
教育类范文一 到底什么是6分?一只6分烤鸭的辛酸血泪史
Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate become more useful adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Nowadays, purpose of education being changed(谓语动词无端地被丢失,在being的前面需要加上is才对). There are some people who think that competition in children should be made(在本句里be made的含义过于general, 如果改用含义更具体的be encouraged被鼓励,be promoted被促进,或者be fostered被培养,则能让论证变得更实际). Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate as well as become more useful adults. There are advantages and disadvantages for both of the arguements(很生硬的套句,而且还犯了低级拼写错误,ar-guements应该改为arguments,哥连背模板都背错了).

To begin with, what is good if a sense of competition in children is made?They can devalope(初二单词也拼错,真该打手板)themselves more and more as they learn and study a lot to win from the competition. To prove this, in my country it is popular and common to have a tutor who come to students' house to teach extra pieces of studywith paying a lot of money(不恰当地使用with结构,导致本句后部的逻辑相当凌乱). They learn faster than what they learn at school.Furthermore, during the vacation , students study abroad to learn English for a month. If they have experiments such as study abroad(这里用such as举出的例子可不太像话:study abroad出国读书怎么能当成have experiments“实验”的例子呢?难道是真的把孩子们都当“烤鸭”了?), it is one of the greatest plus point to go to the famous well-known(famous和well-known两个词词义重复,堆砌词汇的意图明显)high school. Moreover, there are four big school exam(four exam… 汗,哥已经彻底不管单复数了)totest students' level of studies. Generally, only the highest 40% can go to the good quality high schools and colleges. Children learn as much as they can, to win the competition to obtain good quality schools.

On the other hand, as they are busy to enter the schools and study with their own tu-tors, there are problems. They become selfish(这个selfish用得是比较准的,但整个句子加起来才三个单词,语气更像是在控诉地主婆儿). They become careless and don't help others a lot if it is about studies. There will be no cooperation for them. Then, why are there companies for many people to work in?Each of them are clever,however, there are weak parts and strong parts(这两个词组都比较口语化,英文写作中指一个人的长项与弱项时通常会使用短语strengths and weaknesses来代替)for each person. To cooperate is to improve this part. People talk and listen to what others thinking of(由what引导的从句里面的谓语应该用动词形式,所以要把thinking of改为think of才对)and learn. That can also be a great opportunity to learn instead oflearning alone with one teacher.

In conclusion, I strongly agree with(agree with本身是一个正确的搭配,但是在地道英语里当agree的后面是一个that从句时,则应该省略with)that children should be taught to cooperate rather than compete. Nobody is perfect. People learn together, work together to help each other. I want parents and teachers to(提出建议时惯用want是雅思考生中经典的用词不当,只有校长或者教育局长等这类人才能want teachers to… )educate children concentrating on cooperation, not compete and ranking them(在最后一刻拼尽全力甩出了几个不错的短语,但语法形式已经彻底混乱,毫无rules可言).

Although the answer considers the main issues in the question,it deals much more with the aspect of “competition”than it does with “cooperation”. Some of the supporting examples are overdeveloped and divert the reader away from the argument. However,the main points are relevant and the writer's point of view is generally clear.
本文考虑了题目所涉及到的主要问题,论点是与题目相关的,而且考生的态度整体上较为清晰。但本题是一道Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(D & G类型)的考题,考官相应指出:文章里的绝大多数论证都是围绕competition展开的,甚至在讨论cooperation的一段里仍然有近半内容是在讨论competition,而且一些展开的例子局部偏离了讨论话题,因此降低了在论证扣题度与充实度部分获得的分数。
The argument has a logical progression and there is some good use of linking expressions,though the use of rhetorical questions to signal topic changes is not very skilful. There are also examples of overusing markers,and of errors in referencing.
文章的论证过程整体上符合逻辑,也较好地应用了一些连接词和连接短语。但文章里用反诘提问(rhetorical questions)过渡话题的形式显得较为稚嫩,局部还存在过度堆砌连接标志词的倾向,并且含有指代不清的错误。
The candidate tries to use a range of language,but there are regular errors in word choice and word form,and this occasionally causes problems for the reader.
Similarly,a range of structures is attempted,but not always with good control of punctuation or grammar. However,the meaning is generally clear.
Pat 评析
(也许)全文唯一的亮点是哥在主体段里勇敢地深入挖掘了几个生活实例。但可惜的是,正如官方评语里指出的:The supporting examples are overdeveloped and divert(转向)the reader away from the argument. 也就是说:例证虽好,但本文中的例子发掘得“过于”深入了,而且还出现了局部跑题,从而导致考官发飙。
本文里可能会引起争议的一点是文中所出现的一些结构连接表达(linking expressions)到底是否应该用。值得我们注意的是:剑桥官方评语中明显并不认为本文里的这些表达是扣分点(考官评语里明确指出:There is some good use of linking expressions in this essay.)。在考官眼中,正是一些准确应用的linking expressions才帮助这位基础薄弱的考生避免了论证完全失控的局面,在一定程度上扭转了滑向更低分数档的败局。在由剑桥官方给出的6~7分范文评语里都强调了正确使用连接词/连接短语对行文衔接所起的作用。而在剑桥给出的7分以上范文里,官方评分标准则更重视对于“明连接”(直接用连接词来连接上下文)和“暗承接”(不直接使用连接词、而是依靠上下文语义之间的自然承接关系来承接上下文)这两类行文衔接方法的配合使用,而不是仅仅依靠“明连接”或者只用“暗承接”。这也正是为什么7分以上的范文读起来会感觉行文更流畅、而且句子之间的关系更加多样的重要原因之一[1]。
《十天突破雅思写作》Day 4
◆ To cooperate is to improve this part. People talk and listen to what others thinking of and learn. That can also be a great opportunity to learn instead of learning alone with one teacher. 在这篇不算出色的文章里,这3句话逆天地打出了一个“小高潮”。虽然没能逃脱存在语法错误的命运(例如what others thinking of应该改为what others think of),但这位考生还是尽力写出了用what引导的宾语从句、在instead of后接动名词短语等比较有特色的语法结构。6分档作文的明显特点就是全文始终在语言和表意之间激烈地挣扎,努力想表达更复杂的意思,但却力不从心,一下笔就出现众多失误。同时,这三句话还采用了长短句结合的形式,构成了有变化的节奏感。但是考虑到本文的其他句子普遍都比较生硬,因此这种多变的长短句配合效果很可能是“一不小心”写出来的。

教育类范文二 到底什么是7分?对两篇7分范文的比较研究(A Comparative Study of Two Band-7 Sample Essays)
Some people believe that children are given too much free time. They feel that this time should be used to do more schoolwork. How do you think children should spend their free time?
(A)强势的考生 甲(剑桥官方提供的本题7分范文)
To a large extent,I believe that children are given too much free time.
Free time,in my opinion,refers to time that is not spent under the direct supervision of a parent,teacher or a person entrusted with the responsibility of bringing up the child. Such time is often spent on several things such as watching television,playing with friends,going to parties,doing homework and playing games on their own among others.
Among all of the above activities,a child could either be influenced by his or her peer group especially when left without attention or be influenced by what he or she watches on TV,most of which are those not meant to be viewed by the child's age group.
In my opinion,most of the formative years of a child should be spent doing schoolwork or engaging in recreational activities that would develop the child emotionally and mentally. I believe this strongly because at a young age,a child is quick to grasp most of what is seen or heard.
refer to … (固定短语)是指某类人或者某类事物 【剑桥例句】The sales figures refer to UK sales only.
★ under the direct supervision of … 本文里指在某人的直接监护下
★ be entrusted with the responsibility of… 被寄予某种责任
★ peer n. 同龄人
age group 本文里指某个年龄段的人们
★ the formative years of a child 一个孩子在各方面逐渐成形的阶段
engage in 【动词短语】参与
【近义】participate in
★ recreational activity 【名词短语】休闲活动 【近义】leisure activity(请注意在地道英文中通常是写leisure activity而较少写leisurely activity)
★ emotionally and mentally 在情感与心智方面
★ is quick to grasp… 可以很快地领会、把握某事物
本文的开头段极为直白,旗帜鲜明地提出孩子们确实是被给予了过多的空闲时间。在主体段里,这名考生首先对free time下了定义:即孩子没有受到家长、老师或其他监护人监督的时间。然后提出孩子的这类时间多被花在了看电视、与朋友们一起玩儿、参加parties等事情上面,并没有得到充分地利用。接下来,该考生提出在空闲的时间里,孩子们要么就是受自己的同龄人影响,要么就是看那些他们/她们本不应该看的电视节目。而在结束部分,这名考生则提出由于孩子们处在情感和智力成型期,对于接触到的新东西吸收得很快,因此他们/她们应该花更多时间在学业或者对自己的心智有益的休闲活动上。
The candidate's point of view is clearly stated throughout. He presents relevant main ideas and draws appropriate conclusions from these. However,the response is unfinished and this means that some of the ideas are rather generalised and would need more support. The opening sentence is copied and the whole answer is underlength,so it loses marks for this.
本文的观点很明确,思路扣题,并且在论证的基础上得出了合理的结论。但是本文没有达到250 words的最低字数要求,而且有一部分素材并没有得到足够的展开支持,给人泛泛而谈的感觉,这些属于在论证扣题度和充实度这一项评分上的硬伤,因此导致了失分。
The writing has clear organisation and some sophisticated use of link words and referencing. However,paragraphing is not always logical as it is organised by sentences rather than topics.
词汇多样性与准确度 & 语法多样性和准确度
The range of vocabulary and structures is very good with a high level of control and precision. Complex ideas are expressed in a sophisticated way and most sentences are accurate. There are only rare errors,e. g. in spelling and subject/verb agreement.
Pat 评析
这篇7分作文的优点很明显:行文衔接自然、连贯,展现出了令人满意的词汇量(关键是用词的准确度也很高)与多样、准确的语法句式结构。因此,Cambridge ESOL在评语里毫不吝惜地使用了“very good”这一有感情色彩的评价(在剑桥官方评语里这个评价通常均是留给9分范文的)。
但本文的缺点也同样明显:文章长度竟然没有能够达到task 2写够250 words的最低要求,而且对主体段里的一些ideas缺少足够的展开论证,在论证充实度这一项评分上无法真正说服阅卷人。因此,尽管本文在行文连贯性和整体感以及词汇、语法等方面已经明显超过了官方评分标准里对7分作文的要求,但是四项评分累计之后的得分仍然是7分。这与Pat在北京环雅工作期间与一些中国区考官进行交流得到的结论一致:考官们对于四项评分标准的重视程度是完全平等的,并没有厚此薄彼的倾向。很多国内同学对于“好文章”的认识误区就在于过度看重词汇和句子,却无视论证扣题度与充实度和行文连贯性和整体感这两项在考官们心目当中同样极为关键的评分标准。
◆ Among all of the above,a child could either be influenced by his or her peer group especially when left without attention or be influenced by what he or she watches on TV, most of which are those not meant to be viewed by the child's age group.
◆ In my opinion,most of the formative years of a child should be spent doing schoolwork,engaging in recreational activities that would develop the child emotionally and mentally.本句里也接连使用了主被动交替、that引导的定语从句、虚拟语气和副词在句尾叠用等句式多样化手法,但是该考生因为过度雕琢语言而最终导致没有足够的时间进行深入论证甚至达不到最低字数要求其实是失策之举
◆ Free time,in my opinion,refers to time that is not spent under the direct supervision of a parent,teacher or a person entrusted with the responsibility of bringing up the child. Such time is often spent on several things such as watching television,playing with friends,going to parties,doing homework and playing games on their own among others.
这两句话之间并没有直接出现连接词,而是在第二句话里用Such time来指代前一句话里面所说的儿童不受家长、老师或者其他看护人看护的时间,从而在这两句话之间建立起了很明确的逻辑关系。而且,在第二句话的后部,这名考生又用such as这个表示例证的连接词给出了这些时间被用于的具体活动,实现了行文衔接“明暗结合”(即一些内容之间直接使用连接词,但其他内容之间则不直接使用连接词、而是通过上下文之间的语义关系自然承接)的多样化衔接效果。

