
TPO 11



人们很少读文学,这会造成三方面不良影响,包括对大众、文化以及文学的未来。read literature↓→ ×(public, culture, future) 并不会产生这些坏处,反而可能有好处。这应该是谈一个现象的三个不良后果,常见的反驳应该是说并不会造成这些不良后果,甚至会产生好处。


缺乏想象力、同理心和对语言的理解力。public × imagine, em-pathize, understand language 并不会产生这些坏处,反而可能有好处。


转向肤浅的娱乐消遣,降低文化水平。trivial entertainment →×culture 并不会产生这些坏处,反而可能有好处。


使得好的作品得不到重视,未来好的文学作品进一步减少。write literature↓ 并不会产生这些坏处,反而可能有好处。


“What should we make of this?”无需笔记这个开头非常意外,完全没有评价,不同于我们大部分情况下见到的,什么都不需要记录。

first,准备听缺乏想象力、同理心等。Science… history, political… aren't literature… but…of high quality,反驳已经基本成型,就是读别的好作品也可以实现那些目标。just as creative and well-written,基本是废话。can stimulate the imagination,是废话。don't assume that someone who isn't reading literature isn't reading a good book,也是废话。× literature, stimulating,science, history, politics, high quality, creative, well-written, imagine, good book


But let's say that…people…spending less time…with books in general,非常隐蔽地转到第二点,人们干脆不读书,转向其他消遣。“Does that mean…cultures…decline? No…”是废话,立场符合预期。plenty of culturally…that isn't written,跟上一段策略相似,有别的方式弥补。music and movies,指出弥补方式。“Are people wasting their time… Do… lower cultural standards? Of course not.”都是废话。“Culture has changed… many forms of expressions available other than novels and poems.”还是与逻辑一致的内容。speak more directly to contemporary concerns than literature does,完美反驳。< × book > music,movie, good culture, culture changed, many forms, speak more directly to contemporary concerns


Finally,准备听对未来的不良影响。it's…true…less support for literature,表示让步,承认人们确实不再支持文学。“But don't…blame the readers… it's authors' faults.”听到这句话,耳朵都要惊掉了。作者根本没有否定阅读文学少对未来的不良后果,准确来说,作者纠结的不是这些不良后果,而是到底是谁造成了这些不良后果。这是几十篇TPO几乎独一无二的意外反驳。A lot of modern literature…difficult to understand,这只是将刚才责怪作者的理由说清楚。not much reason to suppose that earlier generations of readers would have read…today's literature,变相说现在的文学不好,老读者一样不会读。<less support > × readers' fault, author's fault, intend hard, early reader's not read today's literature



The article mentions several concerns regarding the trend that young people today are reading less literature,all of which are dismissed by the lecturer.这篇文章纠结的是文学读得少带来的不良后果,所以采取了express several concerns的写法。

For starters,according to the lecturer,even though people are reading less literature,it does not entail that they are not reading good books承认文学书读得少,否认其后果。. A book can still be intellectually challenging and stimulate imagination even though it is not literature.A political essay a scientific report,and many others can be of comparable quality.

Second,from her perspective,even if people are reading less in general,the overall level of culture is not necessarily lower承认读书少,否认其后果。,because people can be listening to a musical masterpiece or watching a thrilling movie,both of which are alternative platforms of culture that perhaps speak better to contemporary audiences.

Finally,granted that reading less literature is regrettable,the lecturerdoes notbelievethatthereaders areblameworthy承认不良后果,否认是读者造成文学书读得少。. Instead,she believes that the trend might be caused by the writers themselves,who sometimes intentionally make their works difficult to understand.Even readers in the past would perhaps not want to read these contemporary novels.