Preface by author
The first edition of Laparoscopic Radical Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer: Technique of Lymphadenectomy has been popular among colleagues during the 3 years since its publication in November 2011.
Currently,laparoscopic techniques for early gastric cancer have gradually developed and progressed worldwide.This surgical technique has also been utilized in treating locally advanced gastric cancer.With rapid updating in surgicalmanagement,successful performance of laparoscopic radical gastrectomy for advanced gastric cancer requires not only proficient surgical techniques,but also standardized and programmed surgical procedures.Accordingly,we decided to publish the second edition.While retaining the popular feature of the firstedition,all chapters in the second edition have been extensivelymodified and updated.A large amount ofmoremagnificent pictures have been added to this new edition.In addition,to make this book more comprehensive and clinically useful,we have incorporatedmore clinical issues including reconstruction of the digestive tract alongwith prevention and treatment of complications associated with laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer.
More than 500 laparoscopic operations are performed for gastric cancer every year in our center(Department of Gastric Surgery,Fujian Medical University Union Hospital,Fuzhou,China),which is the first professional department devoting to the treatment for gastric tumor among the general hospitals in China.Till date,we have performed the largest number of laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer in China with the number being more than 2500.After recent years of development,we are now able to routinely performlaparoscopic spleen-preserving splenic hilar lymphadenectomy for advanced upper-third gastric cancer.And we summarized the operative procedure as Huang's three-step maneuver,allowing increasingly more budding surgeons to easily master this technique.Moreover,delta-shaped gastroduodenostomy following totally laparoscopic distal gastrectomy was first performed in China in our center,and we have performed the largest number of these surgeries in China.Our 7-year experience of laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer is summarized again and refined into the second edition of this book,with the hope that this book will eventually provide new inspirations for all of the colleagueswho have devoted themselves to the surgical treatment for gastric cancer and that itwill facilitate the promotion and development of laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer.
The first edition of this book was finished after several years of conception and accumulation,and now the second edition experiences one year of revision.The editors are the dedicated doctors of Department of Gastric Surgery,Fujian Medical University Union Hospital,Fuzhou,China.They are all from the clinical front line.Besides the heavy clinical hours,they still sacrifice plenty of their precious time to put an incredible effort into publishing this book.Iwould like to expressmy gratitude from the bottom ofmy heart for their devotion to this book.Iwould also like to appreciate the related departments of People's Medical Publishing House for their encouragement and support.Finally,we will be very happy to receive your valuable feedbacks from all experts,fellows,and keen readers tomake further improvement on this book and its later editions,so that it becomes outstanding book in the field of laparoscopic surgery for gastric cancer.
Chang-M ing Huang
December 2014 in Fuzhou,China