Question 8: What are the main pieces of advice for the antenatal care and precautions for self-monitoring for pregnant women staying at home?
ln order to ensure the safety of the mothers and infants, pregnant women must keep in mind the relevant examinations and make an appointment in advance and complete them on time.
The following key examinations should not be missed as much as possible:
(1) Pregnant women with indications for prenatal diagnosis should receive villous biopsy at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.
(2) Ultrasound screening of the nuchal translucence value at the fetal neck should be scheduled for 11-13 +6 weeks of pregnancy.
(3) Down syndrome’s serological screening for 15-20 +6 weeks of pregnancy; or fetal chromosomal aneuploidy screening (i.e. non-invasive prenatal testing) at 12-24 weeks of pregnancy.
(4) Fetal system ultrasound screening should be completed at 18-24 weeks of pregnancy.
(5) 75g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) for pregnancy-associated diabetes screening should be taken at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy.
(6) Obstetric ultrasound examination should be received at 30-32 weeks of pregnancy.
(7) Ultrasound prenatal examination at 37-41 weeks of pregnancy and weekly electronic monitoring for fetal heart rate.
For pregnant women who have completed special antenatal checkups on schedule, they should stay at home for observation and monitoring the fetal movement.lf there is edema, abnormal weight gain, headache,dizziness, abdominal pain, bleeding, or vaginal fluid during the period, they should contact the doctor at any time. For those with comorbidities such as HlV, syphilis,hepatitis B and other diseases, they should follow the doctor’s advice for their antenatal care.
lf the pregnant women develop suspicious symptoms such as fever, coughing, and sore throat, or encounter clustered COVlD-19, they are advised to visit a designated hospital in time and report it to the community and staff managing medical observations.