I agree that the time children spend on school work offers them more meaningful activities than their idle free time does. However,I also believe that children should be able to decide for themselves how to spend their free time.
Children are at the best stage in life to gain knowledge,develop skills and form good learning and social habits. If this precious period is mainly spent on idle activities such as watching TV and playing video games,which are many children's favorite hobbies,they will have to do much more to compete with their peers when they become adults.
What can be more worrying about giving children too much free time is the increase in children's behaviour problems. Nowadays it is common for parents to work long hours. The children who often spend time alone after school are more likely to suffer from loneliness and boredom,and develop anti-social behavior. By contrast,not only does school work include listening to lectures and writing reports,it also offers a wide range of interactive activities,such as group discussions and team presentations. These activities can improve children's social and cooperative skills.
On the other hand,I believe that children should be given enough freedom in deciding how to use their free time. The skill of managing time properly is as important as doing academic exercises. Providing children with the right to choose what they do after school will also develop their sense of responsibility. With advice from parents and teachers,children can choose meaningful activities for their free time,including art projects,sports and volunteer work.
In conclusion,I think that students should be encouraged to spend more time on school work. At the same time,they should be given guidance about how to use their free time properly.
precious adj. 珍贵的
★ idle activities 闲散的活动
their peers 他们的同龄人
work long hours 工作很长的时间
suffer from loneliness and boredom 受到孤独与无聊的困扰
★ develop anti-social behaviour 形成反社会行为
interactive activities 互动的活动
★ social and cooperative skills(名词短语)社会交往与合作技能
【相关短语】teamwork skills团队合作的技能
art projects 本文里指儿童的艺术作品制作项目
foundation n. 基础
volunteer work(名词短语)义工
manage time properly 合理地管理时间
their sense of responsibility 他们的责任感
guidance n. 指导

教育类范文三 新生下乡应该缓行
In many countries,good schools and medical facilities are available only in cities. Some people think that university graduates who become new teachers and doctors should work in rural areas for a few years. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
下面我们来深入研究一篇6.5分范文,6.5也正是多数二三线英联邦大学对研究生入学要求的分数。不妨把您自己的作文与这篇文章来做一个对照的评判,并请认真体会:What does it take to get a band 6.5?
There is still a wide gap between the educational and medical facilities in urban and rural areas. Having seen this, some people suggest that new teachers and doctors work in the rural area for some time. I think this may lead to some practical problems.
I agree that sending new teachers and doctors to the rural area may help them to develop a strong sense of responsibility. They will feel it is a pity that the rural residents suffer from poor teaching and medical services , and they have the responsibility to change the situation. Their knowledge and skills gained through higher education can help them to contribute to improvements in local education and health care.
However, sending university graduates to rural areas can also cause significant problems. Many of them will feel frustrated if they are forced to work in areas where they may have difficulty adapting to the local lifestyles. Even if they can finally get used to the underdeveloped facilities there, they will find it difficult to readapt to the life in cities when they come back. Much pressure will also be felt if they return to cities but have problems operating the teaching tools or medical equipment in cities, which are more advanced and harder to use. These teachers and doctors may even think of themselves as complete failures because they may be unable to keep up with their colleagues after spending some time in rural areas.
To conclude, I tend to believe that new teachers' and new doctors' own choices should be respected when they are asked to work in rural areas.
★ educational and medical facilities 教育和医疗设施
★ underdeveloped facilities 不发达的、落后的设施
practical adj. 实际的
★ rural resident 农村居民
medical services 医疗服务
★ frustrated adj. 沮丧的,有挫败感的
adapt(to sth.) v. 适应
a strong sense of responsibility 强烈的责任感
★ readapt(to sth.)v. 重新适应
colleague n. 同事
Pat 评析
◆ Many of them will feel frustrated if they are forced to work in areas where they may have difficulty adapting to the local lifestyles. Even if they can finally get used to the underdeveloped facilities there,they will find it difficult to readapt to the life in cities when they come back. 这两句话里分别用到了if和even if,请注意它们在逻辑含义上的细节差异:if表示“如果”,而even if则是表示“即使”
【剑桥例句】Even if you take a taxi,you will still miss the train.

教育类范文四 因材施教还是搞一刀切
Some people think that intelligent students should be educated together with other students. Others,however,think that they should be educated separately. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
在英美,到底是否应该把聪明儿童与普通儿童放在一起接受教育是连教育领域的专家们(educationalists)都还没有达成意见一致的学术难题。现在英美公立中小学里最常见的做法是由教育主管部门在所属的一些公立学校里开设gifted programmes,并对各学校的学生进行认知能力测试(cognitive tests),从中选出得分最高的(各地区的选择比例不同,从top 1%到top 5%都有)学生们推荐去参加gifted programme。但是在英美对目前这种做法的公平性和科学性提出质疑的教育界人士也不少。但好在写IELTS作文并不是作学术报告,只要能够在40分钟里比较准确地表达自己的观点并且适当进行论证就已经相当不错了。
另一方面,对聪明儿童进行单独教育,普通孩子很可能会感觉不公平,而且聪明儿童本来能起到的榜样(role model)作用也就没有了。
Many intelligent students today attend gifted programmes and are educated separately from their peers.
Some people think that providing intelligent students with special courses makes practical sense. Students of high intelligence need a more challenging curriculum because they are fast learners and their learning process requires little repetition of the information taught by their teachers. If they find the curriculum too easy,they will end up learning little or nothing at all. In fact,many students who are inattentive in class are intelligent ones. Regular courses simply fail to attract their attention. Some of them even feel that their school time is wasted. From a psychological perspective,intelligent students also feel more comfortable if there are special classes for them. Many of them not only have unique learning styles but also have academic and personal interests that are very different from those of less intelligent students. Spending all their school time with their average peers would make them feel isolated and become oversensitive.
Many educationalists,however,argue that the disadvantages of placing intelligent students in separate classes are obvious. Regular classes will be drained of academic role models. Separating students according to their IQ levels may even send a message to those who take regular courses that their work is not valued by the school,which is very likely to reduce their self-confidence and damage their self-esteem.
Personally,I would suggest that intelligent students spend most of their school time with their peers. But in addition to regular courses,they should also be encouraged to take electives that can challenge them mentally.
gifted programme 在一些英美中小学里专门为有天赋的学生开设的授课项目
their peers 他们的同龄人们
students of high intelligence 高智商的学生
★ curriculum n. 课程的总称
★ require little repetition 只需要很少的重复,其中repetition是repeat的名词形式
★ are inattentive in class 上课时不专心,走神儿
★ regular courses 常规的课程
from a psychological perspective 从心理的角度来看
unique learning styles 独特的学习方式
academic and personal interests(名词短语)学习和个人的兴趣
separate students according to their IQ levels 根据学生的智力水平把他们分开
★ feel isolated 感到孤立的
★ become oversensitive 变得过于敏感的
★ segregate vt.(将两类不同的人们)人为地隔离开 【名词形式】segregation
drain v. 吸干(这里指丧失某种重要的资源)
role model 榜样
reduce their self-confidence 减少他们的自信
★ damage their self-esteem 伤害他们的自尊
★ take electives 上选修课
【对比】required courses(名词短语)必修课
★ challenge them mentally 在智力上对他们形成挑战

