第2章 威廉·布拉德福德和约翰·温思罗普
2.1 复习笔记
I. William Bradford (1590-1657) (威廉·布拉德福德)
(1) William Bradford was the first governor of Plymouth, and his representative work is Of Plymouth Plantation.
(2) Bradford wrote much of that in the midst of the events he describes. The book’s simplicity, earnestness and direct reporting make it readable and moving. In addition, Bradford left a wealth of letters, other prose writings about the colony, and even a narrative poem.
(3) When he died, the New England colonies mourned him, in words written later by Cotton Mather, as “a common blessing and father to them all”.
(1) 威廉·布拉德福德是普利茅斯的第一任总督,代表作品是《普利茅斯种植园》。
(2) 布拉德福德在其中写下了很多自己亲身经历的事件。本书语言简洁,情感真挚,平铺直叙,易读又感人。此外,他还写了大量的诗歌、散文和叙事诗等。
(3) 他去世时,整个新英格兰殖民地都为他哀悼。科顿·马瑟后来为他题词,称他是“众人之福,众人之父”。
II. John Winthrop (1588-1649) (约翰·温思罗普)
(1) John Winthrop was the first governor of Boston, and his notable work is The History of New England from 1630 to 1649. His work is notable for its candid simplicity and honesty.
(2) Through a direct and vigorous prose style, each book is the most valuable kind of historical source—an account of events by a man who has been a major figure of his time. Both were written, not from literary ambition, but from a sense of the need to record important events in permanent form.
(1) 温斯罗普是波士顿的第一任总督,代表作是《新英格兰史》。他的作品坦率、质朴、真实。
(2) 《普利茅斯种植园史》和《新英格兰史》是非常珍贵的历史资料,记录了作者所处时代的重大历史事件。作者的写作不是出于创作的兴趣,而是出于一种将重大事件永久记录下来的需要。