Based on the reflection of China's stock market crisis in 2015, Chinese academics and financial regulators in 2016 studied China's financial regulatory reform and explored new regulatory models based on future changes in China's financial structure and financial risks. Theoretical researchers, policymakers and regulators are aware that the current separate supervision model—“one central bank and three commissions”, which exists regulatory vacuum to some extent and is difficult to cover the new financial risks derived from financial innovations and financial structural changes. Therefore, it is generally agreed to promote the reform of financial regulatory structure. However, there is a lack not only of systematic, comprehensive and indepth analysis of the inherent logic of financial regulatory reform, but also of adequate data support. Based on this, the research report follows the logic of adjustment of the financial structure(financial asset structure)→financial risk derived and it's variation→financial regulation model reform. At the same time, it gives a deep analysis of the background and motivation of the adjustment of financial supervision rules at different stages, probes into the new trend of international financial supervision reform and looks for a new model of China's financial regulatory reform.
As with most of the research reports in the past years, this research report is composed of three parts:introduction, theses and market research. Among them, the introduction and theses are the main parts of this research report. The introduction part mainly focuses on the theoretical analysis and on the logic of China's financial supervision reform, observes and analyzes the necessity of promoting the reform of China's financial supervision mode from the perspective of financial structure, risk variation and financial model alternatives, and makes a theoretical and functional construction of the new model of China's financial supervision. The theses analyze and explain the changes of China's financial regulatory model, the adjustment of regulatory rules in different periods, the new trend of global financial supervision reform and how to construct a new financial supervision model based on risk classification and risk variation.
The research report of China's capital market, hosted by FSI and led by Professor Wu Xiaoqiu, is actually a problem-oriented research focused on theoretical analysis. The prediction and research on market trends for each year and next year are not the focus of this research report, thus the market research is actually the auxiliary part of this research report. Market research analyses the 2016 market characteristics and what changes may occur in 2017 from the perspective of fundamental and technical aspects.