教育类范文五 学知识vs.学明辨是非
Some people think that schools should only teach students academic knowledge. Others,however,think that they should also teach students to judge what is right and wrong. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
People have different views about the main purpose of schools.
Some teachers and parents believe that schools should only focus on providing students with academic knowledge. They argue that academic knowledge provides an important foundation for a wide range of job skills. For example,students who know more about algebra and calculus would have a better chance of finding a job in the fields of statistics and accounting because it is easier for them to master the advanced skills required. Also,many teachers see teaching academic knowledge as their main goal because assessment of students' academic knowledge is often considered more objective than assessment of other abilities and skills. The popularity of school rankings based on standardised test results shows many parents agree with the teachers on that.
However,some other people argue that apart from academic knowledge,schools should also teach students how to distinguish between right and wrong and behave well. Students are still immature emotionally and socially. If schools do not teach moral values such as respect,responsibility and self-discipline,students may end up using their knowledge for morally wrong purposes. For example,increasing numbers of young hackers use their computer knowledge to invade other people's computers. The fact that many of them describe their acts as“unintentional”is good proof of the importance of teaching students to tell right from wrong.
My own opinion is that teaching academic knowledge should be the priority of schools because they are the main institutions where children can gain it. At the same time,students should be provided with moral and character education programmes to ensure that apart from benefiting themselves,the knowledge that they gain will also benefit others.
provide an important foundation for… 为某事物提供重要的基础
algebra n. 代数
calculus n. 微积分
statistics n. 统计学
accounting n. 会计学
assessment of… 对某种能力或表现的评估
★ objective adj. 客观的
school ranking 学校的排名
★ standardised test 标准化考试
★ distinguish between right and wrong在是非之间进行区分
【近义】tell right from wrong
★ are still immature emotionally and socially 在情感与社会经验方面都还不成熟的
★ self-discipline 自制力
hacker n. 黑客
invade other people's computers 入侵别人的计算机
★ unintentional adj. 无意的
★ priority n. 首要任务
institution n. 机构
moral and character education programmes 培养儿童的道德观与健康个性发展的项目

教育类范文六 只学理合理么?
Some people think that students should only study science subjects. Other subjects are not important to them. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people suggest that students only study science subjects. Although I agree that science subjects are important,I think that students should also study a variety of other subjects.
On the one hand,science subject,such as physics,chemistry and biology,should be coresubjects on the school curriculum. These subjects help students to better understand the natural world and how it can be improved. For example,science teachers can teach students about the causes of global warming and what they can do to reduce global warming. The knowledge gained through science subjects also prepares students for a wide range of careers such as careers in science,technology,engineering or medicine.
On the other hand,science subjects should not be the only subjects that students study. Many other subjects can also help students to gain knowledge and develop important skills. For example,history lessons can help students to gain a better understanding of their own nation as well as other nations,and help them to improve their critical-thinking skills. Also,art lessons encourage students' imagination and teach them to solve problems creatively.
Furthermore,science subjects would not serve their purpose well without the help of other subjects on the school curriculum. For example,it is hard to imagine that students can report the results of their scientific experiments clearly in their papers if they have not learned academic writing in language classes.
In conclusion,I would argue that a good curriculum should be balanced and cover a wide range of areas,including natural sciences,social studies,languages and arts.
★ core subjects 核心课程
★ school curriculum 对于学校课程设置的统称
global warming(名词短语)全球变暖
gain a better understanding of… 形成对……更深入的理解
critical-thinking skills 辩证思维能力,思辨能力
★ encourage students' imagination激发学生们的想象力
【近义短语】stimulate students' imagination
★ solve problems creatively 有创造性地解决问题
balanced adj. 均衡的
the results of their scientific experiments 他们科学试验的结果

教育类范文七 压力山大好不好
Pressure on students is increasing and they are pushed to hard work in their studies at a young age. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?
Students today experience more stress at school and have to start working hard at a young age. I think that overall,this is a positive trend.
Young students have better memories than adult students. They can gain a large amount of basic knowledge if they concentrate on their studies. The knowledge base that they build during this period can help them with gaining more advanced knowledge and developing more complex skills later in life.
Schools are also places where young students form study habits. Studying hard and trying to achieve good marks in examinations will help them to become more organised,manage their time more efficiently and handle stress better. These will be essential habits and skills for their future academic achievements,professional successes and even a lifetime of continuous learning.
Admittedly,high levels of stress are counterproductive to learning. Young students may find it hard for them to concentrate on their studies or to think clearly if they are under too much stress. However,by frequently communicating with their children about their problems and difficulties at school and cooperating with teachers closely in educating their children,parents can help their children to relieve stress and reduce stress to a healthy level.
For the reasons mentioned above,it seems to me that a reasonable level of stress can help young students to achieve their academic potential. Parents and teachers should communicate with children regularly to help them to cope with stress. Also,schools should provide students with interesting extra-curricular activities to help them to reduce stress and anxiety.
knowledge base(名词短语)知识基础
form study habits(动宾短语)形成学习习惯
become more organised 变得更有条理
handle stress better 更好地应对压力
gain more advanced knowledge 获取更高端的知识
developing more complex skills 发展更复杂的技能
a lifetime of continuous learning(名词短语)终生的学习过程,有一点像中文里的“活到老,学到老”
counterproductive to learning 不利于学习的
★ relieve vt. 减轻(压力)
【搭配】relieve stress
regularly adv. 定期地
extra-curricular activities 课外活动
★ cope with 应对
【动宾搭配】cope with stress
★ reduce stress and anxiety 减少压力与焦虑

教育类范文八 让学生决定自己学什么是否靠谱
Some people think that school subjects and course contents should be decided by the authorities,such as the central government. However,others think that students should decide these for themselves. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Education has been viewed as an essential part of individual and social development. An educational issue that has been under debate is who should make the decisions on what students study.
Some people think that students can gain benefits from a standard curriculum set by the government. Learners need a common foundation before they acquire more advanced knowledge. Without the opportunity to gain basic knowledge through courses selected by the government,students would find it difficult to further their education. Subjects and course contents decided by the government also help schools to better prepare a competitive workforce for the future. Students' own selections of courses may be random and purely interest-based. By contrast,the government can collect statistics on the labour market and hire experts to design curricula that help to prepare students for the labour market.
Other people,however,argue that an official curriculum is not always more productive. Individual students have different characters and abilities,and students in different schools may have varied needs. If all the students in the same grade in a region or country are required to take the same courses and study the same contents,their potential is unlikely to be fully achieved. Students may even feel frustrated with learning because many of the required courses do not interest or challenge them.
My own view is that primary school students should take courses that governments choose for them because they tend to lack the ability to find out courses that will best serve their needs. On the secondary level,however,schools should encourage students to participate in the decision-making process of designing the curriculum. Only in this way can secondary schools provide their students with curricula that can help them to achieve their academic potential.
★ view… as… 把……看做是……
★ a standard curriculum 标准的课程设置,其中curriculum是课程的统称,请注意:它的常用复数形式是curricula
★ a common foundation 共同的基础
further vt. 推进,在本文里further是动词:推进的意思,教育类作文中还经常会用到动宾短语further their education,很像中文里的“深造”
prepare a competitive workforce for the future 为未来准备好有效的劳动力
collect statistics(动宾短语)收集统计数据
prepare students for the labour market让学生们能够满足劳动力市场的需求
★ random and purely interest-based 随意的而且完全从兴趣出发的
★ productive adj. 高效的
have varied needs 有多样化的需求
in a region or country 在一个区域或国家里
is/are unlikely to … 不太可能会……
★ frustrated adj. 沮丧的
★ capacity n. 能力
★ participate in 参与
achieve their academic potential 充分发挥出他们的学习潜力
◆ On the secondary level,however,schools should encourage students to participate in the decision-making process of designing the curriculum. Only in this way can secondary schools provide their students with curricula that help them to achieve their academic potential. 本句里使用了状语前置、倒装句和由that引导的定语从句

教育类范文九 请勿曲解男女平等
Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
男生和女生当然应该拥有平等的受教育权利(should have equal educational opportunities),但每个科目都招收完全均等数量的男女生只能是一种愿望,既缺乏实际操作的可行性(impractical),而且也违背了“择优录取”的公平准则(It would be unfair to change to a selection procedure that is based on gender rather than merit.)。
I am opposed to the idea that universities should accept the same number of male and female students for all subjects.
The reasons why some universities do this are clear—to show respect for gender equalityand to encourage interaction between men and women in the classroom. These aims are worthwhile,and having the same number of men and women can ensure they are achieved.
However,I believe this approach overlooks two important aspects of higher education. Firstly,it is rather unlikely that an equal number of men and women will want to enrol oneach subject. Although the old belief that boys and girls are naturally better in different subjects may be unfounded,it is almost always true that a higher proportion of male students are attracted to math-intensive subjects such as computer programming,statistics and civil engineering,while a higher proportion of female students are interested in caregiving-related subjects such as special education and nursing. As a result,making sure that each subject accepts equal numbers of male and female students would be difficult.
Secondly,encouraging interaction between men and women in classes does not mean there must be equal numbers of each for every subject. If a class has many female students feeling that it is hard for them to compete with their male classmates,or vice versa,such feelings will only serve to reduce interaction and result in even more gender prejudice. The course withdrawal rate is also likely to be higher than that of subjects on which students are free to enrol.
For these reasons,I believe that to achieve gender equality,universities should allow students to choose subjects freely so that they can enrol on subjects in which they are really interested.
be opposed to 反对
★ gender equality 性别平等
【对比】gender prejudice 性别歧视
★ interaction n. 相互交流,互动
is/are worthwhile adj. 是值得的
approach n. 去做某事的方法或途径
★ overlook vt. 忽视
★ enrol on(a course)正式登记学习(某一课程)
is unfounded 是毫无根据的
math-intensive subjects 涉及数学内容很多的科目
caregiving-related subjects 与照顾或护理有关的科目
special education 特殊教育学,在英美通常和对存在学习障碍的学生教育有关
vice versa(固定短语)反之亦然
★ course withdrawal rate 学生放弃继续学习某一课程的比率,课程的弃修率
【近义】course drop rate

