5.2 Mining Industrial Yard
5.2.1 A centralized layout may be designed for the mining industrial yard in accordance with such functional divisions as mining machinery repairing facility,transportation vehicle repairing facility,power facility,warehouse,production management facility and living facility.Where a scattered layout has to be devleoped due to limitation of the site condition,the mining machinery repairing facility and transportation equipment repairing facility that are directly related with the mining production should be arranged near the open pit or shaft(adit)mouth.
5.2.2 Shaft(adit)mouth shall be located outside the surface subsidence limitation,with its safety distance meeting the requirements of Article 4.2.5 herein.It should be arranged at lower point of the footwall of ore body and as close to the cener of the main ore body as possible.
5.2.3 Necessary open air inspection and storage yard shall be foreseen for the electric power shovel and drilling machine repairing shop and the drill rod dressing shop according to the process requirement.The area of open air inspection and storage yard shall be 1-2 times of the building area of the electric power shovel and drilling machine repairing shop,and 1.2 times of the building area of the drill rod dressing shop.
5.2.4 Arrangement of locomotive and wagon repairing facility shall harmonize with the mine production and transportation system,and should be arranged near the railway station where traffic flow is concentrated or near the shaft(adit)mouth.
5.2.5 Ventilator room shall be located as close to the air supply and exhaust shaft mouths as possible.Extraction type ventilator room shall be arranged at windward side of the industrial site in terms of the wind direction of least frequency in normal year;press-in type ventilator room(or air supply shaft)shall be arranged at leeward side of the ore and waste rock loading/unloading point,the boiler house and the workshop that generates harmful gas,fume or dust in terms of the wind direction of least frequency in normal year,and distance between the ventilator room and the said facilities should not be less than 30m.
5.2.6 Pit timber processing room,lumber storage yard and clinker yard of the boiler house shall be arranged 80m away at windward side of the air supply shaft in terms of the wind direction of least frequency in normal year.There shall be convenient transportation lines between the pit timber processing room and lumber storage yard and the shaft(adit)mouth through which the materials are transported.
5.2.7 The general layout of the mining industrial yard shall comply with not only the above-mentioned requirements,but also the relevant requirements in the current national standard GB 16423 Safety Regulation for Metal and Nonmetal Mines.