“Your cousin Nathan already complained about you. Ok, what do you want to do and where do you want to go? I have till five thirty.”(你的表哥Nathan已经吐槽过你了。你想做什么想去哪里我陪你,我到五点半之前都有空。)
“Wanna go have a drink?“(去喝一杯。)
“What do you want to talk about?”(你要说关于什么的?)
“Ok, what do you want to know?“(你想知道什么?)
“Are you single?“(你单身吗?)
“Seems like you have a lot of good options here, but you didn't choose any.“(看上去你在这里有很多很好的选择,但是你没有选择任何人。)
“You did your research.”(你调查了我。)
“What about me?”(我怎么样。)
“I hate the smell of your perfume.“(我讨厌你的香水味。)
“What kind do you like?“(你喜欢哪种?)
“I hate all of them.”(我不喜欢任何一款。)
“Do you think I am pretty?”(你觉得我好看吗?)
“Can I be your girlfriend?“(能做你女朋友吗?)
“Because I am a psychopath.“(因为我有精神病。)
“But you will be my boyfriend. No one can reject me.“(但是你会变成我的男朋友,没人能拒绝我。)
“You do know the existence of Yan Zhen right?“(你知道言珍对吧?)
“Yeah, someone who had a crush on you.”(嗯,一个喜欢你的人。)
“I rejected her. You aren't that different. Grow up, the world doesn't revolve around you.“(我拒绝了她。你和她没什么区别。该长大了,这个世界不是围绕着你转的。)
“But do you know who my dad is?“(你知道我爸是谁吗?)
“Nathan's uncle. One of the richest Rothschilds.”(Nathan的叔叔,一个最有钱的罗斯柴尔德。)
“I will tell him what I want and I will get it.“(我会告诉他我想要什么我会得到他。)
“If you need a boyfriend that bad, I am sure Ryan will do everything for you.”(如果你真的需要一个男朋友,我相信Ryan会做一切的。)
“But Ryan's name is not Alex.“(但是他的名字不是袁子杰)