Glass has always been a material of magic. Techniques related with it in China have a long and splendid history. From the past to the modern time, glasswares have been closely related with people’s daily life. Since the mid 20th century, glass has become an important part of the contemporary arts and crafts. The Glass Art Course in Tsinghua University was the first set up officially in universities in China. We encourage students to explore the potentials of this material and discover the essence of contemporary glass art through various academic activities. The value and meaning of craftsmanship can be shown in the information age. It also makes glass art a heart-touching medium by which people can express their thoughts.
The theme of the Triennale and seminars was “Fusion” and “Crossover”. The exhibition was aiming to discuss how glass can be developed and extended while maintaining its own language. Being the largest in scale and wildest in range in China, the academic event had attracted around three hundred art works (including series). After reviewing by the jury, one hundred and ten works were selected. Besides, nearly twenty art works from invited artists were exhibited in the Triennial.
“Fusion & Crossover” the Contemporary Glass Art Triennale and seminars followed were focused on the development of Chinese contemporary glass art and intended to improve the understanding of art of the general public. We wish the exhibition to create great influences and can contribute to primary datas for future historians of glass art development.
Through exhibitions, academic achievements can be displayed, recorded and thought. In 2014, the 1895 China Contemporary Glass Art Exhibition, held in Nantong, stood for the milestone of Glass Art in China. This autumn, we gathered in Zhengzhou, exchanging ideas about the development of and challenges faced by contemporary glass art in China. I want to sincerely thank China National Academy of Painting, China Arts and Crafts Association for supporting the event; Henan Art Museum for cooperating with us. As a newborn event, energy of the China contemporary glass art exhibition has already shown to the public. This event will become a drive for the younger generation to rise China contemporary glass to another level.
Dean of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
LU Xiaobo
Oct. 2018