教育类范文十 高等教育对城乡学生的公平性
Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education. Some people think that universities should make higher education easier for them to access. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
中国的城乡差距给Pat留下了深刻印象,能够放下全部工作去希望小学当半年甚至一年的志愿者也是Pat的人生愿望之一。英美的农村与城市之间也存在着差距,但是差距明显要小很多。这也许就是为什么李克强先生一再地提出:“城镇化是扩大内需的最大潜力所在(Urbanisation has the greatest potential for boosting domestic demand.)。”
下面这篇范文从财务和教育背景两方面比较有力地论述了农村孩子在获得大学教育方面所面临的挑战以及大学的责任。近年来英美大学帮助农村孩子获得高等教育的另一个常用方法则是提供远程教育课程(provide a wide selection of distance learning courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels)。
Some people think that universities should try to make higher education more easily accessible to students from rural areas. I completely agree with their view.
Rural students are more likely to face financial challenges in pursuing higher education than urban students. The average income of rural families is significantly lower than that of urban families. This means that many rural parents are not able to provide their children with enough money to cover university tuition costs. Universities should therefore provide more money as need-based aid to students from rural areas to ease their financial burden and help them to concentrate on their studies.
Primary and secondary schools in rural areas are also at a disadvantage in terms of equipment and teaching staff. As the gap between the standards of living in urban and rural areas has been growing over the past few decades,it is now harder for rural schools to get enough funding for advanced teaching equipment or to recruit competent teachers. Students do not have the opportunities to achieve their academic potential at these schools. Thus,in the university admission process,universities should have admission requirements that take the rural-origin students' educational background into consideration to ensure that a fair number of rural-origin students can be admitted. Universities should also provide students from rural areas with special academic orientation programmes,and help them to become familiar with the teaching technology and methods that urban students have been exposed to.
In conclusion,although all students should be treated as equals,I believe that universities should introduce special financial and academic policies to ensure that students from rural areas can have the opportunities to achieve their academic potential through higher education.
★ more easily accessible to … (某种资源)更便于让某一类人使用的
financial challenges 财务方面的挑战
pursue vt. 追寻(某个目标),寻求
★ tuition costs(名词短语)学费的开支
★ ease sb's burden(动宾短语)减轻某人的负担
need-based aid 按需分配的财务帮助(对比:merit based aid按照申请者的能力和成就来分配的财务帮助)
concentrate on their studies 集中精力在他们的学习上面
recruit vt. 雇佣
★ competent adj. 称职的,合格的
★ admission requirements(名词短语)录取要求
take… into consideration 将某种因素纳入考虑
rural-origin students 来自农村的学生
★ orientation n. 本文里指新生对新环境的适应过程
【搭配】orientation programme 帮助学生适应校园学习与生活的项目
be exposed to 接触到(某种影响或媒体)
★ achieve their academic potential 充分发挥他们的学术潜力

教育类范文十一 缺乏外语天赋是否还要知难而上
Students who are not talented in foreign language learning should not be required to study a foreign language. Do you agree or disagree?
没有语言天赋的孩子也必须学外语可能会导致他们缺乏学习动力(make them feel unmotivated or frustrated),而且还没自信(lack confidence),甚至有可能对学习完全丧失兴趣(lose interest in learning altogether)。如果打算对另一方也进行讨论,则可以写:即使没天赋也总还是可以学到一些关于外语的基础知识(gain basic knowledge about a foreign language),而且外语知识已经成为工作当中的必备技能之一(Knowledge about a foreign language has become an essential skill in the workplace.)等等。
Learning a foreign language is not an easy task. However,I disagree with the idea that students who do not have a talent for foreign language learning should not be required to study foreign languages.
Learning a foreign language makes students more intelligent. When they study a foreign language,they need to memorise new words and phrases,and analyse a wide range of sentence structures. This helps to improve their memory and develop their analytical skills.
Also,as international business and trade is increasingly important to the economy of most countries,bilingual people are in high demand in many professions. All students, regardless of whether they have talent for foreign language learning,should take foreign language courses,which can prepare them for employment in the global economy.
It is true that some students may find studying a foreign language difficult and frustrating. The difficulties and frustration that they experience may even affect their study of other academic subjects. However,I would argue that many of them find foreign language learning difficult because their teachers fail to stimulate their interest in the foreign language. A child's talent for foreign language learning may also be hard to accurately assess at such an early age. If all students who are considered untalented at learning a foreign language were allowed to drop the foreign language class freely,much latent talent for foreign language learning would be wasted.
In conclusion,I believe that all students should be required to take foreign language courses. At the same time,students who find it difficult to learn foreign languages should be given more help so that they can also achieve their potential in foreign language learning.
make students more intelligent 让学生们变得更聪明
★ memorise vt. 记忆,很多国内同学误以为memorise和recite是同义词,其实它们是正好相反的行为。memorise 是把信息记忆到头脑里面去的过程,而recite则是把头脑里已经记住的内容背出来给别人听的过程。如果要想recite a poem,你必须要先花时间去memorise the poem
new words and phrases 新的单词和短语
★ develop their analytical skills 发展他们的分析能力
★ bilingual people 会双语的人们
【相关】multilingual 多语种的
★ is/are in high demand 需求量很大的prepare them for employment 帮助他们为就业做准备
the global economy(名词短语)全球化的经济
【剑桥例句】The international business programme prepares students for employment in the global economy.
★ frustrating adj. 令人沮丧的
stimulate their interest in … 激发他们对于……的兴趣
accurately assess 准确地评估
are considered untalented 被认为是没有天赋的(反义:are considered talented)
★ latent talent(名词短语)潜在的、还未显露出来的天赋
achieve their potential 充分发挥出他们的潜力
a required course/a compulsory course/a mandatory course 必修课
personal and professional development(名词短语)个人与职业的发展

教育类范文十二 学外语的目的到底是什么
Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
每一位“烤鸭”同时也是an English learner,对学外语的动机都感同身受,所以这道题的ideas应该并不难想。
但如果要说去国外旅行或者工作是学外语的“唯一原因”(the only reason),从严格的逻辑角度看可就过于绝对了。即使不想去国外旅行或者工作,外语技能也可以帮助人们开阔思维(broaden their minds),了解外国文化,结识外国朋友,并且给人们带来更多的娱乐,例如看外国原版电影(watch foreign films without the subtitles),读外语小说(read novels in a foreign language)等等。
当然,对于IELTS作文这样的short essays来说,没必要把这么多的ideas全都写出来,挑出几点自己最“有感觉”的适当进行论证就已经很好了。
Many may say,and I agree,that today's society has almost erased all its boarders and soon will become limitless in what concerns travelling for both work and pleasure. Therefore,if this is to happen,then learning a new language is necessary.
Nowadays,learning a new language for the purpose of working in other countries seems to become more and more popular. Adults in need of money or recognition are trying to pursue their happiness far away from home. Also,the days of employers looking only for capable people have gone. It seems that today's employers are looking not only for multi-skilled employees,but they also want people who know more than their mother tongue. Sooner or later,those who omitted learning more are prone to become jobless.
However,to my mind,a new language should not be learned just for travelling or working in a foreign country. A foreign language should help learners broaden their minds. By this I mean that the new language should and will allow learners to understand more about the world itself,and maybe their ancestors' ways of thinking and acting. Needless to say,knowing another language will help us when it comes to understanding the human race,because language is the first poem of a country.
All of this being said,I believe that learning a different language should be not only for satisfying our physical needs,like money,but also our moral needs,because never before had such a big thirst for knowledge been displayed.
erase all its borders 消除了它的所有边界
become limitless 变得无限
recognition n. 认可(动词形式:recog-nise)
★ pursue their happiness(动宾短语)追求他们的幸福
capable people(名词短语)有能力的、称职的人们
★ multi-skilled employees(名词短语)拥有多种技能的员工
★ mother tongue(名词短语)母语
become jobless 失业
【近义短语】lose their jobs
★ broaden their minds(动宾短语)开阔他们的思维
【近义短语】expand their minds
their ancestors(名词短语)他们的祖先
ways of thinking and acting(名词短语)思维和行为的方式
the human race(名词短语)泛指全人类
physical needs(名词短语)物理上的需求,物质方面的需求
【反义短语】moral needs 道德情怀方面的需求
the thirst for knowledge(名词短语)对于知识的渴望
display vt. 展现,展示

