(1)The American Scholar[1]
The theory of books is noble.The scholar of the first age [1] received into him the world around; brooded thereon; gave it the new arrangement of his mind, and uttered it again.It came into him life; it went out from him truth.It came to him short-lived actions; it went out from him immortal thoughts.It came to him business; it went from him poetry.It was dead fact; now, it is quick thoughts.It can stand, and it can go.It now endures, it now flies, it now inspires [2].Precisely in proportion to the depth of mind from which it issued, so high does it soar, so long does it sing[3].
Or, I might say, it depends on how far the process had gone, of transmitting life into truth.In proportion to the completeness of the distillation, so will the purity and imperishableness of the product be [4].But none is quite perfect...
Books are the best of things, well used; abused, among the worse. What is the right use? What is the one end which all means go to the effect? They are for nothing but to inspire.I had better never see a book than to be warped by its attraction clean out of my own orbit, and made a satellite instead of a system[5].The one thing in the world, of value, is the active soul.This every man is entitled to; this every man contains within him [6], although in almost all men obstructed, and as yet unborn.The soul active sees absolute truth and utters truth, or creates.In this action it is genius; not the privilege of here and there a favorite, but the sound estate of every man.In its essence it is progressive.The book, the college, the school of art, the institution of any kind, stop with some past utterance of genius.This is good, say they; —let us hold by this.They pin down.They look backward and not forward.But genius looks forward:the eyes of man are set in his forehead, not in his hindhead:man hopes:genius creates.Whatever talents may be, if the man creates not[7], the pure efflux of the Deity is not his; —cinders and smoke there may be, but not yet flame.There are creative manners, there are creative actions, and creative words;manners, actions, words, that is, indicative of no custom or authority, but springing spontaneous from the mind's own sense of good and fair.
On the other part, instead of being its own seer, let it receive from another mind its truth, though it were in torrents of light, without periods of solitude, inquest, and self-recovery, and a fatal disservice is done[8].Genius is always sufficiently the enemy of genius by overinfluence[9].The literature of every nation bears me witness.English dramatic poets have Shakespearized now for two hundred years.
Undoubtedly there is a right way of reading, so it be sternly subordinated.Man Thinking must not be subdued by his instruments. Books are for the scholar's idle times.When he can read God directly, the hour is too precious to be wasted in other men's transcripts of their readings.But when the intervals of darkness come, as come they must—when the sun is hid and the stars withdraw their shining, —we repair[10]to the lamps and to the books which were kindled by their rays, to guide our steps to the East again, where the dawn is.
美 国 学 者
[1]“the first age”是第一个时代,从人类历史来看,那就是“原始”时代,但如果译成“原始”,恐怕有点不够确切,因为“原始”有其特有的定义,一般指包括旧石器时代在内的人类起始阶段,特点是生产力极其低下、工具简单、文化欠发达。作者是从赞美的角度用“the first age”的,与“原始”的内涵特点相悖,更类似于中国古典文学中对“古人”的赞誉,其中“古”字并非指“原始”社会,而往往是指被认为或传说中文化发达的古代。
[2]这一段多处对原文的理解和中文的表达都需要从深度和广度着手。例如,“It came to him business; it went from him poetry”,其中“business”在许多场合是指“商务”,在这里与下文“poetry”相对应,译成“俗务”,可谓恰如其分。“quick”一般意为“快速”,但在“It was dead fact; now, it is quick thoughts”中如果解释成“快速”,那就前言不搭后语。实际上,“quick”本来就有“not dead”或“alive”的意思,与前文的“dead”恰恰相对应。另外,“stand”与“go”相对应,译者从深层理解,译成“既能屹立不动,也能放诸四海”。对于“endures”, “flies”, “inspires”的处理也一样,译成了“能持久不变,能翱翔天空,能启发世人”,既照顾原文含义,又根据中文表达需要发挥,巧妙地结合了准确性与创造性。
