1.3 翻译示例汇总
(1) (Just)imagine(it).
(2) I’ll buy it. (slang: I can’t understand it, please tell me. )
(3) You’re telling me. (slang: I know that very well. /I knew that long ago. )
(4) Now you’re talking. (informal: At last you’re saying something agreeable. )
(5) You can talk. (informal: You don’t have to worry about doing a particular thing yourself. )
(6) “Come,Come! dont be so devilishly sulky: it’s boyish.”(Major Barbara by G. Bernard Shaw)
(7) “Why, man, you’re a genius, a master of masters, a god! At twenty-four,too!…I’ve found your profession for you. You’re a born journalist. I'll start you with a high—toned weekly review. There!”(ib. )
(1) 你要有所①收获,则必须在学习中不断深入。
【译文】If you want to ①gain anything. you must constantly deepen your studies.
(2) 陈先生乃中国学界②泰斗,他的那本书似为汉语修辞学研究的③嚆矢。
【译文】Mr. Chen,our respected teacher,is a ②renowned master in the academic circles of China. That book written by him seems to be ③the earliest one in the Chinese rhetoric studies.
(3) 当今澳洲文坛④执牛耳者帕特里克·怀特的作品相当费解。
【译文】The writings by Pattick White. the ④acknowledged leader in the contemporary Australian literary world,are very hard to understand.
(4) 在旧中国,小人当道,⑤瓦釜雷鸣的情形屡见不鲜。
【译文】In Old China, it was a general case that mean persons were in power and the ⑤unworthy people were influential and in high places.
(5) 婚姻不自由是当时⑥勃骆时起的原因之一。
【译文】No freedom of marriage is one of the causes of frequent ⑥family quarrels.
(6) 那研究生英年好学,⑦矻矻三载,终使其论文得以⑧付梓。
【译文】That graduate student at his life’s full flowering was eager to learn,worked ⑦diligently and untiringly for 3 years,and finally he had his thesis ⑧published.
(7) 那位学贯中西的我国学者和英文大师,年轻时赴美⑨负笈哈佛一年,即得硕士。
【译文】That Chinese scholar who knows China and the West quite well and a master of English went to the United States when he was young,and ⑨studied there at Harvard University for only one year before he got his Master’s degree.
(8) 不少人认为“信达雅”是严复的⑩戛戛独造,并奉之为译事圭臬。
【译文】Many people hold that “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance” is Yan Fu’s own ⑩great original creation and regard it as the ⑩standard of translation.
(9) 为了提高学术水平,我们需要的不是拘守现成的体系和结论,暧暧姝姝于一先生之言,而是要依靠集体努力,从多方面探索,不断地推陈出新。
【译文】In order to heighten our academic level. what we need is not to rigidly adhere to the conventional systems and conclusions,to be self-satisfied with what we’7de learnt from only one master but to rely on the collective efforts,explore in many aspects,continuously weed through the old to bring forth the new.
(10) 那地方是块肥肉,谁都想吃。
【译文】That place is an attractive piece of meat coveted by all.
【解析】不能译为:That place is a fat piece of meat which everyone wants to eat.
(11) Henry Kissinger had slept there before,in July and again in October.
(1) John can be relied on, he eats no fish and plays the game.
(2) The Security Council has been seized of the question since then.
(3) Nyaungu was actually the boundary between the two Japanese divisions.
(1) the peasant uprisings in the history of China
(2) The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent.
(3) The peasants and workers were hand in glove with one another in the struggle against the landlords and capitalists who worked hand in glove with each other.