1.6 Writing Envelopes
Envelopes for business letters ordinarily have return name and address(writer’s name and address)printed in the upper left corner of the envelope.The receiver’s name and address should be written about half way down the envelope.In writing the envelope for a business letter,special attention should be paid to the fact that the receiver’s name and address in the envelope should be in exact agreement with the inside name and address in the letter.The stamp is generally put in the upper right hand corner of the envelope.Please see Exhibit 1.5.
Of course,it can be written in block or indented style.Please refer to Exhibit 1.6 and Exhibit 1.7 respectively.
Exhibit 1.2 Blocked Style
Exhibit 1.3 Indented Style
Exhibit 1.4 Blended Style
Exhibit 1.5 An Envelope
Exhibit 1.6 Blocked Style of Envelope
Exhibit 1.7 Indented Style of Envelope