This book is a fascinating account of government-led efforts to revive the historical heritage of ten ancient cities in Shandong province. The revival of tradition in China has been widely discussed,but less well known is that these efforts concretize in the form of decisions to rebuild parts of ancient cities. Shandong province,richly endowed with culture and history,has been leading these efforts. As this book shows,however,reviving traditional cities is not a simple matter of copying and reimplementing the past. History does matter: each chapter includes a detailed discussion of each city's historical context and how it can and should inform redevelopment efforts. But so do contemporary needs,including the need to provide decent living spaces for city-zens and to make each city attractive for tourists who help to revitalize local economies. What's clear from this book is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the question of how to balance often conflicting requirements for successful revitalization of cities. Each city,in consultation with city-zens and advised by outside experts,has taken its own unique path to reviving ancient buildings,roads,and infrastructure.
What these efforts have in common is precisely the effort to affirm each city's unique spirit. Why does this matter? It seems obvious that modern-day “city-zens” take special pride not just in the fact that they live in an urban environment with material benefits that make urban life desirable compared to rural life,but also in the fact that they live in an urban environment that is special relative to other cities. This urban pride—we can call it “civicism” (爱城主义)—is rooted in the feeling that a city is particular; it's hard to feel proud of a city that only expresses the homogeneity of globalization,just as it's hard to feel proud of a neighborhood McDonald's. A sense of community—something that seems as deeply rooted in human nature as the quest for personal freedom—typically needs to be attached to a community that expresses particular characteristics. Those special characteristics can be expressed in the way of life and values of city-zens—think of the residents of Qufu who are often inspired by Confucian values—but they also need to take concrete forms in distinctive urban environments. And the challenge might seem particularly daunting in Chinese cities that often seem to smother difference; the drab,uniform look of Chinese cities appear to have erased the diversity that provides a sense of community grounded in local particularity.
Chinese cities were subject to decades of Soviet-style modernization,followed by decades of American-style modernization. From the architectural point of view,it may be the worst of both worlds. But it's not too late to rebuild cities so that they express a particular spirit grounded in each city's distinctive culture and history. It is an immense challenge,but it's a hugely important challenge,worth striving for. There may be costs in the short term,but the long term benefits are immense,both for local city-zens who can derive a sense of belonging grounded in particularity and for tourists who can benefit from new and unique cultural experiences. This book shows how the challenge of reviving historical cities can be done with sensitivity to both history and to the present and future needs of the people. Of course,the challenge of reviving ancient cities is an unfinished and sometimes flawed project,and the book's critical perspective provides valuable suggestions for how cities in Shandong province might revitalize their ancient cores with even more sensitivity,thus providing guidance for not just other cities in China,but cities in the rest of the world too.
(翻译 黄晴)