文献作者在文章中首次提出了著名的Johnson-Cook模型,并根据Hopkinson杆拉杆和扭曲实验获得了Armco iron(工业纯铁)的Johnson-Cook本构模型参数。
表2-112 Johnson-Cook模型参数(一)

JOHNSON G R, COOK W H. A constitutive model and data for metals subjected to large strains, high strain-rates and high temperatures [C]. Proceedings of Seventh International Symposium on Ballistics, Hague, April 1983:541-547.
表2-113 Johnson-Cook模型参数(二)


D R SAROHA. Single Point Initiated Multi-EFP Warhead [C]. 25th International Symposium on Ballistics, Beijing, 2010.
表2-115 AUTODYN软件中Armco iron的Linear状态方程和Zerilli-Armstrong模型参数

SRIDHAR PAPPU. Hydrocode and Microstructural Analysis of Explosively Formed Penetrators [D]. EL PASO:University of Texas, 2000.
表2-116 *EOS_GRUNEISEN状态方程参数

表2-117 Johnson-Cook模型参数(三)

表2-118 Johnson-Cook模型损伤参数

徐金中, 汤文辉,等. SPH方法在层裂损伤模拟中的应用[J]. 强度与环境, 2009, 36(1):1-7.