教育类范文十三 研究生经费何去何从
The amount of money for postgraduate research is limited. Some people think that financial support from the government should only be provided for postgraduate scientific research rather than postgraduate research on less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?
In recent years,most of the government funding for postgraduate research has been provided to students who study natural sciences or engineering,while postgraduate research in other fields,such as the arts and humanities,has been seriously underfunded. I believe that postgraduate funding should be distributed more fairly across different fields.
I agree that the funding needs of scientific research conducted by postgraduate students should be met. Without plenty of hands-on research experience,science and engineering students would never become truly familiar with scientific experiments and methods,which means there would not be enough qualified scientists or engineers in the future. The results of postgraduate scientific research can also be published in scientific journals and directly contribute to new discoveries and inventions. Another factor that should be considered is that scientific research is often conducted in laboratories. As a result,scientific research generally costs more than research in other fields which can often be performed without expensive equipment.
At the same time,I would argue that the funding needs of postgraduate research in other fields should not be neglected by government granting agencies. Doing postgraduate research helps humanities and arts students to find the answers to difficult research questions in their areas of interest. Their research findings increase our knowledge about society,history and culture. Postgraduate research in these fields also trains the next generation of experts on the arts and humanities,such as historians,museum curators,philosophers and professors in these fields. In the future,they will continue to help their nation appreciate and explore the arts and humanities.
For the reasons mentioned above,I believe that financial support from the government should ensure equal research opportunities for postgraduate students who study natural sciences or engineering and postgraduate students who study the arts or humanities.
has been seriously underfunded 一直严重资金不足
be distributed more fairly across dif-ferent fields 应该在不同领域间被更公平地分配
★ humanities n.(复数形式)人文学科
【相关】social sciences社会科学(请注意如果是单数形式humanity则是泛指人类)
the funding needs of… 某个领域对资助的需求
research conducted by postgraduate students 由研究生从事的研究
hands-on research experience 第一手的研究经验
be published in scientific journals 在科学刊物被发表
new discoveries and inventions 新的发现与发明
government granting agency 政府里负责经费资助拨款的机构
museum curator 博物馆的管理者
area of interest 研究兴趣所在的领域
research findings(名词短语)研究的发现
train the next generation of… 训练下一代的……
appreciate and explore …(两个及物动词)欣赏并且探索……
ensure equal research opportunities 确保公平的研究机会

教育类范文十四 拒绝做书虫儿
University students should not only spend time studying but also take part in other activities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
与国内的大学招生主要看成绩不同,英美大学非常重视申请人的社会活动经历及由这些社会活动经历体现出来的leadership skills(领导才能)。在大学校园里,最受欢迎的从来都不是只会读书的尖子生,而是校队里面的体育明星。只做“书虫儿”(说轻了是bookworm,说重了就是nerd)在二十一世纪其实已经难以适应社会对大学毕业生们提出的综合要求了。这名考生通过扣题的实例较好地论证了这一看法。
在写本题时很可能会遇到两个短语:❶non-academic activity—指非学术相关的活动。它包含的活动在校内校外进行均可,比如volunteer work/community service等都可以算;❷ extra-curricular activity:课外活动。它所指的范围则比前一个短语要窄一些,主要是学生在校园里参加的或者虽然是在校外进行但是由学校组织的课外活动。在英美大学里最常见的extra-curricular activities包括:参加drama club(戏剧社),debate(或者debating)club(辩论社),board game club(棋类社),photography club(摄影兴趣小组),choir(合唱团),band(乐队)以及各种sports teams。
In my country,many university students strive for high academic performance but do not spend much time on non-academic activities. However,I personally think that they should be encouraged to achieve a good balance between academic studies and other activities.
Participation in non-academic activities has several benefits for university students. Firstly,the experience gained in social activities,including community service,marketing surveys and volunteer work,can help students to better understand society and their relationships with it. These activities also improve their communication skills and teamwork skills. Secondly,unlike academic activities which are generally stressful,extra-curricular activities such as sports and artistic activities are usually fun and enjoyable. Participation in these activities can help students to reduce stress and anxiety. Thirdly,some extra-curricular activities can help to boost students' academic performance. For example,playing chess improves students' logical and critical thinking abilities,while writing for the university newspaper helps students' to develop their writing and analytical skills,which are also important skills for academic success.
On the other hand,academic study should still be the top priority of university students. A solid academic knowledge base is important for them to meet the challenges presented by the knowledge-based economy. It also prepares them for employment and career success. The opportunity to use a wide variety of educational resources at university is invaluable—a fact that many university students may appreciate only after they graduate.
I would argue,therefore,that university students should be encouraged to explore a wide range of academic and non-academic activities,not only because this makes them happier and healthier but also because these activities together form a truly productive learning process.
strive for 努力争取某个目标
academic performance(名词短语)学业的表现
achieve a good balance between …and … 在……与……之间获得好的平衡
★ participation in … 参与某事物
community service(名词短语)社区服务
marketing survey(名词短语)市场营销调查
volunteer work(名词短语)志愿者工作(在英国也经常写成voluntary work)
communication skills 沟通技能
teamwork skills 团队合作技能
fun and enjoyable 有趣而且令人愉快的
reduce stress and anxiety(动宾短语)减轻压力和焦虑
boost students' academic performance(动宾短语)提升学生们的学业表现
★ logical and critical thinking 逻辑与辩证思维
★ develop sb. 's writing and analytical skills 发展某人的写作和分析能力
solid adj. 扎实的
【搭配】a solid academic knowledge base扎实的学术知识基础
knowledge-based economy(名词短语)以知识为基础的经济,“知识经济”
a wide variety of 多种多样的
★ a truly productive learning process一个真正富有成效的学习过程

教育类范文十五 学龄之辩
Some people think that children should start school at the age of six or seven while others think that children should start school as young as possible. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
In many countries today,children start primary school at the age of six. However,people have different views about the best age for them to start school.
Some people believe that children should stay at home until they are six or seven years old. This idea is based on the belief that parents are children's best early teachers. Parents' interaction with them can build their confidence,stimulate their language development and encourage them to solve problems creatively. It can also be argued that some children are not mature enough for school before the age of six of seven. If they attend school too early,they may develop behaviour problems such as being easily distracted and breaking school rules.
Other people,including many parents,believe that an earlier school starting age is beneficial to children's later development. They argue that children's need for social relationships is no less than that of adults. Human beings are by nature social. Children should begin to develop their social skills through the communication with their peers and their teachers as early as possible. After the age of three when young children can generally understand adults' instructions,they should go to school and become socialised. Also,it is reasonable that children start receiving systematically-planned education earlier in an age of information explosion when people need to gain much more knowledge than people did in the past.
My own view is that with a more relaxed and understanding classroom atmosphere,school life should start as early as possible,which makes children better prepared for future competition in many areas. At the age of three or four,children can begin to attend half-day school sessions. Then at the age of five,they should become full-time students.
interaction with sb. 与某人的相互交流和互动
build their confidence 树立他们的信心
★ stimulate their language development促进他们的语言能力发展
develop behaviour problems 形成行为问题
★ is/are easily distracted 注意力很容易受到干扰
is/are by nature… (固定短语)天性就是如何的
【剑桥实例】Layla is by nature a gentle soul.
become socialised(固定短语)学会成为一个社会成员所应具有的行为和社会技能
systematically-planned education 被系统安排的教育
information explosion(名词短语)信息爆炸
a more relaxed and understanding classroom atmosphere 更加放松而且了解学生需求的课堂氛围
classroom atmosphere 课堂的氛围
half-day school sessions 指小朋友的半日制学习

教育类范文十六 成功所需要的素质是否来自大学
The qualities that a person needs to become successful cannot be learned at university or in a similar academic institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
本题让Pat想起了美国最著名的辍学者(a dropout of Reed College)Steve Jobs当年在Stanford University演讲时连续重复三遍的名言,“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”。当然,它也让我想到了Bill Gates(He dropped out of Harvard University and became a co-founder of Microsoft.),Larry Ellison(Oracle甲骨文公司的创立者之一),Elon Musk(“特斯拉”Tesla的CEO,他在斯坦福大学只上了两天,是的,I'm not kidding—just two days的PhD课程就辍学“下海”了),Ralph Lauren(您肯定听说过或者穿过Polo的休闲服),Dean Kamen(国内的“烤鸭”们可能并不太熟悉此人,但他作为an inventor一个发明家在美国可是家喻户晓),Michael Dell(也许在您的大学寝室里就能找到Dell的标识)…… 这些成功的辍学者们。成功所需要的很多素质,例如创造力(creativity),工作的主动性(initiative),强烈的责任感(a strong sense of responsibility),顽强的意志(perseverance),人际交往能力(interpersonal skills),发展关系网的能力(networking skills),面对挫折时良好的心态(resilience)以及创业精神(entrepreneurial spirit)等等,在家庭、社区和工作中都能够得到有效的培养,大学教育真的未必就是培养这些素质的最佳方法。
但这名考生却一边倒地认为在当代大学里的学习经历就是发展成功所需素质的重要途径。剑桥官方评分标准对于论证的扣题度与充实度这一评分项的要求是fully addresses all parts of the task & presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with relevant,fully extended and well supported ideas,而不是具体持何种看法。不能否认,本文里的论证是扣题的,而且该考生的确对自己的观点进行了充分、深入的支持论证。因此,尽管与Pat关于这一话题的看法相左,它仍是一篇优秀的IELTS议论文。
Success in different areas may require different qualities. However,I would argue that for most people,universities and similar educational institutions can provide the learning experiences necessary for developing the qualities that they need to succeed.
Universities offer a wide variety of learning opportunities. Academic activities such as listening to lectures,taking notes,doing assignments and preparing for examinations not only provide students with important specialised knowledge but also encourage hard work, self-discipline,focus and enthusiasm for learning. These qualities help students to continue gaining new knowledge and skills even after leaving university,thus making them more successful in their future careers.
Studying at university also helps students to think more independently and critically. For example,research projects encourage students to explore research questions,form their own ideas and develop their own explanations and solutions. Independent thinking developed over the process is important to success because inventions and innovations today require the courage to challenge old ideas and the desire to find new and better answers to problems.
Another benefit of higher education is that it makes students more socially competent. Class discussions and seminars allow students to exchange ideas and viewpoints,while group assignments provide them with opportunities to cooperate and work as teams. Students also become more open-minded and tolerant towards opinions different from their own. These are essential qualities for success in the increasingly teamwork-oriented and multicultural workplace.
In conclusion,higher education today develops the desire for lifelong learning,independent thinking and team spirit. These are the most important qualities for success in a knowledge-based,fast-changing and culturally-diverse society.
★ a wide variety of 多种多样的
listen to lectures(大学生)听讲
take notes 记笔记
do assignments 本文里指完成教授布置的作业
★ specialised knowledge 专门化的知识
★ think more independently and critically更加独立而且辩证地思考问题
research projects 本文里指大学生从事的研究课题
encourage hard work,self-discipline, focus and enthusiasm for learning促进学生发展勤奋工作、自律、集中精力做事以及对于学习的热情等素质(请注意在地道英文里当encourage前面的主语不是人物而是事物时,它是指促进某种特征或倾向的发展)
★ make them more successful in their future careers 让他们在未来的事业中更成功
explore research questions 探索研究过程中所提出的问题
form their own ideas 形成他们自己的看法
explanations and solutions(名词短语)解释和解决方案
★ inventions and innovations(名词短语)发明与创新
★ the courage to challenge old ideas向旧观念提出挑战的勇气
★ make students more socially competent 让学生们有更强的社会能力(近义比较:competent是指能达到某种要求的,表现很良好的;而competitive 则是指具备很强竞争力的)
★ exchange ideas and viewpoints 交换想法和观点
class discussions and seminars 前者指常规的课堂讨论,后者在英美大学里则是大学生们针对某一专题进行的研讨,有些seminars本身也是课程的一部分并且有教授参与主持
open-minded and tolerant towards opinions different from their own对于和自己意见相左的观点更加开明与宽容
the increasingly teamwork-oriented and multicultural workplace 越来越以集体合作为导向而且文化多元的工作场所
develop the desire for lifelong learning(动宾短语)形成终生学习的愿望
★ team spirit 团队精神
★ knowledge-based adj. 以知识为基础的
culturally-diverse adj. 文化多元的

