① 全胜:卓越而伟大的胜利。这里的全,是《谋攻篇》的“全国为上”的“全”。
② 忒(tè):差错。《说文》:“忒,更也。”忒本义为更改错误,后引申为错误。《广雅》:“忒,差错。”
③ 修:修炼。《说文》:“修,饰也。”修本义为文饰,引申为修炼。
④ 保:健全。《说文》:“保,养也。”保本义为养护婴儿,引申为健全。
⑤ 政:操纵,管制。《说文》:“政,正也。”《释名》:“政,正也,下所取正也。”政本义为上面的统治者匡正下面的被统治者,这里为操纵、管制。
⑥ 地:所处的境况。
⑦ 度(dù):视角,心智模式。《说文》:“度,法制也。”度本义为计量长短的标准,古代有五度,分别为分、寸、尺、丈、印。这里引申为视角、心智模式。
⑧ 量:观察,认识。说文:“量,称轻重也。”量本义为用秤测出物品的重量,引申为测量。这里表示用心智模式测量,即观测、观照。
⑨ 数:测量结果。《说文》:“数,计也。”数本义为计算出来的量,即测量结果。
⑩ 称:评判,评估。《说文》:“称,铨也。”称本义为衡量轻重,即鉴别、评估。
⑪ 镒:古代的重量单位,二十四两为一镒。
⑫ 铢:古代的重量单位,二十四铢为一两,即:1铢=1/576镒。
⑬ 决:打开水坝。《说文》:“决,行流也。”决本义为在洪汛期打开水坝,让洪水畅通。
⑭ 形:远见卓识的现象能力。《说文》:“形,象形也。”《广雅》:“形,见(xiàn)也。”形本义为描画物像,引申为显形、现象。现象为西方哲学的专业术语,即对本质的洞察。
Business Application
Tactics are considered as a thinking process, a plan and a way of knowing and analyzing the situation with care.Using good tactics is to make ourselves invulnerable to our competitors.That is to say that we will become untouchable, invincible, safe and impenetrable and cannot be harmed or defeated by our competitors.
If we take into account what we learned in Chapter 3 as a lesson for offensive strategy,this Chapter provides us with a defensive strategy.Of course, tactics can be applied to both defense and offense and also as a means to move the company forward.
In the corporate environment, the most important hire is the commander in charge.The commander in the military sense is the General, while in the corporate environment is the Chief Executive Officer.In a large and complex corporate environment and apart from the job of commander in chief, we create other important job divisions by functional responsibilities such as the Chief Operating Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Technology Officer, the Chief Human Resources Officer and the list goes on and on depending on the need, the scope and the size of the operation.However, the one that is in charge is to provide the overall direction and tactics for the corporation is the Chief Executive Officer.An important question is, what are the attributes of a good Chief Executive Officer? First and foremost, the Chief Executive Officer must be someone who has a broad vision, a long term vision and the understanding of the particular situation that the company is in.According to Sunzi, he or she must know the industry well.He or she must know when to attack and when not to.If he is not better than any ordinary person in his understanding of predicting the chance of winning a war, he or she is not a good commander or a good Chief Executive Officer.
If we think deeply in the words and wisdom of Sunzi in this Chapter, one can conclude that one of the important lessons we can learn from this chapter on tactics is how to choose a good commanderinchief.Now, it begs the question of, how do we pick a good and suitable commanderinchief? Sunzi mentioned that it is not simply the intelligence of the person or his courage to guarantee success; it is his wisdom to ensure success.
The hiring of a Chief Executive Officer is often done by referral or by examining the good, available candidates in the market either currently seeking employment or looking for new challenges.This is often done by a reputable head hunting firm or we try to find the new commanderinchief by looking internally.It is important to note that any new or replacement chief is groomed by within or outside the organization for a long period of time.
To understand the words of Sunzi, a commanderinchief should ensure the success of the company by his wisdom and particularly, to not engage in warfare, if possible.This wisdom is the overall vision, the tactics of ways to move the company forward.So, where does this wisdom come from and where do the tactical strategies come from.
A certain Mr.X, a very knowledge and experienced Chief Executive Officer, with a wellestablished telecommunication and internet provider company walked into a board meeting recently.After the meeting, Mr.X was fired by the Board of Directors.What was the cause of his termination? There are of course, many.One of the major reasons, Mr.X was not providing the right tactical direction of the company.Mr.X was an experienced executive from another telecommunication company with a clear, bold and new tactical direction for the company.The Board of Directors was very impressed and he was hired less than two years ago.But the directions of the company have changed and obviously Mr.X was deemed not suitable and no longer capable to lead this telecommunication giant.Is this the fault of Mr.X? The answer is not simple but it cannot be all Mr.Xs fault.Mr.X is an experienced senior executive who brings with him his experience, his knowledge and his mandates.The operating environment had changed and Mr.X was not able to adopt the changes of the Board of directors.This shows that a good commanderinchief must seek and obtain the support of his superiors and in the corporate environment; it is the Board, who represents the owners.In warfare, a good General must articulate his tactics and these tactics must be supported by his superiors.
Communication within the company is important.Articulating the tactics and directions of the company to the lower ranking members of the company is just as important.In the corporate world, this is referred as “buyin”.This “buyin”should also be extended to the owners of the company and this also where leadership comes in.In the case of Mr.X, he had tremendous “buyin”and support from his staff and rank and file.Obviously, that was not enough.It is often said that leaders are often born but can be advanced by training and by understanding the corporate culture.
Unlike in the military, a General is often promoted by moving up the ranks.In the corporate environment, moving up the ranks is a far more complex situation than with the military.In a simplistic way, a corporate structure entails many functional areas of the operation each holding on their respective responsibility, such as finance, marketing,manufacturing, production, human resources and the like.So, who will be the natural Chief Executive Officer, or succeed to be the next Chief Executive Officer? The one with the high ability and performance in his or her functional area is often not the choice.
The one who will be a good internal candidate for the job as the Chief Executive Officer must be someone who is loyal to the organization and totally adapted to the corporate culture of the company.Corporate culture defines the direction, the approach and the means to move the company forward.This forms the core of the corporate tactics.What is the other attribute of the Chief Executive Officer in forming a good tactic to safely protect the interest and the competitiveness of the company? The ability to have broad vision, to understand the global trend, the industry trend, to fend off, take over and to aggressively engage in expansion strategies are the key attributes of being a good Chief Executive Officer.
Here, we have some bad news for those who are engaging in jobs such as accounting,manufacturing, human resources or research and development.If we do careful analysis of Fortune 500 companies in the world, one can find that most of their Chief Executive Officers come from the background of marketing or even to some extent, finance.For some high tech companies, their Chief Executive Officer might come from the technology leader of the company.Why is marketing such a hot bed for Chief Executive Officers? The answer is simple.These are the people in the front of the battle field and understand the conditions of competition well.They know the needs of the customers and the market directions.This will make them an excellent candidate to form tactics and direction for growth, expansion and survival.