[3]“in proportion to”一般可解释为“与……成比例(成正比)”。如果照顾字面语义(即采用Newmark的“语义翻译法”),这句话似乎可译成“这种思想在内心出发之点的深度与在天空飞翔的高度和其鸣声响亮度恰成正比”。这样译意思不错,但此为文学作品,如果用“成比例”或“成正比”之类技术性词语,就会在文体上显得出格。译者没有采用这种译法,而是透过表层意思,从深度和广度把握整体,既再现原文内涵,又符合整体风格。
[5]本文作者经常采用彼此对应的概念,与前文提到的“business”与“poetry”, “dead”与“quick”, “stand”与“go”等等一样,此处又用了“satellite”与“system”。“satellite”(卫星)只能绕着其他星球转,卫星所绕行的星球可以被视为一个系统,而卫星是该系统的附属物。作者的意思是我们在读书时不要使自己成为书本的思想体系的附属物,我们需要有自己的思想,要自成体系。我们在分析原文时,需注意这种对应关系,在动笔翻译时,又要刻意体现这种关系。如果脱离这种关系,“卫星”和“系统”作为单独的概念在本文中便毫无意义。
[6]请注意倒装的用法。正常语序是“Every man is entitled to this;every man contains this within him”。
[7]相当于“the man does not create”。
[8]首先,我们需要断定“it”指什么。从上文(前面一段)和下文(接下去的一句)都可以知道“it”指“genius”。句中的“seer”意为“one that sees”,于是,“instead of being its own seer”可意味着“instead of being the one who observes(the world)himself”。“solitude”一词从表面来看,是“孤独”的意思,但从深层和广度来看,尤其是参考与后面“inquest”和“self-recovery”的结合使用以及与前文的互动,我们会发现“solitude”在这里所指的不是简单的“孤独”,而是“独立思考”。
(2)The Complexity of Technological Change
Technological change is a cumulative process, fraught with uncertainties as to direction and outcome.History also suggests that there is no simple technological sleight of hand [1]for transforming production and consumption.Changes in the world's dominant technologies will lead to significant changes in social structure, market institutions, living arrangements and lifestyles.
Inevitably, radical technological change will have strong distributive effects[2]across and within countries.Some countries and groups will be negatively affected by reduced demand for their products and resources.On the other hand, countries that keep up with research and development efforts and manage to generate new linkages with the rest of their economies will be better able to keep in step with the emerging technological trends and experience gains in wealth and welfare.
Technologicalchangeis closely linked to industrial upgrading and structural change
The biggest advances in technological capabilities and applications will have to occur in the developing world where technological upgrading involves structural changes in production.The capacity of an economy to generate new dynamic activities is key to sustainable development. Because production processes must change in order to sustain long-term growth and facilitate development, Governments must choose enabling policies [3].This may involve what the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter called“creative destruction”:creating new economic activities to replace older, less productive ones.Selective investment, industry and technology policies [4]will thus become essential for all countries pursuing sustainable development.
A Green National Innovation System(G-NIS)is needed to accelerate sustainabledevelopment
All countries have what has come to be called a national innovation system(NIS)[5], which encompasses the educational system, scientific and technical research institutions, private firms'product development departments and other mechanisms through which products and production processes are redesigned.All countries have a national innovation system whether or not policymakers are conscious of its presence.A key responsibility of an effective NIS is building domestic capacity to choose, absorb and promote the technologies that are most conducive to enhancing dynamic sustainable development.This Survey proposes mainstreaming sustainable development objectives into existing national innovation systems and situating those objectives at their very core so as to create what it calls Green National Innovation Systems(G-NIS). The G-NIS would also serve both to coordinate the reorientation of sector-specific innovation systems for agriculture, energy, construction, manufacturing and transport, among other sectors towards a focus on green technologies and to ensure consistency among green technology, industrial and demand-side policies.