教育类范文十七 爱拼未必会赢
Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to cooperate become more useful adults. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
In this essay,I will discuss whether the education system should encourage cooperative or competitive learning among students.
Some people argue that competition should be stressed in schools. They think that being competitive is human nature and focuses students on the pursuit of their own goals. Students strive to excel at competition in studies,sports or other extracurricular activities such as art contests and debates. This can help them to achieve their academic,athletic and artistic potential. However,a highly competitive learning environment may cause mistrust and unhealthy competition among students. For example,academic competition may lead to long hours of cramming,cheating or even a nervous breakdown as the competition makes students feel that they are not in control of their own lives.
Others are in favour of building a cooperative environment at schools. They believe that cooperation develops goodwill and a sense of community and belonging among students. This helps them to discover their common goals and appreciate the value of these goals. A cooperative environment also encourages students to exchange information and ideas freely. In such an environment,students tend to participate fully in group activities,such as group presentations and team sports. These activities require students to work as a team towards common goals. As a result,students who are educated in a cooperative environment are more likely to become contributing members of their community and society.
I personally believe although competition may lead to higher students' achievement,cooperation should always remain at the core of education because it helps schools to produce open-minded and responsible individuals.
be stressed 本文里指被重视,被强调【近义】be emphasised
★ the pursuit of their own goals 对他们自己的目标的追求
strive to excel(动词短语)力争表现优异
★ extracurricular activities 课余活动
art contests 艺术比赛
★ a sense of community and belonging 社区感与归属感
★ achieve sb. 's potential 充分发挥某人的潜力
athletic adj. 与运动有关的
cause mistrust(动宾短语)导致不信任
long hours of cramming(名词短语)密集的突击备考
a nervous breakdown(名词短语)精神崩溃
★ build a cooperative environment 建设一个合作的环境
★ develop goodwill and a sense of community and belonging(动宾短语)发展友好的态度、社区感与归属感
★ discover their common goals 发现他们的共同目标
★ exchange information and ideas 交换信息与想法
participate fully in group activities充分地参与集体活动
group presentations(名词短语)团队演示
★ become contributing members of their community and society 成为对他们的社区与社会做出贡献的成员
open-minded and responsible
school choir(名词短语)学校里的合唱团
★ coordinate their efforts(动宾短语)协调他们的努力
the fostering of cooperation(名词短语)对于合作的培养
教育类范文十八 真正的三好生
Some people think that physical education should be a compulsory subject at schools. Do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that physical education should be a mandatory school subject. I completely agree with this view.
Participation in sports helps students to improve their fitness. Students today increasingly depend on electronic devices for entertainment,which has caused their rates of obesity and high blood pressure to rise. PE class helps them to improve their health,increase their energy,and most importantly,help them to achieve a better-balanced,more active lifestyle that will continue into adulthood.
Another benefit of physical education is the positive character traits developed by it. Team sports,including basketball,volleyball and soccer,require children to think of their team as a whole and coordinate their efforts to win the game. This effectively develops their interpersonal and teamwork skills. Also,participation in individual sports such as tennis and gym-nastics helps students to develop the spirit of fair play and respect for their competitors.
Some people are concerned that physical education may distract students from their studies. I would argue that a proper amount of physical activity is,in fact,beneficial to the academic performance of students. Sitting for several hours on end works against learning because it makes the learner physically and mentally tired. By contrast,playing sports after a long study session gives the brain the recharging time that it needs,thus improving students' learning efficiency.
For the reasons mentioned above,I believe that physical education should be a mandatory subject at schools,even for students who are involved in after-school physical activities on a regular basis.
★ mandatory adj. 必须的,硬性规定的
★ participation in sports(名词短语)对体育活动的参与
electronic device 电子设备
★ character traits(名词短语)性格特点
【近义】personality traits
obesity and high blood pressure 肥胖症与高血压
continue into adulthood 一直延续到成年后
coordinate their efforts 协调他们的努力
interpersonal and teamwork skills处理人际关系和团队合作的能力
gymnastics n. 体操
★ distract vt. 打扰 【剑桥例句】Don't distract her from her studies.
academic performance(名词短语)学业表现
★ physical activity 身体活动,身体运动
for several hours on end 连续几个小时
session n. 专门用于某一用途的时段
gives the brain the recharging time that it needs 给大脑它所需要的“充电”时间
★ on a regular basis 定期地
win with humility and lose with grace这个固定表达有点像中文里的“胜不骄、败不馁”,但它的准确含义是“胜不骄,败不失风度”

教育类范文十九 教学的受益者应该是社会还是个人
Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to turn children into good citizens and workers rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
在当代多数国家,教育体系(education system)都在变得越来越市场化(increasingly marketised)。如果仅仅强调学校的社会作用(social roles),却忽视家长与学生个人作为消费者对学校的需求或期望(ignore the needs and expectations of consumers of education),明显是不合理的(unreasonable),也无法提供真正扎实的、全面的教育(solid,well-rounded education)。
Some people think that schools should focus on preparing students for their future responsibilities as citizens and workers rather than on benefiting students as individuals. However,I would argue that both these goals are important to the success of schools.
On the one hand,the effort to turn students into good citizens and workers helps schools to fulfil their social responsibility. Most schools are funded with tax money paid by citizens and businesses. Schools,therefore,should help students to develop a strong sense of social responsibility and social skills that will contribute back to the development of their community and their country. For example,in civics class,students can be taught about the rights and duties of citizens,while team sports in PE class help them to improve their skills to work with others. Schools should also provide training courses that prepare students for the labour market. In this way,schools help to prepare a competitive workforce for their country's future economic growth.
On the other hand,it is important that schools try to benefit their students as individuals. If schools only focus on their social responsibility and ignore students' own interests and career goals,they may fail to provide courses and training opportunities that students are really interested in. This can lead to inefficient and unproductive learning,and defeat the socialpurpose of schools. Students may even find education that ignores their needs frustrating,and leave school with negative attitudes.
In conclusion,schools should not only aim to produce responsible citizens and competent workers but also try to ensure that students are treated as valued individuals and can have their individual needs met.
fulfil their social responsibility(学校)尽到它们的社会责任
a strong sense of social responsibility 很强的社会责任
★ social skills 社会交往技能
★ civics class 公民课
prepare students for the labour market 让学生能够满足劳动力市场的需求
defeat the purpose of … 导致某事物的目的难以实现
★ find… frustrating 感到某事物令人沮丧的
a competitive workforce(国家、地区或者企业拥有的)有竞争力的劳动力
career goals(名词短语)事业目标
inefficient and unproductive learning(名词短语)低效率并且效果不佳的学习
★ produce responsible citizens 培养有责任感的公民
competent adj. 能力符合要求的,称职的
teamwork skills(名词短语)团队合作能力
improve students' social judgement and involvement 提高学生们的社会判断力和对社会活动的参与度
◆ Students may even find education that ignores their individual needs frustrating. 本句里find+宾语+frustrating构成了find+宾语+宾语补足语的宾补结构

