什么地方。
2 We spent $1000 for our home loan payment, $400 on groceries, and $400 on entertainment last month.上个月有房屋贷款1000元,食品杂货400元和400元的娱乐消费。
3 That means we don't have any receipts for $225.那意味着有一项225元的支出没有收据。
4 That $500 for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants. 500元娱乐费大都花在餐馆了。
5 How much money do you spend each week?你每星期花多少钱?
6 I've spent all my extra money this month.我这个月的零花钱都花光了。
7 I need to spend at least 100 yuan on books every month.每个月我都需要花至少100元钱买书。
1 Where do you think we can save more money?你觉得我们可以在哪些方面省钱?
2 We have to manage money.我们必须做金钱管理的计划。
3 We should regulate our spending regardless.不管怎样我们必须控制花费。
4 You should spend less money on your clothes.你应该在服装上少花些钱。
5 We could eat in more.我们可以多在家里吃饭。
6 I think I can spend less on cosmetics.我觉得可以在化妆品上少花点钱。
7 From now on, we should record every income and expense.从现在开始我们应该把每一项收入和开支都记下来。
8 We will put all your salary into our savings account, and set aside 30% of my salary as our son's education fund.我们把你的工资都存到我们的存折里,拿出我工资的30%作为儿子的教育资金。
9 If we save more money we can retire earlier and enjoy our life better.如果我们多存些钱就可以早一点退休,更好地享受生活。
10 If you want to buy a house, you should take a leaf out of my book and start saving money.如果你要买房子,就得向我效法开始存钱。
11 We can deposit 1500 yuan in the bank every month.我们可以每个月都在银行存上1500元钱。
12 Anyway you can spend less on books.不管怎么说,你可以在书上少花点钱。
13 I think more money should be spent on education.我认为应该把更多的钱花在教育上。
14 I think we should save more.我想我们该多存一些钱了。
15 We have to manage on less than £500 a month.我们一个月花费必须少于500英镑。
16 She laid a little of her pay away each week.她每周将薪水储蓄一点。
1 I'm interested in money management.我对资金管理很感兴趣。
2 I think you should deposit your money in the bank.我认为你可把钱存入银行。
3 To be the master of money, you need to be smarter than it.要成为金钱的主人,你需要比金钱更精明。
4 I'm going to manage my money better.我要更好地管理钱财。
5 Mom always keeps advising me to save some money for a rainy day.妈妈总是建议我存钱以备不时之需。
6 Don't spend without thinking about the next day.花钱不要只顾眼前不顾明天。
7 In the long run, one should save money for emergencies.从长远看,应该存钱以备不测。
8 It is a mistake to focus on short-term rather than long-term gains.不看重长期收益只顾短期收益是个错误。
9 Never spend your money before you have it.钱未到手,切莫花费。
10 Spend not where you may save; spare not where you must spend.可以节省时,不要浪费;必须花费时,不要吝啬。
11 You can see that it will be in your interest to save money.你应该知道储蓄是为了您自己的利益。
12 Paying bills promptly is good financial practice.及时付账是理财的好习惯。
13 I think it's too risky; it's safer to deposit money into the bank.我觉得那个风险太大,还是把钱存银行里保险点儿。