[1]“sleight of hand”一般指变魔术时魔术师灵巧、快速的手法。
[2]在经济学里“distribution”(分配)是指总产出、收入或财富在个人或生产要素之间分配的方式。本文提到的“distributive effects”与此有关。作者认为技术变革会改变分配方式,包括财富的分配。因此,根据准确性的要求,“distributive”一词不应有其他译法。
[4]“selective investment, industry and technology policies”如果译成“选择性的投资、工业和技术政策”,虽然没错,但容易产生歧义,对中文读者的理解造成不必要的困难,因为读者可以认为“选择性的投资”为一个组合,“工业和技术政策”为另一个组合。重复使用“政策”一词,能使各词语的彼此关系更加清晰。
[5]这里难以处理的一个小问题是“what has come to be called”的译法。我承认这个问题并不关键,解决方案之一是忽略不计。有人采用了另一种解决办法,将这句话译成:“所有国家都有一个所谓的国家革新体系……”但这样译既没有反映“what has come to”的过程,又加上一个带有负面意味的“所谓”,给准确性打了折扣。如果能在不影响中文表达的前提下把原文里这一层意思也反映出来,那是最理想的。参考译文里的处理方法就是这样做的一个尝试。
(3)Criminal Jurisdiction
The label“criminal”or“civil”may not accurately depict the real distinction in the degree to which a prescribing State may be exercising its prerogative to control particular conduct.This may be true in situations where crimes under international law [1]have given rise to civil claims at the domestic level.In civil law systems [2], private parties may apply for civil law compensation in criminal proceedings.In other instances, legislation[3]that is“civil”as is the case with antitrust legislation may be penal and coercive in its impact.The present study is concerned with“foreign criminal jurisdiction”.However, the formalistic delineation may not fully provide a clear reflection of the issues involved.Indeed, case law arising from civil proceedings may broach issues that may be analogously relevant in respect of criminal proceedings and such case law, as appropriate, has been resorted to in the present study.The present study is nevertheless essentially concerned with situations in which an individual may be prosecuted in a foreign jurisdiction for having committed a criminal offence.
Whereas international law considers criminal jurisdiction to be ordinarily territorial, this has not prevented almost all domestic systems of law from extending its application to extraterritorial offences [4]. International law discloses [5]five principles that provide bases for criminal jurisdiction:(a)The territorial principle;(b)the nationality(“active personality”)principle;(c)the passive personality principle;(d)the protective principle; and(e)the universal principle.Although these bases have found varying levels of acceptance in the practice of States, a State may found its jurisdiction on the basis of any of these principles or a combination thereof[6].For example, the various antiterrorism conventions provide several bases on which a State could take measures to establish its jurisdiction.In the Eichmann case, Israel assumed jurisdiction on the basis of the passive personality principle, as well as the protective and the universality principles.Amending the substantive criminal law to conform with an international obligation assumed may not be sufficient to seize a domestic court with jurisdiction, if there is no corresponding change, if required by the internal constitutional order, to the criminal law recognizing the establishment of jurisdiction on any of the bases[7].
Of the five principles, the universality principle has given rise to issues of implementation in relation to immunity; the view being sometimes advanced that the recognition of such jurisdiction would effectively render immunity irrelevant for particular crimes.The extent to which the establishment of universal jurisdiction by a State bears on immunity in respect particularly of crimes under international law will be addressed in Part Two.
The present study uses the term“crimes under international law”and“international crimes”synonymously to denote crimes of a particularly serious nature such as genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and torture [8].Of the three main components of international criminal law, namely(a)international aspects of national criminal law;(b)criminal aspects of international law; and(c)international criminal law stricto sensu, it has been suggested that“crimes under international law”fall within the last category.These are crimes for which rules of international law impose criminal responsibility directly upon individuals.The term“international crime”, in its historical context, has been employed by some authors to broadly embrace“a crime against international law”and a crime which brings an offender into conflict with the law of more than one State.It has been suggested that a“crime against international law”would cover“crimes under international law”as well as“offences of international concern”.For its part, the Commission, in its elaboration of the Statute of an International Criminal Court, seems to have used the distinction between crimes under general international law(“core crimes”)and crimes under or pursuant to certain treaties(“treaty”crimes).For the purposes of the present study, the terms“crime under international law”or“international crime”as forming a possible exception to immunity are used to denote crimes under general international law, as well as treaty crimes.These matters will be discussed further in Part Two, alongside the question whether other crimes of international concern — such as embezzlement, corruption or misappropriation of national assets — would fall within such a possible exception.
