1.3 翻译示例汇总
【译文】Well begun, half done.
【译文】He is very well. (or: He is in the pink of health.)
【译文】Her neighbors are all very kind to her.
【译文】The problem can be easily solved.
【译文】The plan has been drawn up.
【译文】Well, let us call it a day.
【译文】How do you do? (or: Hello!)
【译文】Give me your telephone number so that I can contact you when necessary.
【译文】Quite a few people came in looking for you this afternoon.
【译文】How hot it is today!
【译文】How long will the film last?
【译文】In his lifetime, Xu Xiake, a great traveler in China’s Ming Dynasty, toured 16 provinces, leaving his footmarks in nearly every corner of the country.
【译文】In order to get a detailed and truthful picture of the places he visited, he usually traveled on foot even when carriages and boats were available.
【译文】He always preferred to venture into mountainous areas with rough tracks, and into forests seldom visited by human beings.
【解析】根据“道路艰险”“人迹罕至”等语境的描写,这里的“考察”应选择venture into作为对应词。
A: This is a little gift as a token of my appreciation. Please do take it.
B: Oh, aren’t you a bit too polite? You should not do that.
A: Well, it just conveys my gratitude.
B: Ah, thank you then, though I really do not deserve it.
【译文】I will put you on the payroll at the bank. You can drop in during the day and tutor my son in the evening while looking for a job.
【译文】By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)
(1)经济法制化:manage economic affairs within a framework
(2)经济全球化:economic globalization
(3)社会知识化:build a knowledge-driven society
(4)国际关系民主化:the practice of democracy in international relations
(5)国民经济信息化:build an information-based national economy
(6)科研成果产业化:apply scientific research results to industrial production
◇落汤鸡a drowned rat
◇养虎为患to cherish a snake in one’s bosom
◇瓮中捉鳖like a rat in the hole
◇如鱼得水like a duck to water
◇像热锅上的蚂蚁like a hen on a hot girdle
◇愚蠢如猪as stupid as a goose
◇犟得像头牛as stubborn as a donkey/a mule
a good Christian虔诚的教徒
a good parent慈爱的父母
a good child孝顺的子女;懂礼貌的孩子
a good wife贤良的妻子
a good husband尽责的丈夫
a good tooth健康的牙齿
a good investment可靠的投资
a good reason正当的理由
a good income高收入
a good table丰盛的一餐
a good person正直的人
a good soul善良的人
a good heart慈悲的心
good looks美貌
good manners得体的举止
【译文】Of course, our achievements in the last few years have proved the correctness of our policies of reform and opening to the outside world.
【译文】China should show the world through its actions that she is opposed to hegemonies and power politics and will never seek hegemony.
【译文】That is what we have learnt from decades of development.
【解析】汉语中,“实践”和“经验”两个词的涵义比英语的practice和experience大的多,所以这里例(1)和例(2)中的“实践”分别译成achievements和actions,因为它们的意义显然不是practice一词所能涵盖的。例(3)中的“经验”一词译为what we have learnt,而不是experience。
◇进行社会主义革命to carry out socialist revolution
◇进行一场激烈的争论to carry on a spirited debate
◇进行实地调查to make an on-the-spot investigation
◇进行亲切的谈话to have a cordial conversation
◇进行侵略to commit aggression
◇进行协商to hold consultation with
◇进行核试验to conduct a nuclear test
◇大志a high aim
◇大道理general principle
◇他说英语。He speaks English.
◇他说谎。He’s telling a lie.
◇他说他很忙。He says he is busy.
◇我说不好。I’m unable to express.
◇这可说不得。It must not be mentioned.
◇别胡说八道!Be reasonable!
◇to expire逝世(褒义)
◇to pass away与世长辞(褒义)
◇to close/end one’s day寿终(褒义)
◇to breathe one’s last断气
◇to go west归西天
◇to pay the debt of nature了结尘缘
◇to depart to the world of shadows命归黄泉
◇to give up the ghost见阎王
◇to kick the bucket翘辫子(贬义)
◇to kick up one’s heels蹬腿(贬义)
【译文】They preach taking from others, whereas we advocate giving to others.
【译文】What she seeks is truth, and what he hankers after is nothing but high position and great wealth.
【解析】该例中的“追求”在很多情况下都做褒义,而第二个“追求”根据其语境,显然带有贬义色彩,故选用了贬义的hanker after。
【译文1】During the entire process of reform and opening, we must persistently oppose corruption.(《北京周报》)
【译文2】Throughout the process of reform and opening, we must combat corruption.(外文出版社1994年版)
【译文】In actual fact, middle age represents the prime of one’s life, allowing no indolence, no self-indulgence.
【解析】该例中,“享受”本身没有贬义,但在此上下文中有贬义。因此不宜按照字面意思译为enjoy one’s life,而用self-indulgence译出原文的贬义色彩。
【译文】I have constantly referred to works dealing with those subjects.
【译文】Something has gone wrong with that lathe.
【译文】The trip went off without mishap.
【译文】You’ll find the topic being discussed everywhere.
【解析】例(1)中的“问题”是指需要研究的“学科”或“论题”,故译为subject;例(2)中的“出问题”是指“出了毛病”,故译为something has gone wrong;例(3)中的“问题”是指“意外或不幸的事”故译为mishap;例(4)的“问题”是指人们谈论的“话题”,故译为topic。
【译文】Ah Q flung his jacket on the ground, spat, and swore, “Hairy worm!”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)
【译文】The old saying, “Three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Zhu Geliang, the mastermind,” simply means the masses have great creative power.
【译文】Chia Chen thanked him warmly and promised, “When the mourning is over, I shall bring my worthless son to your honorable mansion to kowtow his thanks.” And so they parted.(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)
【译文】The language varies from genre to genre: a political essay differs from technical writing, a news report is not the same as a literary work, and a written article is quite different from oral speech.
【解析】原文出现了5个“不同”,分别译成了varies,differs from,is not the same as,is quite different from.“文章”出现了三次,译成了三个同义词:essay,writing,article。译文显得地道自然,足见词语多样性的优势。
【译文】It is the common desire of the people to live in peace and contentment.
【译文】It is hoped that the people throughout the country will live and work in peace and will not give credence to rumors or raise false alarm.
【译文】I cannot say in what canon the words “secure in one’s home and happy in one’s work” first appeared, but that expression cuts to the core of a primary determinant in human life.
【解析】汉语“安居乐业”的一般意义是安定的生活,愉快的工作。这条成语可以根据字面思来翻译:to live in peace and contentment。上面例句采用了三种不同的译法,充分体现了多样性译法的优越性。
(1)have both practical efficiency and moral excellence
(2)have both intellect and character
(3)be both well-trained to do things and well-disposed to do good
(4)be both gifted and righteous-minded
(5)be a man of ability and probity
(6)be noted for one’s scientific turn of mind and nobility of soul
(7)be noted for expertness and virtuousness
(8)be noted for one’s intellectual attainments and cardinal virtues
(9)be noted for both high proficiency and good moral sense
(1)Haven’t you got eyes?
(2)Are you so blind?
(3)Are you such a blind man?
(4)You’re really stone-blind!
(5)As blind as a bat!
(6)A sightless guy?
(7)Why are you so rash?
(8)How can you be so reckless?
(9)My goodness! Be careful!
(10)Would you please be more careful?