Shiweiguan Restaurant 拾味馆

Design agency: Hwayon Interior Group
Designer: Terrance
Location: Haikou, Hainan, China
Area: 492m2
This is a most nostalgic restaurant also with freshness and fashion. Probably for these post-70s and 80s, there is still an unforgettable image of white painted brick walls, as well as the hand-made and unpainted furniture made practically. That was an age of Phoenix Bicycles, tiny tricycles and black-and-white TV for these people. Here in Shiweiguan Restaurant, each item has its own history which can recall those ease and happy childhood time of the post-80s, who are now in their thirties.
The case overturns the traditional design styles of restaurants, but takes the fragrant bone soup as the theme to tell the emotion in this space, thus customers could feel the rich fragrance of bone soup while enjoying the meals.

Plan 平面图