[1]鉴于“crimes under international law”是贯穿全文的一个术语,多处使用,我们在翻译时决不能在不同处用不同的译法,而必须力求前后统一,这是正式文件翻译的最基本的一致性要求。接下去我们来讨论这一术语的译法。照字面译成“国际法下的犯罪”显然不妥,不但意思不明确,而且搭配离奇。我们承认,此处的“under”的确带有一点“pursuant to”的意思,于是真的有人将其译成“根据国际法的犯罪”。这是只注意表层含义的典型做法,结果意思全错,完全没有逻辑。要理解和反映这一术语的确切含义,我们决不能停留于表层,必须从深层探究,还必须扩大视野,根据其在各处的实际使用情况加以判断。我们从下文得知,“crimes under international law”与“international crimes”(国际犯罪)为同义词。那么,可以说这种犯罪是国际性的犯罪,或国际法述及的犯罪,或违反国际法的犯罪,或与国际法有关的犯罪。有人将其译成“国际法规定的犯罪”,这种译法也讲不通,国际法可以规定哪些行为是犯罪行为,可以规定如何处罚犯罪行为,但我们不能说“国际法规定的犯罪”。另一种译法是“国际法定义内的犯罪”,这种译法说得通,但不够准确,在涵盖范围上有偏差,因为“crimes under international law”不仅包括国际法中有定义的犯罪行为,如“灭绝种族罪”、“危害人类罪”等(定义见《国际刑事法院罗马规约》),而且也包括国际法中尚无正式定义的犯罪行为,如“侵略罪”(关于“侵略罪”的定义,各方已讨论多年,目前尚无共识)。“crimes under international law”这一术语在法文里一般表达为“crimes de droit international”(按字面译成英文就是“crimes of international law”,只是英文里不这样说),法文里有时也说“crimes au regard du droit international”;在西班牙文里一般表达为“los crímenes de derecho internacional”(与法文的第一种表达方式类似),有时称为“crímenes con arreglo al derecho internacional”。因此,从广度和深度的各方面情况来看,这一术语译成“国际法范畴内的犯罪”较妥,在表达上符合中文习惯,在实际意义(而不是表面意义)上也比较贴切。关于“under”的用法,我们也可参考以下例子:“U.S.authorities have charged Snowden with theft of U.S.government property, unauthorized communication of national defense information and willful communication of classified communications intelligence to an unauthorized person, with the latter two charges falling under the U.S.Espionage Act.”当然,句中“under”前面用了“falling”一词,但意思一样,“under”与“falling under”在这种情况下是完全同义的。因此,“crimes under international law”也就是“crimes falling under international law”。
[2]“civil law systems”指欧洲大陆的法系,有别于英美法系,有时称为“欧陆法系”、“大陆法系”、“罗马法系”等,以成文法为主,通常不承认判例法的地位。
[3]“legislation”的译法比较有争议,不少人喜欢将其译成“立法”,但“立法”在中文里的主要意思为“制定法律”。根据北大教科书的解释,立法是由特定的主体,依据一定职权和程序,运用一定技术,制定、认可和变动法这种特定规范的活动。当然,这是“legislation”的一层意思,即lawmaking,而在此处“legislation”是以另一层意思出现的,即“a proposed or enacted law or group of laws”或者说“law enacted by a legislative body”。诚然,“legislation”有别于“case law”(判例法)。就英美法系而言,“law”主要包括两类:“legislation”和“case law”。无论如何,“legislation”也是“law”,因此,将其译成“法律”永远是正确的。至于是否一定要称之为“立法”,笔者不敢肯定。这要取决于中文读者对“立法”一词的理解:该术语是仅指“制定法律的活动”还是也指“由政府通过的法律”?
