4 Names and Locations of AAPs
4.1 Points on the Helix
4.1.1 Ear Center ěrzhōng (HX1)
HX1 is located on the helix crus.
4.1.2 Rectum zhícháng (HX2)
HX2 is located on the helix anterior to the helix crus.
4.1.3 Urethra niàodào (HX3)
HX3 is located on the helix superior to zhichang (HX2).
4.1.4 External Genitals wàishēngzhíqì (HX4)
HX4 is located on the helix anterior to the helix crus.
4.1.5 Anus gāngmén (HX5)
HX5 is located on the helix anterior to the triangular fossa.
4.1.6 Anterior Ear Apex ěrjiānqiánqū (HX6)
HX6 is located anterior to the ear apex.
4.1.7 Ear Apex ěrjiān (HX6,7i)
HX6,7i is the apex formed when the auricle is folded anteriorly at the juncture of HX6 and HX7.
4.1.8 Posterior Ear Apex ěrjiānhòuqū (HX7)
HX7 is posterior to the ear apex.
4.1.9 Node jiéjié (HX8)
HX8 is located on the helix at the helix tuberclev.
4.1.10 Helix 1 lúnyī (HX9)
HX9 is located on the inferior border of the helix.
4.1.11 Helix 2 lúnèr (HX10)
HX10 is located on the helix inferior to HX1.
4.1.12 Helix 3 lúnsān (HX11)
HX11 is located on the helix inferior to HX2.
4.1.13 Helix 4 lúnsì (HX12)
HX12 is on the helix inferior to HX3.