Unit 2
Text I
1.worship [5wE:Fip] v. to show great admiration崇拜,尊崇:It is a church where people have worshipped for hundred years.那座教堂被人们尊崇了上百年。搭配worship the ground sb. walks on意为“太崇拜某人而看不到其缺点”。
2.convince [kEn5vins] v. a) to cause (someone) to believe使某人信服:His argument didn’t convince everyone, but change was made.他的论点不足以使每个人都信服,但有了转机。b) to persuade sb. to do sth劝说,说服:I’ve been trying to convince her to come with me.我一直努力说服她跟我一起来。
3.gym [dVim] n. a) a hall with equipment for physical exercise健身房,体育馆:I try and work out at the local gym once a week.我尽量一周到当地的健身房锻炼一次。b) exercises that people do indoors for physical development室内健身运动,体操:Gym is her favorite sports.体操是她最爱的运动。
4.jog [dVC^] v. a) to run slowly for exercise慢跑,慢跑:I go jogging every morning.我每天早晨慢跑。b) to knock or push something slightly by mistake轻推,轻撞:You jogged my elbow.你撞着我肘关节了。搭配jog sb.’s memory意为“唤起某人的回忆”,例如:Perhaps these photos can jog your memory about me.或许这些照片能唤起你对我的回忆。
5.aging [5eidViN] n. the process of growing old老化,老龄化,成熟的过程:Memory loss is a part of aging.记忆力丧失是人衰老的一部分。
6.teens [ti:nz] n. the period of one’s life between and including the ages of 13 and 19年龄在13至19的青少年们:She was in her teens when she met him.她遇到他时,正值豆蔻年华。注意以下两个搭配的含义:late teens指十八,九岁的青年;early teens指十三,四岁的青年
7.feverish [5fi:vEriF] adj. a) suffering from a fever发烧的,发烧引起的:Her skin felt moist and feverish.她的皮肤摸上去又湿又热。b) very excited or worried about sth激动的,焦虑不安的:They waited in a state of feverish anxiety for their mother to come home.他们焦虑不安地等着妈妈回家。
8.wiry [5waiEri] adj. rather thin, but with strong muscles瘦长而结实的:His father turned, the wiry figure walking a little stiffly.他父亲转过身来,瘦长结实的身躯走路有点不灵活。
9.adolescent [7AdEu5lesnt] adj. relating to or characteristic of the process of developing from a child into an adult青春期的,青少年的:When one is adolescent, he is often caught up in his thoughts and dreams.当一个人处在青春期时,经常陷入沉思和梦想中。
10.muscular [5mQskjulE] adj. a) of muscles肌肉的:He had a muscular strain.他肌肉过劳。b) having large, strong muscles肌肉健壮的:Your muscular shoulder and chest impressed me a lot.你肩膀和胸部肌肉发达,给我留下了深刻的印象。
11.ideal [ai5diEl] n. a) a perfect example of what something should be like理想的人或物:He is looking for a job, but hasn’t found his ideal yet.他正在找工作,但目前还没有找到理想的。b) a principle about what is morally right or a perfect standard that you hope to achieve理想,看似完美的理想或标准:the ideal of a free and democratic society自由民主社会的理想
12.though [TEu] adv. however虽然,尽管,即使:It is quite pleasant today, though the wind is rather cool.尽管今天风很凉,但天气却很好。
13.loose-fitting [`lU:s`dVRIntId] adj. loose, especially in order to be comfortable宽松的:a loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders without a waist从肩上垂下来的,没有束腰且比较宽松的衣服
14.tailor [5teilE] v. to make by cutting and sewing clothing, esp. to fit a particular person裁剪,裁制:He tailored several suits when he went to work.他开始上班时做了几套西服。
15.freak [fri:k] n. a person with strange ideas, habits or appearance有怪癖的人,奇形怪状的人:I was born with black hair all over my back, like some sort of freak.我出身的时候满背黑毛,像一个怪物。搭配a control freak意为“控制欲极强的人”。
16.tolerate [5tClEreit] v. a) to suffer without complaining忍受,容忍:I couldn’t tolerate my nagging mother sometimes.我有时忍受不了我那唠唠叨叨的妈妈。b) admit of , giving permission容许,承认:The teacher cannot tolerate eating in class.这位老师不允许学生在课堂上吃东西。
17.agony [5A^Eni] n. extreme mental or physical pain or suffering极度痛苦:He lay in agony until the doctor arrived.他痛苦地躺在那里,直到医生过来。短语in agony意为“处在极度痛苦中”。
18.lanky [5lANki] adj. ungracefully tall and thin过分瘦长,瘦长地难看:Tom was a lanky boy with skinny legs.汤姆是一个腿很细的瘦高个。
19.slave [sleiv] n. a person who is under the control of another person or thing奴隶,苦功:I used to love to think that I was her abject slave.我过去常爱把自己想成是他卑贱的奴仆。slavery也是名词形式,意为“奴隶身份,奴隶制度”。
