(15)所有格形容词(Possessive adjectives)
1. 放在名词之前作为形容词用者,如 my、(thy)、his、her、its、our、your、their;My book、her book、our books。
2. 作为代词用者,如 mine、(thine)、his、hers、its、ours、yours、theirs(既系代词,故其后不用名词)。
例:a. This book is mine. That house is theirs.
b. My horse and yours(= your horse)are both tired.
c. That horse of yours is tired.
注意:所有格不能与 a(n)、the、some、any、no、this、that 等词连用,故有(c)例的表现法,因 That your horse 不是英语的语法,必须将所有格放在名词之后,而用 of 与名词相联结,但此时的所有格,系一种代词了。
A. 将括号中的代词用为适当的所有格:
1. That manner of(you)is not as good as it should be.
2. The book which you are reading is(I),not(he).
3.(I)horse is not so strong as(you)or(he).
4.(He)cow gives much more milk than(I)or(you).
5. What he calls(he)property is not really(he).
6. The poet prefers(he)own poem to(you)or(she).
7. That house of(they)is very handsomely furnished.
8.(I)house and(you)were built on precisely the same plan.
9.(She)wishes are of no importance compared with(you).
10. That face of(she)looks more wrinkled than(I).
11. I wish I had seen that letter of(you)before I posted(I).
B. 下列句子有错误者,改正之:
1. He is a my friend.
2. That your shilling is very old.
3. This his coat is well made.
4. We will lend you those our books.
5. Her that manner surprised me.
6. May I borrow some your magazines?