Warm up
Read and recite the following words,phrases and sentences that are useful in talking about culture and customs.
1.Here are some words and phrases you may use to talk about culture and customs.
architecture,archeology,art,crafts,festivals,language,literature,morality,religion,food,drinks,dress,film,dance,music,drama,opera,painting,rituals,sports,cultural conflicts,cultural diversity,cultural shock,cultural stereotypes,culturally acceptable,folk way,codes of manners,norms of behavior,systems of belief.
2.Here are some sentences you may use to talk about culture and customs.
It isn’t culturally acceptable in some countries to blow your nose in public places.
Cultural stereotypes make our understanding of other cultures difficult.
The first time she went to Japan,Isabel got a huge culture shock.
The Samba School Parade is the highlight of Brazilian Carnival.
This year they will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary,the silver anniversary.