This preference for the biological movements, though, was not as strong as that in the TD group, suggesting compromised sensitivity to social cues in ASD.
这里“compromised sensitivity”是自创的表述方式,也没有说明与什么比较,表达得很模糊,所以我将这句话改为:
This preference for the biological movements, though, was not as strong as that in the TD group, suggesting that they are still not as sensitive as typical children to orient to biological cues.
As actual actions in Experiment 2, self-generated actions entail the generation of a forward model that enables the prediction of the system along with its sensory consequences (Wolpert & Ghahramani, 2000). Hence, it is through this process that they may garner a "sense of agency", as reflected by the product of self (Frith & Wolpert, 2003; Shergill, Samson, Bays, Frith, & Wolpert, 2005). Otherwise, a number of neuroimaging studies have shown that the process of imagining own action shares the same system that governs the actual action production (Grezes & Decety, 2001; Hétu et al., 2016). Therefore, such a process in Experiment 3 might also generate the agent of an action and allow one to predict future action effects even if they don't actually perform the action.
这个段落读下来的感觉是单词都认识,但是句子看不懂。我对“pre-diction of the system”“sensory consequences”“action effects ”这几个短语都有疑问。“otherwise”的用法也很奇怪。作者后来把这段话改为:
In Experiment 2, the self-generated actions could entail the generation of a forward model that enables the connection between self and the self-related object along with its sensory consequences (e.g., visual signals, proprioceptive signals) (Wolpert & Ghahramani, 2000). Hence, it is through this process that they may garner a "sense of agency", as reflected by the product of self (Frith & Wolpert, 2003; Shergill, Samson, Bays, Frith, & Wolpert, 2005).This explanation can also be supported at the neural level: a number of neuroimaging studies have shown that the process of imagining own action shares the same system that governs the actual action production (Grezes & Decety, 2001; Hétu et al., 2016). Therefore, such a process in Experiment 3 might also generate the agent of an action and allow one to predict consequences of action even if individuals don't actually perform the action.
在《文思泉涌》一书中,作者吐槽了心理学家写的论文。他说,心理学家总是喜欢用一些让自己看起来很聪明的词,比如他们不用“smart”,而用“sophisticated”;他们不用“persons”“people”这么好的词,而用“participants”“individuals”(不如persons精确,也可以指非人的实验对象);他们用“such that”把不相干的两个句子连起来;他们不会用分号和排比句(因为怕重复),而且他们还经常写“existing literature”,好像还有“nonexisting literature”似的;等等。看到这些,你是不是觉得“中枪”了?
(1)The ASD and the TD groups differed in their response time in the visual search task.
改为:The ASD group displayed shorter response time in the visual search task relative to the TD group.
(2)The 6-year-old children performed better in A than B conditions, which is different from the 5-year-old children.
改为:The 6-year-old children performed better in A than B conditions, whereas the 5-year-old children performed similarly across these two conditions.
(3)Differing in the unique correlates around age 5, reading and writing in Chinese became significantly correlated a year later.
改为:Word reading and word writing were not associated at age 5 but were significantly correlated a year later.
(4)To test whether the two groups showed different accuracies in audiovisual congruent trials of the two conditions, we compared their accuracies of these trials in the two conditions separately using Mann-Whitney U test.
问题:到底是“two conditions”不一样还是“two groups”不一样?而且整句话很啰唆。
改为:We used a Mann-Whitney U test to test the group differences in the accuracies in congruent trials of the two conditions.
这样“compare the group differences”就没有歧义了,是指两组间的不一样。
(5)To test whether the two groups showed similar McGurk effect in two conditions, we conducted a permutation test for the two-way ANOVA with group as a between subject factor and eyes-condition (open-eyes vs. closed-eyes) as a within subject factor.
问题:到底是“two groups”之间相似还是“two conditions”之间相似?
改为:To test the group and condition differences of the McGurk effect, we further conducted a two-way ANOVA with Group as the between-subject factor and Condition (open-eyes vs. closed-eyes) as the within-subject factor.
另外,慎用缩写。当然可以使用广为人知的心理学术语缩写,比如IQ,还有专业论文中的ASD(autism spectrum disorder)、TD(typically-developing),因为这些缩写出现的频次太高了。但是对于只出现一两次的缩写,因为不容易记住,会造成记忆的负担,所以建议写全称。
The TD group's McGurk effect could be predicted by their eye-looking time only in the open-eyes condition.
The TD group's McGurk effect could be predicted by their eye-looking time in the open-eyes condition but not in the closed-eyes condition.
(1)We found that the ASD group showed weaker audiovisual speech integration compared with the TD group. It was consistent with most of the previous studies.
问题:“it”指代什么?通常指代距离最近的一个词,难道是“TD group”?
改为:We found that the ASD group showed weaker audiovisual speech integration compared with the TD group. This finding is consistent with most previous studies.
或者改为:Our finding that the ASD group showed weaker audiovisual speech integration compared with the TD group is consistent with most previous studies. (合并成一句话)
或者改为:We found that the ASD group showed weaker audiovisual speech integration compared with the TD group, which is consistent with most previous studies. (which用来指代整个从句)
(2)Therefore, such a process in Experiment 3 might also generate the agent of an action and allow one to predict future action effects even if they don't actually perform the action. It has generally been assumed that the overlap between actual action and virtual action is due to the activity of mirror neurons, which can serve a self-other matching function for action coding (Oberman & Ramachandran, 2007; Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia, 2016; Williams, 2008). Interestingly, in Experiment 1, children also observed the experimenter place the card in a basket. This raises the question why it cannot help strengthen the self in children with ASD when they observed another's moving actions.
改为:Therefore, such a process in Experiment 3 might also generate the agent of an action and allow one to predict consequences of action even if individuals don't actually perform the action. The overlap between actual action and virtual action is considered to result from the activity of mirror neurons, which can serve a self-other matching function for action coding (Oberman & Ramachandran, 2007; Rizzolatti & Sinigaglia, 2016; Williams, 2008). Interestingly, in Experiment 1, children also observed the experimenter place the card in a basket. This raises the question why merely observing others'action cannot help strengthen the self in children with ASD. The most reasonable explanation is that children tend to process the action performed by others from the third-person perspective.
(3)The cellular automaton (CA) cell, a natural candidate to model the electrical activity of a cell, is an ideal component to use in the simulation of intercellular communications, such as those occurring between cardiac cells, and to model abnormal asynchronous propagations, such as ectopic beats, initiated and propagated cell-to-cell, regardless of the complexity of their patterns. (摘自《科技英语写作进阶》)
问题:这里的“their”指代的是哪一个词组呢?我在课堂上问这个问题的时候,列了几个词组作为选项,每个选项都有若干学生举手,大部分人是不清楚的。代词通常被用来指代距离最近的一个词,但句中的“their”事实上指代的是“abnormal asynchronous propagations”而不是“ectopic beats”,所以可以把代词去掉。比如把最后的“regardless of the complexity of their patterns”改为“with or without complex patterns”,也可以把代词换成所要指代的名词(如改为“however complex the propagation pattern may be”)。
The physicist rightly dreads precise argument, since an argument that is convincing only if it is precise loses all its force if the assumptions on which it is based are slightly changed, whereas an argument that is convincing though imprecise may well be stable under small perturbations of its underlying assumptions.