本尼特兹(Rick Benitez)澳大利亚悉尼大学哲学系教授兼哲学系主任(Professor and Chair in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Sydney,Australia)。
鲍威(Angus Bowie)英国牛津大学皇后学院院士、副教授兼古典学系主任(Fellow and Tutor, and Chair of the Faculty of Classics at Queen’s College, University of Oxford, UK)。
克罗贝尔(Catherine Collobert)加拿大渥太华大学研究生院导师、副教授(Member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa, Canada)。
哈里韦尔(Stephen Halliwell)英国学术院院士,圣安德鲁大学希腊文学教授、古典学沃德洛讲席教授(FBA FRSE, Professor of Greek and Wardlaw Professor of Classics at the University of St Andrews, UK)。
霍普(Anthony Hooper)英国杜伦大学高等研究所助理研究员(Junior Research Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study at Durham University, UK)。
黄薇薇(Weiwei Huang)中国北京第二外国语学院跨文化研究院讲师(Lecturer at the Institute of Transcultural Studies, Beijing International Studies University, China)。
约翰逊(Marguerite Johnson)澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学古典学副教授(Associate Professor of Classics at the University of Newcastle,Australia)。
林志猛(Zhimeng Lin)中国浙江大学哲学系副教授(Associate Professor of Classics at the Department of Philosophy, Zhejiang University, China)。
摩根(Kathryn Morgan)美国洛杉矶加州大学古典学系教授兼主任(Professor and Chair in the Department of Classics at the University of California Los Angeles, USA)。
默里(Penelope Murray)曾任英国伦敦国王学院与牛津大学圣安妮学院研究员,后创立英国沃维克大学古典学系,荣休教授(Research Fellowships at King’s College London and St.Anne’s College, Oxford, before becoming a found-ing member of the Department of Classics at the University of Warwick, UK)。
纳达夫(Gerard Naddaf)加拿大约克大学哲学系教授(Professor of Philosophy at York University, Canada)。
罗宾逊(Tom Robinson)加拿大多伦多大学哲学系荣休教授(Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto, Canada)。
王柯平(Keping Wang)中国北京第二外国语学院跨文化研究院教授,中国社会科学院哲学所研究员(Professor at Beijing International Studies Universi-ty, and Fellow of the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China)。
王双洪(Shuanghong Wang)中国北京社会科学院副研究员(Associate Re-search Fellow of the Institute of Philosophy, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, China)。