4.10 Regenerative Combustion Equipment
4.10.1 Before the gas reversing valve being delivered to the site,both shell test and seal test shall be conducted for air reversing valve only seal test shall be required,the test medium should be gas,the test pressure shall be 1.1 times of the maximum allowable working pressure at 20℃,in addition,the duration and the leakage rate of the test shall comply with the requirements in Table 4.10.1.
Table 4.10.1 Test duration and leakage rate

Note:DN is the nominal diameter of the reversing valve,the unit is mm.
Check method:Checking certification or test records.
Sample size:100%.
4.10.2 Site acceptance of the regenerative chamber/burner shall not only comply with the requirements in Section 4.9 of this code but also comply with the followings:
1 The shell of the regenerative chamber/burner shall be tight,and there shall not be any gas leakage at all.
2 The replacement of the heat retainer in regenerative chamber/burner shall be convenient.
4.10.3 The contact between regenerative chamber/burner of regenerative combustion system and the furnace wall shall be tight and there shall not be any gas leakage or flame belching.The content of carbon monoxide(CO)in the ambient area of the regenerative chamber/burner in furnace shall be less than 30mg/m3.
Check method:Checking with online CO detector or portable CO detector.
Sample size:100%.
4.10.4 While the regenerative combustion system is in normal working condition,the shell surface temperature of the regenerative chamber/burner shall be below 200℃.
Check method:Checking with far infrared thermometer.
Sample size:20%,at least 2 pairs.