教育类范文二十 苦孩子翻身记
Children who are brought up in families that do not have large amounts of money are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children brought up by wealthy parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
在美国有本著名的书叫Rich Dad Poor Dad,是讲怎样实现财务自由(financial freedom)的,在几年前的次贷危机(subprime mortgage crisis)以及目前仍然可能发生的美国经济“二次探底”(double-dip recession)中,这本书更是火得一塌糊涂(It's all the rage.)。
有些人相信“宁愿坐在宝马里哭,也不愿坐在自行车上笑”。但是这篇8分范文却选择了力挺苦孩子,而且写出了比较强的说服力。但在这里必须指出的是:本文用Bill Gates作为“苦孩子”的典型例子,而且说Bill Gates的童年背景是impoverished(贫穷的)明显是在欺负考官对于美国社会知识的缺乏。全美国人民都知道Bill Gates出生于富裕家庭,老爸是知名lawyer,而且比尔·盖茨读中学时还上过西雅图“灰肠”著名的私校Lakeside School。如果要是连这样的背景也算是impoverished,那郭美美“炫富”就是“炫贫”了。
I do agree with the statement that children brought up in poor families are better prepared to deal with the problems of adult life than children brought up by wealthy parents.
Children of poor parents are prematurely exposed to the problems of adult life,e. g. learning to survive on a low family income and sacrificing luxuries for essential items. These children begin to see the realities of life in their home or social environment. Their parents' own struggles serve as an example to them.
These children are taught necessary skills for survival as an adult from a very early age. Many children e. g. work at weekends or on holidays to either collect some pocket money or even contribute to their family income. A good example is the children who accompany their parents to sell produce at the market. They make a direct contribution to their families in terms of labour and income.
Children of poor families also are highly motivated. They tend to set high goals to improve their economic and social situation. A relevant example would be Mr Bill Gates(founder of Microsoft Corporation). He had an impoverished background but he used his talent and motivation to set up the world's largest computer organisation.
However,there are some problems that children from poor backgrounds do encounter. Many of these children who are “robbed”of their childhood,e. g. while working,may feel cheated. They often turn to crime. This,however,is a small group.
In summary,children with impoverished backgrounds are able to deal with problems of adult life because of early exposure,family role models and sheer motivation.
wealthy parents 富有的家长
deal with … 处理某些问题
★ are prematurely exposed to… 在按常规应接触到某种影响的年龄之前就已经接触到了某种影响
【剑桥例句】His stressful job made him go prematurely grey(=made his hair turn grey at a young age).
e. g. 例如,for example
【剑桥例句】You should eat more food that contains a lot of fibre,e. g. fruit,vegetables,and bread.
★ survive on a low family income 只依靠很低的家庭收入生活
sacrifice luxuries(动宾短语)本文里指放弃非必要的享受
★ essential items(名词短语)用来满足基本需求的物品
★ the realities of life(名词短语)生活真实的一面
their parents' own struggles(名词短语)他们的家长自己与生活的抗争
★ pocket money(名词短语)儿童的零花钱,在美式英语里经常叫allowance
accompany vt. 伴随,跟着去
sell produce(动宾短语)出售蔬菜水果等农产品,注意:这里的produce不是动词“制造”,而是一个不可数名词,表示蔬菜水果等农产品,比如英语国家的很多超市里都有produce section(蔬果部)
★ is/are highly motivated(做某事)是有很强的动力的
set high goals(动宾短语)制定很高的目标
A relevant example would be … 一个相关的例子是……(省略号里填入名词或名词词组)
tend to 往往,通常会怎样做
founder of Microsoft Corporation 微软公司的创始人,其实Bill Gates 在美国一般都是被称为微软的co-founder(合作创始人),因为他是和Paul Allen合作一起创立了Microsoft Corporation
★ an impoverished background 贫穷的背景,用Bill Gates的童年作为贫穷孩子能力强的这个例子很“欢乐”
★ talent and motivation(名词短语)天赋与动力
encounter vt. 本文里指经历某种负面的体验
【剑桥例句】They first encountered these difficulties in the 1990s.
★ role model(名词短语)榜样
sheer motivation(名词短语)非常强的动力,sheer是一个语气较强的形容词,用来强化某种性质的语气
strong self-discipline(名词短语)很强的自制力,很强的自我约束力
a key quality for success(名词短语)成功所需的一种关键品质
independent adj. 独立的
achieve career success(动宾短语)实现事业上的成功
The topic is very well addressed and the position is clear throughout. Main ideas are presented and well supported,apart from some over-generalisation in the penultimate paragraph. The rubric is copied in the opening paragraph,but when this is deducted from the overall word count,the response is not underlength.
文章扣题而且考生的观点始终非常清晰。除在倒数第二段里有少数论证过于笼统、缺乏论证之外,全文的论点都得到了有效的论证。本文在开头段后部重复了题目后部的表述形式,但即使扣除这部分文字后全文长度也超过了250 words的字数要求。
The ideas and information are very well organised and paragraphing is used appropriately throughout. The answer can be read with ease due to the sophisticated handling of cohesive devices—only the lack of an appropriate introduction and the minor error in the second use of “eg”mars this aspect of the response.
论点与信息组织良好,而且全文分段恰当。对行文衔接手段使用娴熟,综合使用了because,in terms of等“明连接”方式和this,these,they,their等“暗承接”方式(关于“明连接”和“暗承接”的详细讲解请看下一篇范文)。除了开头段和对e. g. 第二次使用的效果不够理想之外,全文读起来都非常流畅。
The writer uses a wide and very natural range of vocabulary with full flexibility. There are many examples of appropriate modification,collocation and precise vocabulary choice.
Syntax is equally varied and sophisticated. There are only occasional errors in an otherwise very accurate answer. Overall this performance is a good example of Band 8.
◆ Children with impoverished backgrounds are able to deal with problems of adult life because of early exposure,family role models and sheer motivation. 本句里的because of后面连续使用了三个名词短语,构成工整的平行结构
教育类范文二十一 一位平淡是真的考官关于教育类话题的发言:电脑给儿童带来的影响
Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on children. Do you agree or disagree?
使用计算机可能影响孩子的视力和身体姿态(physical posture),一些电脑游戏可能导致孩子产生暴力倾向(violent tendencies),长期过度使用电脑还可能使孩子缺乏社会交往(social interaction),这些都是负面的结果。而孩子使用电脑积极的方面则是可以培养计算机操作技能和快速获取信息的能力等。
作为英语语言水平考试,IELTS Writing真的并不需要独出心裁,能够体现出相对扎实的写作基本功才是夺取高分的“王道”。
考题类型:agree or disagree型


★ partly because 部分地因为
be damaging to … 有害的
★ physical posture 身体的姿势
regardless of(逻辑连接用的固定短语)不论,不考虑
【剑桥例句】This job is open to all,regard-less of previous experience.
★ very intense and rather violent 非常激烈的而且很暴力的
★ exposure(to)n. 受到(某种媒体)的影响
★ self-centered and insensitive to others以自我为中心的、无视他人需求的
★ is no substitute for… 是难以代替某事物的
★ interaction n. 相互的交流、互动
non-virtual experiences(名词短语)非虚拟的生活,在真实世界里的生活
deny vt. 否定
is changing constantly 在持续不断地变化
throughout their studies and working lives 在他们学习和工作的全过程里
★ overuse computers 过度地使用电脑
live in a virtual world 生活在虚拟的世界里
◆ These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. 本句里使用了由that引导的定语从句,而且very intense和rather violent之间构成了工整的平行结构
◆ Spending time with other children and sharing non-virtual experiences is an important part of a child's development that cannot be provided by a computer.本句里的spending time with other children和sharing non-virtual experiences这两个动名词短语之间也构成了严谨的平行结构

