5.3 翻译示例汇总
【译文】You act as if you grew ten inches in the night·
【译文】Generals laid down their lives in a hundred battles; and valiant soldiers returned after ten years’ service.
【解析】这个例句同上个例句一样,“百战”译为a hundred battles、“十年”直译为ten years即可,而且语言表达也很生动、形象、有力。这种数字上的语用对等性使得翻译时常可采用直译,并保持原文的韵味和气势。
【译文】You drowned two thousand two hundred cooties in cold blood, and for each life, you raked in three hundred dollars.
【译文】An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom.
【译文】An inch of time is an inch of gold.
【解析】例(4)和例(5)中的“一”是发挥计数以外功能的数词,表示比喻、夸张、反复、层递等修辞概念,只要是汉英两种语言都加以使用的,译后不影响理解的,一般都可以采取照数直译的办法。其中最常见的是“十、百、千、万、百万”与ten,hundred,thousand,ten thousand,million之间的对译。当然,量词可能会发生改变,如例(4)中的“两”和“斤”转变为英语中同样用来表示重量的ounce和pound;例(5)中的“寸”也译为了inch。虽然实际上这些度量衡并不能对等,但因为并不表示具体的重量和尺度,只要语用功能上达到对应,也就可以了。
几个some;a few;several;a number of
十几个more than ten;no more than twenty
几十个dozens of
七十好几了well over seventy
好几百个hundreds of
成千上万thousands of
几十万hundreds of thousands of
亿万hundreds of millions of
【译文】He has bought two dozen magazines.
【解析】如果将“24本杂志”译成twenty-four magazines则存在着表达不够地道的问题。
【译文】The past five centuries witnessed great development in Chinese drama.
【解析】如果将“500年”译成five hundred years也存在着表达不够地道的问题。
【译文】His mark in math is second to none in this class.
【译文】He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat.
【译文】Mid-autumn’s fifteenth night is here again. As on the feast of lanterns we stroll round.
【译文】Is this your first visit to China?
【译文】Did your team win the championship?
【译文】Is this your oldest/ youngest child/ son/ daughter?
【译文】One hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.
【译文】Look before you leap.
【译文】to kill two birds with one stone
【译文】If popularization remains at the same level for ever ... will not the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?
【解析】“半斤八两”是一个典型的汉语习语,而在英文中的six of one and half a dozen of the other正好与“半斤八两”字面意义和蕴涵意义基本一致,这种套译方式能更好地为外国读者接受。
◇六街三市downtown area
◇六亲all one’s relatives and friends
◇六畜the domestic animals
◇万紫千红a riot of color
◇一诺千金a promise that will be kept
◇九死一生a narrow escape from death
【译文】But they were too late for a rescue.
【译文】A guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence.
【译文】Now the robber chief was already half-drunken.
【译文】Now, I feel more than happier to answer some questions that you are concerned about.
【译文】Shop assistants in some state-owned shops are frosty in manner, repelling customers from a distance.
【译文】I have a right to demand an explanation of your words.
【译文】have an argument with sb.
【译文】There was a sudden fall in temperature.
【译文】There has been an outbreak of measles in town.
【译文】A serene happiness filled his heart.
【译文】Such a sickness leaves you weak for months afterwards.
【译文】He did his work with a perseverance that was truly amazing.
【译文】A man over a hundred years old is a rarity.
【译文】A child who can play the piano at the age of 2 would be called a phenomenon.
【译文】This red and yellow striped seashell is quite a curiosity.
【译文】He’s an English teacher at our school.
【译文】A banker will give an opinion on the standing of a customer if he is asked to do so by another bank.
【译文】The crime was soon discovered.
【译文】Crime is increasing.
【译文】What do you think of the music?
【译文】His work is to compose music.
【译文】The scene will please the eye.
【译文】Tom is too fond of the bottle.
【译文】from the cradle to the grave
【解析】这也是一处妙译。用cradle(摇篮)来表明“生”之义,用grave(坟墓)来表示“死”之义,比直译from birth to death有韵味。
【译文】The sun rises in the east.
【译文】He was the first to reach there.
【译文】Xiao Ming is the tallest in his class.