Camper—the Spanish farmer 西班牙农民:露营者
露营者(Camper)是一个家族企业,始建于1975年,有四代人献身鞋业领域。如果你想了解它更多的历史,就必须回到1877年的第一代安东尼奥·弗拉萨(Antonio Fluxà)。他是一个西班牙人,到英国去寻找工业制鞋的新方法。他带回了新技术结合和高技能人才,开始在马略卡(Mallocra)制造鞋子。此后,他的孙子洛伦佐从父亲那里继承并延续了业务。20世纪70年代,新款式、新概念和冒险的新精神蓬勃发展,西班牙历史和社会的变化促成了“露营者”的建立。1981年,第一个露营者专卖店在巴塞罗那开张了。它彻底改变了零售鞋类的世界,因为它结合了大胆的图形元素和产品展示风格的概念。1992年,它开始国际扩张,势力范围包括伦敦、巴黎和米兰。今天露营者在其祖国西班牙的销售比任何其他的休闲鞋品牌都多。像Woody Allen、Rosie O'Donnell、Robert Redford、Bruce Willis等名人都喜欢露营者。另外,新一代弗拉萨家族的店面设计带来了新的理念。品牌目前的负责人米格尔·弗拉萨(Miguel Fluxá)说:“当今世界正变得有点乏味,一切都变得雷同。因此,我们认为露营者是有趣的品牌,并为不同的城市做不同的设计。”他们找来海梅·艾因(Jaime Hayón)和坂茂(Shigeru Ban)做商店设计。这就是为什么你可以在不同的地方看到他们不同的、令人兴奋的店面设计。另外,“Camper”在马略卡方言里的含义是“农民”——你知道安东尼奥在生产鞋子之前是农民吗?
Camper is owned by a family business, which involves four generations and they have dedicated themselves to the footwear industry. It was founded in 1975, but if you want to know more its history, you have to go back to 1877 as the first generation Antonio Fluxà, a Spanish, sailed to England to look for new methods of industrial manufacturing. He then came back with new technologies together with the best craftmen in Mallocra to manufacture shoes. Then his grandson Lorenzo Fluxà inherited from his father and continued the business. In the 1970s, new stykes, new concepts, and a new spirit of adventure flourished and the brand Camper was built to reflect the historical and social changes in Spain. In 1981, the first Camper store debuted in Barcelona. A concept that revolutionised the world of footwear retailing, incorporating a bold graphic element and a ground-breaking functional display of sizes. In 1992, international expansion began such as London, Paris and Milan. Today Camper company has racked up more sales in its native Spain than any other casual-shoe brand. Celebrities like Woody Allen, Rosie O'Donnell, Robert Redford, Bruce Willis, etc all like Camper. Also the new generation of Fluxà has brought new concepts in store design. According to the current head of the brand Miguel Fluxá, he says that“The world today is becoming a little bit boring, everything is becoming the same, ” says Fluxá. “So we thought it was interesting for the brand, and for the cities, to do different designs from one place to the other.” They have Jaime Hayón and Shigeru Ban designed stores for Camper. That is why you can see their store design is very exciting and different from one place to another. Also, Camper means farmer in Mallocra, which is the language we speak in Mallorca. Do you know Antonio was a farmer before making footwear?
I live in Hong Kong but I also worked in Turkey. I can tell you that the interior design of Camper differs from Hong Kong and Istanbul. In Hong Kong the setting looks modern and warm colors are used. But the one in Istanbul looks very childish, funny as they used a lot of numbers and geometric forms to create exciting style. It is so good to travel around and you can see new things in Camper always!
The Spanish brand Camper gives us colorful and exciting feeling in interior when we visit their shop!
Shop in Hong Kong: 30 Canton Road, 1f Silvercord, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
香港地址: 香港 九龙尖沙咀广东道30号新港中心1f
Illustration/插图: Stella Tang Fung Chi