[4]有人把“this has not prevented almost all domestic systems of law from extending its application to extraterritorial offences”译成“这未能阻止几乎所有国内法律体系将刑事管辖权的适用延伸到域外犯罪”。从表面上来看译文与原文几乎一字不差,但这种表达方式在中文里不太自然,而且实际上也欠准确,因为此处英文里说“has not prevented...”并不是真的事关有无“阻止”的问题,中文里强调“阻止”,便偏离了原意。对于这样的句子,灵活处理为上策,如果译成“几乎所有国内法律体系都将其刑事管辖权适用于域外犯罪”,从实际含义上来看要准确得多。
[6]需略加注意的是“to found...on”(以……为基础)的结构。
[7]这句话是本选节的难点,在理解和表达上都有一定的难度。一种译文是:“如果不能按国内宪令要求,对承认以任何相关依据建立管辖权的刑法做出相应的改变,那么,根据所承担的国际义务修改实体刑法,可能不足以使一个国内法院受理管辖权。”这个译文可能没有人能看得懂,我们也不知道译者自己懂不懂。译文其他各处的主要问题是关系不清,而最明显、最严重的错误是把“seize a domestic court withjurisdiction”译成“使一个国内法院受理管辖权”,因为作者的明显意图是想说“使国内法院具有管辖权”,即“让国内法院有权审理国际犯罪行为”。这里还需澄清的一个概念是“substantive criminal law”,中文里通常叫“实体刑法”,是具体规定犯罪的定义与量刑的法律。与“substantive law”(实体法)相对应的是“procedural law”(程序法),两者构成法律的两大类别。原文作者认为,在宪法有要求的情况下,要赋予国内法院审理国际犯罪行为的管辖权,仅仅修正实体刑法(即修正犯罪定义和关于处罚措施的规定),使之符合本国承担的国际义务,是不够的,刑法的其他某些条款(即程序方面的内容)也需加以相应调整。翻译这句话时,紧贴字面看来行不通,我们必须根据对原文的恰当分析,按照中文表达习惯重新组合。
[8]诸如“genocide”, “crimes against humanity”等词语都属于标准术语,在一些重要法律文书(如《国际刑事法院罗马规约》)里已出现过,有既定译法,切忌重新发明。
(4)Escalation of the Crisis in the Euro Area Is the Biggest Threat to Global Growth
At the current juncture, the crisis in the euro area remains the biggest threat to global growth in the outlook period.An escalation of the crisis would likely be associated with severe turmoil in financial markets and a sharp rise in global risk aversion, leading to a contraction of economic activity in developed countries at large, which would spill over to developing countries and economies in transition[1].
Although some progress was made in early 2012 in easing financial market tensions, policymakers in the euro area have so far not addressed the fundamental and closely intertwined issues at the core of the crisis. They continue to face major challenges related to the fragility of financial institutions and the high level of sovereign debt.Tackling these challenges is complicated by structural imbalances within the euro area and the lack of growth impulses.Average unemployment in the region is at its highest level since the common currency was introduced, and many economies face anaemic growth or recessions as firms and households are in a process of deleveraging [2], while governments pursue contractionary fiscal policies.
While asset price volatility and interbank borrowing costs eased somewhat in early 2012, owing mostly to the long-term refinancing operations of the European Central Bank, Europe's financial sector remains very fragile[3].The cleansing of bank balance sheets of poorly performing assets has been complicated by the slow growth of European economies and increased exposure to sovereign debt risk.Conversely, stagnating and declining growth in many European economies is further eroding the quality of bank assets, as is the continued sovereign debt distress in the euro area.As a result, many European banks plan to shed more assets in the years ahead in order to raise capital buffers and reduce their exposure to funding markets.Current estimates of the value of assets likely to be sold off over the next two years total about MYM2 trillion.Financial deleveraging is necessary to strengthen the financial position of banks in the long run, but, in the short run, it will lead to tighter credit supplies, which will further weaken the real economy[4].In fact, bank credit supply has continued to decline in some European economies even after the long-term refinancing operations.Despite the recent efforts by the European Central Bank, bank funding markets are far from normal yet:bank credit risk remains at a high level, and investors'confidence in banks is weak as reflected in the low prices of banking shares.Together with persistent high unemployment, the still ongoing deleveraging by households and fiscal austerity measures by Governments is keeping the risk of Europe entering into a downward, deflationary spiral dangerously high.