20.critical [5kritikEl] adj. a) extremely important, crucial极重要的,至关重要的:These talks are critical to the future of the peace progress.这些会谈对将来的和平进程至关重要。b) fastidious, be of critic挑剔的,批评性的:Many economists are very critical of the government’s policy.许多经济学家对政府政策十分不满。c) so ill that you may die危急的,危险的:He is still in a critical condition in hospital.他待在医院中,情况仍十分危急。动词形式为:criticize批评,批判
21.pursue [pE5sju:] v. a) to carry on继续,从事,经营:The country has always pursue a policy of peace.该国一直奉行和平政策。b) to continue doing an activity or try to achieve something追求:Students should pursue their own interest, as well as do their school study.学生在完成学业的同时也要追求自身的兴趣爱好。
22.accomplished [E5kCmpliFt] adj. a) skilled有才艺的,娴熟的:She was an elegant and accomplished woman.她是位优雅而有才艺的女性。b) something that has been finished完成了的,竣工的:All these plans were accomplished in a year.所有这些计划在一年之内完成了。
23.sanity [5sAniti] n. a) the condition of being mentally healthy心智健康,精神正常:She managed to keep her sanity throughout the ordeal.在那场磨难中她始终保持神智正常。b) when someone is being reasonable and sensible明智,通情达理:I doubt the sanity of this plan.我怀疑这个计划是否明智。
24.automatically [C:tE5mAtIklI] adv. a) without conscious thought, esp. as a habit不自觉地,无意识地:Honors were automatically awarded to senior officials just because they were senior.荣誉顺理成章地授予资深官员,就是因为他们资格老。b) by the action of a machine, without a person making it work机械地:Some doors have locks which automatically lock the door when we close it.有些锁在我们关门的时候会自动把门锁上。
25.premise [5premis] n. a statement or idea on which reasoning is based(逻辑)前提:These are the major and minor premises on which the conclusion is based.这些是这个理论所依据的前提。
Text II
1.prejudice [5predVudis] n. an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge偏见,成见:They accused him of having a prejudice against his women employees.他们指责他歧视女雇员。
2.baby boomers: 生育高峰期出生的人们:If baby boomers discover they don’t have enough money to live on when they’re older, they can always blow their brains out. 如果战后生育高峰期出生的这一代人发现,当他们年老的时候并没有足够的钱来维持生计,他们会大失所望的。
3.segregate [5se^ri^eit] v. a) to separate one group of people from others, especially because they are of a different race, sex, or religion隔离并区别对待(不同种族、宗教或性别的人)Blacks were segregated from whites in schools.在学校,黑人和白人有着不同的待遇。b) to separate one part of a place or thing from another(使)分开,分离,隔离:They segregated the boys from the girls.他们把男孩和女孩分开。
4.evade [i5veid] v. a) to escape or avoid by cleverness or deceit逃避,躲避,回避:If you try to evade paying your taxes you risk going to prison.如果你试图逃税, 你就有坐牢的危险了。b) to not do or deal with something that you should do 避开, 躲避; 规避(尤指法律或道德责任):You can’t go on evading your responsibilities in this way.你不能这样继续逃避你的责任。
5.nurture [5nE:tFE] v. a) to nourish, feed喂养: She nurtured the child as if he had been her own.她把孩子当做自己的来养。b) to help grow or develop; to cultivate养育; 培育, 培养:She is looking fondly at the plants he had nurtured.她深情地看着他培育的植物。
6.protest [prE5test] v. a) to object to, especially in a formal statement反对,声明,抗议:He protested the decision made by the committee.他抗议委员会做出的决议。b) to state very firmly that something is true, when other people do not believe you坚决地表示;申辩:Years later, he is still protesting his innocence.多年后,他仍旧坚决地表示自己是无辜的。搭配protest against意为“反对,反抗”。
7.witness [5witnis] v. a) to see something happen, especially an accident or crime目击,目睹:Several residents claim to have witnessed the attack.一些居民声称他们目击了这次袭击事件。b) to prove or to demonstrate作证, 证明:No one could witness that he was present.没有人能证明他在现场。
8.incredible [in5kredEbl] adj. a) impossible or very difficult to believe难以置信的,不可思议的:Old superstitions seem incredible to educated people.旧的迷信对于受过教育的人来说是不可思议的。b) extremely good, large, or great极好的,极大的:There was blood everywhere and the pain was incredible.血迹到处都是,承受着巨大的痛苦。
9.calculus [5kAlkjulEs] n. the part of mathematics that deals with changing quantities, such as the speed of a falling stone or the slope of a curved line微积分(学); 演算:After studying differential calculus you will be able to solve these mathematical problems.学了微积分之后,你们就能够解这些数学题了。