Preface 前言
When you say the word "tree house" most people think of a few pieces of timber and palette up in the branches of a tree. As you can see from our portfolio this is not the type of tree house we build. We have completed a wide variety of tree houses, including everything from Aga ovens, hot tubs, home cinemas, offices, wet rooms, secret tunnels and even a tree house with a separate door for the fairies! I think people love tree houses because they nostalgically remember all the fun times they spent playing in them as children. Tree houses are the ultimate kid's den, a great place to escape the world and hang out with your friends. All our clients have different requirements for their tree houses and we always say to new clients that if they can imagine it, we will find a way to build it! With this in mind, we have now built tree houses with just about every feature you can imagine.
We believe in an inclusive approach to design, where the sharing of knowledge and expertise, and the exchange of ideas is integral to the creative process. Tree houses are generally a very sustainable form of architecture as they are built in and amongst the trees and natural features of the site. In addition to this, tree houses are typically built with (FSC or PEFC) timber, wood being one of the most sustainable building materials. As the structures get larger they present increasingly complex engineering challenges. The methods we now employ to support our structures may incorporate elements of steel and are even designed to move and adapt as the host trees grow. Further to this we have worked with independent arborists to develop approved construction methods that do not harm the trees. Methods may include 3D laser tree surveys, air-spades and simpler methods such as tree protections zones, etc.
Our tree houses are getting larger and increasingly more complex. As structures get larger it is not always possible to support them within the tree itself. With this in mind many tree houses are now supported with a mixture of braces from the host tree and post to the ground. Occasionally tree houses can be completely supported from the ground with the host tree incorporated in the design in a ‘non-structural’ way. Tree houses have become a form of structure that embodies the values of adventure, creativity, escapism and play. On average, construction takes between 8-15 weeks depending on the size of the project.
There has been evidence of tree houses used for habitation for thousands of years, as a way of living above inhospitable ground. The first recorded evidence of tree houses used for recreation dates from the first century AD during the Roman era. Today there is a resurgence of interest in tree houses. The fashion for using locally sourced materials along with technological advances means that more complex structures are possible. Imagination is key to the creation of these unusual structures.
Tree houses have an exciting future-as innovation drives the production of new construction materials and techniques, tree house designers are continually pushing the boundaries of tree house design, conceptualising structures that verge on the impossible. When we get the chance, at Blue Forest we have a great time trying our hand at some of the more daring designs ourselves. It is growing awareness of how our planet is coming under increasing strain that has catalysed‘green initiatives' across the world over in the hopes of minimising further damage. As more and more people turn their focus to the environment, there is always a demand for‘sustainable' tree house builds. Tree houses will continue to be constructed using eco-friendly processes and materials that are manufactured in ways that have a relatively low impact on the environment and pose the lowest possible amount of environmental threat through their transport, use and disposal. Though different in their design, all of our tree houses have one unifying trait: they provide experience-whether it's adventure or sanctuary.
Simon Payne
Blue Forest Director
树屋有着令人振奋的未来,由于创新驱使着具有新建材和采用新技术的产品不断发展,树屋设计师也不断开拓着树屋设计的边界。我们得到了机会,在Blue Forest,我们经历了愉快的时光,用我们自己的双手去尝试一些更加大胆的设计。我们越来越意识到,我们的星球在负担越来越大的情况下将会变得如何,负担在世界范围内催生出“绿色方案”,希望把对未来的伤害减到最低。随着越来越多人把焦点集中到环境问题上,对建造“可持续发展”树屋的需求和呼声也愈发高涨。树屋将继续通过环保的流程建造,材料的选用也考虑到在运输、利用和处理的过程中,对环境造成相对低的影响和尽量小的损害。尽管在设计上各不相同,我们的树屋全部具有一个统一的特性:树屋能让你感到刺激,也能让你感到安心。
Simon Payne
Blue Forest主管