Fiscal austerity has already pushed many countries in Europe further into recession and has become self-defeating as far as fiscal consolidation[5]is concerned.This particularly holds for the debtridden euro area economies, including Greece and Portugal, which have already received European Union-International Monetary Fund bailout packages, and Italy and Spain, which saw the costs of public financing soar in 2011.Other countries in the euro area have also fallen back into recession following fiscal retrenchment over the past two years.Low growth and high unemployment are at the heart of the region's problems.Given that the economies in the euro area are trading mostly with each other, weak demand in one country also creates significant negative spillover effects[6].
At present, the biggest danger for the euro area is posed by the situation in Italy and Spain, as the size of their debts would likely challenge the region's rescue funds.The main fear is that Spain will slide into a downward spiral of austerity and recession, which will drive up its borrowing costs, lead to increased market turmoil and eventually require a bailout — with insufficient funds available for Italy.Such a scenario would likely involve renewed speculation about a break-up of the euro area, further unsettling financial markets and triggering a sharp downturn in global economic activity.
[1]“economies”在这里是指国家,把“economies in transition”译成“转型经济国家”也没错。但“economies”有时也可以指“地区”。考虑到中文里有对应词“经济体”,因此从准确性角度来看,我们还是将其译成“经济体”更为妥当。
[4]“real economy”一般译成“实体经济”,指实际生产货物、提供服务的经济活动,有别于金融市场上的买卖活动。
[5]“fiscal consolidation”是指减少政府财政赤字的政策,可译成“财政调整”。整句话根据内在含义翻译,也可以译成:
[6]“spillover effects”可以按字面译成“溢出效应”,这样与原文贴得更紧一些,同时仍然能保持译文明确。但如果采用别的译法,只要意思准确、表达流利,自然也无可非议,例如:“一个国家疲软的需求也会对其他国家造成重大负面影响”等等。
(5)Our Common Vision
We, the Heads of State and Government and high-level representatives,having met at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20 to 22 June 2012, with the full participation of civil society, renew our commitment to sustainable development and to ensuring the promotion of an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable future for our planet and for present and future generations[1].
Eradicating poverty is the greatest global challenge facing the world today and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development.In this regard we are committed to freeing humanity from poverty and hunger as a matter of urgency.
We therefore acknowledge [2]the need to further mainstream sustainable development at all levels, integrating economic, social and environmental aspects and recognizing their interlinkages, so as to achieve sustainable development in all its dimensions.
We recognize that poverty eradication, changing unsustainable and promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and production [3]and protecting and managing the natural resource base of economic and social development are the overarching objectives of and essential requirements for sustainable development.We also reaffirm the need to achieve sustainable development by promoting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, creating greater opportunities for all, reducing inequalities, raising basic standards of living, fostering equitable social development and inclusion, and promoting integrated and sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems that supports, inter alia, economic, social and human development while facilitating ecosystem conservation, regeneration and restoration and resilience in the face of new and emerging challenges[4].
We reaffirm our commitment to make every effort to accelerate the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
We recognize that people are at the centre of sustainable development and in this regard we strive for a world that is just, equitable and inclusive, and we commit to work together to promote sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development and environmental protection and thereby to benefit all[5].
We reaffirm that we continue to be guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, with full respect for international law and its principles.
We also reaffirm the importance of freedom, peace and security, respect for all human rights, including the right to development and the right to an adequate standard of living, including the right to food, the rule of law, gender equality, women's empowerment and the overall commitment to just and democratic societies for development.
We reaffirm the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as other international instruments relating to human rights and international law.We emphasize the responsibilities of all States, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations, to respect, protect and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, disability or other status.
