
TPO 18



专家们考虑了三种方法来解决Torreya的减少。3 way → T↑ 听力肯定会分别否定三种策略。非常明显的问题解决型文章。


把Torreya重新种植在以前它们繁盛的地方。reestablish in the same location 对三种常见建议的否定:代价高昂做不到;并不能实现复兴T的目标;严重的副作用。


把Torreya移植到更北边更适合它们生长的地方。移植到north 同上,三种可能性。


在research centers保存。research centers 同上,三种可能性。


none…provides a satisfactory solution明显要说三个方案失败,我们早就知道,是废话,不用记录。无需笔记

About the first solution,准备听本地重建。that's unlikely to be successful,说明可能采取的策略是,指出这么做不能救活T。because of what's happening to the coolest,dampest areas,肯定是给出理由,说当地的环境发生了什么不好的改变。affected by changes in…the larger region,指出受到了别的地区的影响。global warming has contributed to an increase…temperatures,指出了一种变化——温度增高;or…wetlands…been drained,指出另一种变化。areas…becoming drier,总结刚才提到的变化的结果。unlikely that…Torreya…survive说明了结果,这是我们知道的,不用记录。× success, affect byclimate, T ↑, wetland drain, dry↑


About the second,准备听移植。let's look at what happened when humans helped another tree直接暗示作者的反驳策略是类比,指出另一个物种移植的失败经历。spread so quickly,其实已经感觉到是常见话题,外来物种入侵了。killed off many plants and trees in the new environment,明显是说杀死了当地物种。some…already in danger,杀死的是濒危物种。So…can have unpredicted outcomes是在总结废话。所以这个段落的策略是指出移植的负面影响。another tree, spreadquickly, kill new environ-ment, endanger

本段逻辑梳理:assisted migration会造成副作用,比如之前移植另一种树到北方,结果它传播太快,毁掉了当地很多植被,而且还是濒危植被。

Third,准备听研究中心。the population of Torreya trees that can be kept in the centers will probably not be able to resist diseases,暗示研究所能装的树少,不够抵抗疾病,说明需要抵抗疾病的树的数量多。For a population of trees to survive diseases,it needs to be relatively large and…genetically diverse,就是刚才我们已经暗示的需要抵抗疾病的树的数量多,种类多。Tree populations in the wild usually satisfy,这没有什么用处,说的是自然界的树可以抵抗疾病,只是辅助对比。research centers would simply not…large and diverse population,听到这些就知道这也是我们已经暗示过的东西。not be capable of surviving diseases是废话总结。显然,本段的策略也是说研究所不能恢复Torreya的数量。pop少, ×resist disease, need large, diverse



The article cites three potential solutions to revive the population of Torreya. Unfortunately,the lecturer dismisses all three approaches.典型的三种解决方案型文章的开头方式。

To begin with, the lecturer does not believe that reestablishing Torreya in its original microclimate could bring Torreya back to its former glory, because the local environment is changing, more specifically, becoming drier as a result of global warming and because the surrounding wetland is drained.

Furthermore, concerned about its potential negative impact, she does not regard assisted migration as a viable solution. She points to the relocation of another tree species as an example: they spread wildly and killed off local plants and trees, many of which were themselves endangered species in the first place.

Last, she does not consider research centers as the solution, either, because research centers could only accommodate a relatively small number of Torreya trees. If the tree population is too small and not diverse enough, she suggests, the species might not be able to survive under the threat of diseases. Unfortunately, in her view, a large and diverse Torreya population can only be kept in the wild.