1 General Provisions
1.0.1 In order to improve the quality management of electric equipments installation,standardization and unify the form,as well as promote the quality of installation,meet the requirment of examination,checkout and quality evaluation,this set of electric power industry specifications are constituted.
1.0.2 This specification is applicable to the electric equipment installation of the power electricity project both for single unit of capacity of 200MW and above,and the substation of 110kV and above.
This set of specifications can be refered to the imported electric devices,electricity generation projects with the single unit of capacity below 200MW,and the installation of substation capacity below 110kV.
1.0.3 Electric equipments installation project should be in accordance with engineering situation,the construction organization compile the quality checkout and evaluation scope of the undertaken engineering in accordance with the general rule chapters 2 and 3.Supervisory unit should check and summary the quality checkout and evaluation scope,and implement after the construction unit confirmed.
1.0.4 The items of the electric equipments installation engineering project could be increased or decreased,if it is different from Table 2.0.2 of Chapter 2 and Table 3.0.2 of Chapter 3,in general rule.
1.0.5 All levels of quality inspectors from the construction(management)unit,supervision unit,shall have the qualification that is consistent with the checking profession,and in the period of validity.
1.0.6 All levels of quality inspectors,should strictly carry out the specification of electric equipments installation project construction and checkout scope,relevant national specification,professional specification,and this set of specification,to check out and evaluate the construction quality,should be responsible for the project which checked out and evaluated,as well.
1.0.7 Construction quality checkout and evaluation of electric equipment installation,should be complied with the rule of the project,sub-project and item project listed in Table 2.0.2 of Chapter 2 and Table 3.0.3 of Chapter 3 of the general rules.
Item project should be checked out and evaluated,then check out and evaluate by the sub-project.Sub-project should be checked out and evaluated,then check out and evaluate by project.
1.0.8 When item project construction was finished,and self-checking passed by team,then check out and evaluate step by step should be implemented according to Table 2.0.2 of Chapter 2 and Table 3.0.2 of Chapter 3 of general rule.
1.0.9 Construction quality of item project,should be checked out complying with part 2 to part 17 of this set of specification,then filled checkout content and result in the form for quality evaluation and signed to accept.
1.0.10 Checkout of item project only have"qualified",and should be qualified.
1.0.11 Item project shall be qualified if all checkout results meet quality specifications,Construction unit shall submit a written report for the minority of un-main checkout and evaluation items,which is hard to meet quality specifications since of equipments although with constructor efforts.These inspection items may not be attended and will not be affected quality evaluation after confirmed by supervision and construction unit.But it shall be described in the column of quality checkout result.The written report shall be attached to this item project.
1.0.12 It is should not checked out and evaluated if item project have one of the followings.
1 Results of checkout and evaluation items are not able to meet all quality specifications.
2 Design and manufacturer's have data requirements of quality specifications,but no actual measurement data in the result.
3 Quality inspectors are not signing completly.
1.0.13 All levels of quality inspectors should carefully check out,accept and evaluate for the quality of item project.
1.0.14 Except electric motor no-load trial run,the table of checkout and evaluation of item project should be filled by the construction unit,for future reference.May not be handed over to the construction(management)unit.
1.0.15 sub-project only sets up"qualified",and should meet the following requirements:
1 Checkout and evaluation should be complied with the requirement of Article 4.0.2 of Chapter 4 in this general rule.Construction unit should filled carefully the evaluation table of sub-project,carried out quality evaluation,signedand acceptted.
2 Checkout and evaluationof item project should all be qualified.
3 Results of checkout and evaluation for device,system electrification and trial operation of subproject in the project should meet the regulations,electrification and trial operation should be normal.
4 All levels of quality inspectors should make the exact conclusion,and should sign,check and accept.
1.0.16 Checkout and evaluation table of sub-project should be filled,and handed over to the execution unit.
1.0.17 Quality of sub-project has two levels that are qualified and excellent,it should be complied with the checkout and evaluation table of Article 4.0.3 of Chapter 4 in this general rule.
1 The check and acceptance of project should be named as"qualified",if it met the following requirements:
1)checkout and evaluation of item project should be qualified.
2)The device and its system electrification or trial operation should be normal,signing and checking acceptance are completed.
3)The check Results for information of the project should be completed,according to article 5.0.1 of chapter 5 in this general rule.
2 The check and acceptance of project should be named as"excellent",if it met the following requirements:
1)Checkout and evaluation of item project should be qualified.
2)Distribution device is excited once it should be successful.
3)The device and its system energized or trial operation should be normal,and signing,checking acceptance are completed.
4)Results of checkout and evaluation for information of the project should be complete,be traceble and data exact,and must comply with Article 5.0.1 of Chapter 5 in this general rule.
5)No equipment damage caused by construction reasons.
6)No equipment serious damage caused by the grounding or shorting circuit.
7)Motor was not burned out during motor idle running.
8)no equipment serious damage because electric reason during trial operation of sub-project.
1.0.18 If it is ambiguous for the results of construction quality checkout and evaluation,all levels of quality inspectors have the right to demand check again,and should attend.The result of recheckout should be a final result.
1.0.19 inspection data and inspection conclusions of all projects should be correct,information and sign should be completed.