We acknowledge that democracy, good governance and the rule of law, at the national and international levels, as well as an enabling environment, are essential for sustainable development, including sustained and inclusive economic growth, social development, environmental protection and the eradication of poverty and hunger.We reaffirm that to achieve our sustainable development goals we need institutions at all levels that are effective, transparent, accountable and democratic.
We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen international cooperation to address the persistent challenges related to sustainable development for all, in particular in developing countries.In this regard, we reaffirm the need to achieve economic stability, sustained economic growth, promotion of social equity and protection of the environment, while enhancing gender equality, women's empowerment and equal opportunities for all, and the protection, survival and development of children to their full potential, including through education[6].
We resolve to take urgent action to achieve sustainable development.We therefore renew our commitment to sustainable development, assessing the progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on sustainable development and addressing new and emerging challenges.We express our determination to address the themes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, namely, a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, and the institutional framework for sustainable development.
We recognize that opportunities for people to influence their lives and future, participate in decision-making and voice their concerns are fundamental for sustainable development. We underscore that sustainable development requires concrete and urgent action.It can only be achieved with a broad alliance of people, governments, civil society and the private sector, all working together to secure the future we want for present and future generations.
[1]虽然原则上我们采用不增不减的译法,但为了尊重中文的表达习惯,出于正常搭配的需要,在不改变整体含义的前提下适当增加某些词是可取的。例如,“renew our commitment to sustainable development”如果译成“再次承诺可持续发展”,似乎缺了些什么,如果加上“实现”两字,大意未变,但行文更通顺。当然,我们如果将其译成“重申对可持续发展的承诺”,那就既没有增删词语,又能保持通顺,不过我们看一看下文,会发现新的问题:“renew our commitment to”后面跟着两个成分,其一是“sustainable development”,其二是以“ensuring”起首的短语。如果译成“重申对可持续发展的承诺”,那么“重申”的内容就到此为止,为了忠实于原文,我们可以重复使用“重申”,但在此上下文中如果重复使用“重申”,会给下文的词语排列造成困难,因为下文我们也许不得不使用几个动词,如果再加上“重申”,会出现动词成堆的情况,会影响可读性。接下去我们遇到的一个问题是“promotion of an...future”,不动脑子的人会将其译成“促进……未来”,但这种搭配在中文里是不通的,如果加上“创造”两字,意思没变,搭配就合理了。
[2]前面已经讲过,正式文件翻译的一个十分重要的注意事项是用语统一,本文中多处使用“acknowledge”, “recognize”等,我们在翻译时最好也始终用同样的词语,在本文里凡遇“acknowledge”,均译成“确认”,凡遇“recognize”,均译成“认识到”。
[3]在英文里“patterns of consumption and production”不需重复,而在中文里有必要重复。
[4]这是一个非常长的句子,我们需要把每一层意思都译出来,把关系理顺,同时保持中文顺畅。为了符合准确性的要求,每一个实意词都不能遗漏,比如,原文里用“sustained”, “inclusive”, “equitable”来修饰“economic growth”,我们也必须以三个对应的词语来表示,不应有增删。再如“new and emerging challenges”,我们可以合理地认为“new”与“emerging”基本同义,在某些场合译成“新挑战”无可非议。但在此处我们可以保守一些,不妨把两个词都译出来(“新挑战和正在出现的挑战”),虽然略有点啰嗦,但还基本通顺。关于整句话的结构安排,我们可以采用不同的方式,只要能体现原文的内在关系即可。参考译文里的译法只是处理办法之一。这句话也可以译成:
[6]这里也许需注意的一点是“enhancing”的对象(即宾语),除了“gender equality”,还有“women's empowerment”, “equal opportunities for all”, “the protection, survival and development of children”。在英文里“enhancing”一词可与所有这些词语搭配,但中文里的对应词“加强”却无法与所有这些词语搭配。于是,我们就有必要作出相应调整。
[1] 节选自美国作家、诗人拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)(1803—1882)所著的“The American Scholar”。