连接词在英语学术写作的术语里是discourse markers(国内的同学们更熟悉的称呼是linking words and linking phrases)。英语学术写作里的连接词从功能角度看可以分为两大类:❶句内连接词(经常被Pat调皮的中国学生们戏称为“惧内”连接词),和❷句间连接词。
1. 句内连接词的作用是在同一个句子里的前后两个部分之间建立起明确的连接关系。有些句内连接词只能用在句子中部或句子后部,另一些句内连接词则既可以用在句子中部或后部,也可以用在句首,还有一些句内连接词则更常出现在句首。但不论是出现在句子里的哪个位置,句内连接词的作用总是在同一句话里的两个部分之间建立起逻辑连接关系,而不能跨句去建立逻辑关系。
● because(表示“因为”,它的后面必须连接从句,和主句共同形成一个完整的句子,而不能只连接一个名词。在剑桥官方范文里because出现在句子中部的实例很多,而出现在句首的情况虽然也有一些,比如剑4 p. 165的第一个主体段开始处,但总数比较少。事实上,because到底是否可以放在句首在英美本地英语教学界并没有达成一致意见,只是英美的中小学英语老师们一般都不允许把because放在句首,进入大学里教授们对于这个问题才开始有意见分歧。因此,从IELTS应试的角度来看,除非真的有特别需要,否则最好还是不要把because用在句首,以回避不必要的风险)
● because of(也表示“因为”,其实它在英文写作里有时也可以连接由what,how等引导的名词性从句,但在剑桥范文里它的后面一般是连接名词或名词词组。because of在官方范文里同样是出现在句子的中后部更多)
● as(作为连接词时as也是表示“因为”,但在它后面所引出的理由通常都是很明显的事实。as的后面连接从句,作为连接词时as在剑桥范文里出现在句首和句子中部的实例数量接近)
● while/whereas(表示对比,它们后面连接从句,与主句进行对比。在官方范文里while/whereas出现在句首和出现在句子中部的频率相似)
● unlike(也表示对比,但它的后面通常是连接名词或者名词短语而不是连接从句,在剑桥范文里unlike出现在句首的情况更常见)
● if(表示“如果”,后面连接从句,在官方范文里if出现在句首的实例比出现在句子中部的实例多)
● even if(它也表示假设,但是要特别注意:它不是if的同义词。even if的准确意思是“即使”,后面也要连接从句,用在句首多一些)
● such as(表示列举,后面连接列举出的名词或者名词词组。请牢记:当使用such as来列举时,它永远也不能出现在句首)
● although(表示“尽管”,它的后面连接从句,在IELTS作文里although用在句首要比用在句中更常见)
● in terms of(就…… 而言,后面连接名词或者名词短语,在官方范文里in terms of出现在句子中部或后部要比出现在句首更常见)
● regardless of(不论,在IELTS作文里它的后面通常连接名词或者由what引导的名词性从句,在剑桥范文里regardless of也是出现在句子后部比出现在句首要多)。
其他在剑桥官方满分范文里出现过的句内连接词还有:rather than …(而不是……)/so that …(以便……)/not only … but also …(不但……而且……)/apart from …(除了……之外)/even though …(尽管……)/as well as …(以及……)等。
(i)This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child.(because表示因为,后面连接从句,带下划线的动词就是从句的谓语动词)
(ii)It is important that children learn at an early age to use the equipment enthusiastically and with confidence as they will need these skills throughout their studies and working lives.(as表示因为,后面接从句,请注意带下划线的从句谓语动词)
(iii)Even when children use a computer for other purposes,such as getting information or emailing friends,it is no substitute for human interaction.(such as表示列举,请注意带下划线的两个动名词短语)
(iv)Their adult world will be changing constantly in terms of technology.(in terms of表示就…… 而言,请注意带下划线的名词)
(v)Sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child,regardless of what they are using the computer for.(regardless of表示不论,请注意带下划线的由what引导的名词性从句)
2. 顾名思义,IELTS作文里的第二类连接词句间连接词的作用就是在前后的两个句子之间跨句进行“搭桥”。也正因为句间连接词是起“跨句连接”的作用,所以句间连接词大多数时候是出现在一句话的句首或者句子前部,而较少出现在一句话的中部或者后部。
● however,…(然而,…… )
● therefore
(因而…… ,其实在英美学术写作里therefore也经常会被当成句内连接词来用,但在剑桥范文里它作为句间连接词的情况更多)
● as a result,…
(因此,…… ,但是请注意:当as a result的后面不是逗号而是介词of时,它则是句内连接词)
● consequently,…
(因此,……,有时候它也可以作为句内连接词用在… and are consequently…这个固定结构里,请注意:consequently在剑桥官方范文里出现在句首的情况并不多)
● for this reason,…
(出于这个原因,…… ,请注意:它通常作句间连接词,但是偶尔也会出现在…and for this reason …这个固定结构里作为句内连接词)
● for example,…(例如,…… )
● for instance,…
(比如,…… ,事实上在英文写作里for example和for instance有时也可以作为句内连接词,但在剑桥范文里它们主要是作为句间连接词使用的)
● by contrast,…(与之形成对比的是,…… )[3]
● similarly,…(与之类似地,…… ,用来在前后两个句子之间形成类比)
● in fact,…(事实上,…… )
● in spite of this,…(尽管如此,…… )
● unfortunately,…
(不幸的是,…… ,官方范文里常用它来引出和前一句话里所论述的理想状态相反的现实情况)
● nevertheless,…
(尽管如此,…… ,它在官方范文里出现得并不多)
● in other words,…(换言之,…… )等。
(i)The Internet is the key to all the knowledge and information available in the world today. Therefore it is important that children learn at an early age to use the equipment enthusiastically and with confidence.
(ii)Sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child,regardless of what they are using the computer for. However,the main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children.
(iii)… Spending time with other children and sharing non-virtual experiences is an important part of a child's development that cannot be provided by a computer.
In spite of this,the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied…
指代的“暗承接”方法常用的标志词有:this[4](请注意:如果this后面跟表示具体事物的单数名词,那么它就是指代前一句话里提到过的某个事物。但是如果单独使用this一个词来指代上文,或者是用this trend,this development,this tendency,this experience等抽象名词来指代上文,那么它则是指前一句话的整体所讲的内容),these(它的后面加或不加名词都是指代前一句话里面提到过的复数事物),they,their,we,us,ours,the+名词,such+名词等。
(i)The main concern is about the type of computer activities that attract children. These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent.
说明:在后面一句话里使用了These(这里如果写成These activities也是可以的)指代前一句话里面出现的computer activities that attract children。虽然两句话之间并没有使用句间连接词,但是仍然在这两句话之间形成了明显的“凝聚力”。
(ii)… the obvious benefits of computer skills for young children cannot be denied.Their adult world will be changing constantly…
说明:在后面一句话里用their来指代前一句话里面的young children所拥有的,从而做到了“不用连接词,却胜似连接词”的自然承接效果。
(iii)These are often electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. The player is usually the “hero”of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centred and insensitive to others.
说明:在后面一句话里两次使用定冠词the来表明player和game分别是特指前一句话里面所提到的电子游戏的player 和game,而不是泛指任何游戏的player或game。因此尽管两句话之间没有出现句间连接词,但却并没有任何松散感。
Young children can be negatively affected by too much time spent on the computer every day. This is partly because sitting in front of a screen for too long can be damaging to both the eyes and the physical posture of a young child.
… it is no substitute for human interaction. Spending time with other children and sharing non-virtual experiences is an important part of a child's development that cannot be provided by a computer.
说明:后一句话里的Spending time with other children and sharing non-virtual experiences(non-virtual experience是指非虚拟的经历,也就是存在于真实生活里而不是只存在于虚拟网络空间里的经历)这部分是对前一句话里的关键词组human interaction(人类之间的沟通、互动)进行的具体化转述。因此,尽管这两句话之间并没有使用任何句间连接词,但它们之间并没有逻辑“断裂感”。
Maturity gives adults greater confidence in our own judgement,in all areas of life. We are not afraid to express our opinion when others disagree.
说明:在后面一句话里既使用人称代词we 来进行了指代,又使用not afraid to express our opinion来转述前面一句话里的关键词组confidence in our own judgement。通过这样的“双保险”措施,考官确保了虽然不出现句间连接词也依然能实现自然、流畅的跨句承接效果。
无须讳言,有相当多的国内同学误以为行文衔接一定要用很“奇葩”的连接词才有效果。其实英文写作里最不起眼的表示并列关系的and就是剑桥官方满分范文里极为常用的衔接手段(cohesive device)。但是必须提醒注意:在学术文体里不能把and用在句首。事实上,几乎所有剑桥高分范文里都含有用and连接两个主谓结构形成的并列句。严格来说,and本身其实也是一个连接词,应该属于“明连接”。但是正因为它特别平实、低调,所以使用and在两个主谓结构之间进行并列并不会显得刻意,完全符合“暗承接”的要求。
The player is usually the “hero”of the game and too much exposure can encourage children to be self-centred and insensitive to others.
同时,Pat要提醒冲7的同学注意的是:在IELTS写作评分标准细则里对于7分作文在行文衔接方面的准确要求是uses a range of cohesive devices。因此,对于上述的任何一种明连接和暗承接方式都不应过度地沉迷。试想,如果一篇作文完全排斥连接词,而是变成所有句子之间全都是用this,they,their,the+名词,such+名词等来指代的暗承接,那么文章也就走入了另一个极端,变成了另一种单调。高分范文在行文衔接方面的真正共同点是通过对于“明连接”和“暗承接”的综合、准确的使用所获得的丰富、多样的上下文衔接效果。从本书中的各高分范文实例里您将能够最清晰地体会到这一点。
现在,已经有了以上关于IELTS写作评分细则对行文衔接效果要求的理论知识储备, Pat建议您现在再“回访”(revisit)一次范文21,而且把重点放在本文行文过程当中带有下划线和有椭圆形标识的部分。您将会对本文读起来特别连贯、流畅的原因产生更直观的体会。当然,7分作文在行文连贯性和衔接效果方面并不需要达到9分范文的接近完美的效果,但是“明连接”与“暗承接”相结合、“句内连接词”和“句间连接词”相配合的意识是提高英语写作素养的重要组成部分,而且真正用心掌握的话实际上也并不玄妙。有志于写作单项冲7的同学们应该对剑桥高分范文体现出的综合运用多种衔接方式这一共同特点给予足够的注意。
教育类范文二十二 无偿的社区服务是否应成为必修内容
Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes(for example working for a charity,improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?
本题是《剑9》Test 2真题,属于典型的agree or disagree型考题。按照剑桥官方评分标准的要求,这种题型既可以选择一边倒写法(完全支持或者完全反对),也可以选择折中式写法。这是它与D & G型考题的重要区别(官方评分标准要求在回应Discuss both views and give your own opinion.型考题时必须要对题目里所给出的双方观点都进行讨论,否则就会被判为partially off-topic)。
尽管本文选择了对于论证过程挑战较大的一边倒写法(即只论述一方成立的理由而完全不考虑它的对立方理由),但是本文长度却达到了299 words(《剑9》~《剑13》里面的考官满分范文平均长度也只有297 words)。作文长并不能说明论证就一定充实,但难得的是:本文里并没有只为凑字而写的“废话”,每一句话对于论证过程都确实具有实质性的作用。
这名考生对写作语言的驾驭能力同样明显高于一般考生:本文的平均句长达到了23 words(在第一个主体段里和第二个主体段里甚至各出现了一句长达35 words的句子,仅是这两句话加起来就已经达到了70 words)。像这样的超长句对于一般考生来说已经绝对属于语法错误频发的高风险区域了,但本文的语法却保持了高于一般考生的正确率。而且,该考生在本文里还准确地使用了organisational skills,charitable organisations,voluntary work,increase their employability,an asset on CV等在地道英文里很常见、但在国内同学的作文里却较少见到的实用短语[6]。
同时,这名8分选手对英语国家文化的了解也明显优于多数“烤鸭”。例如,本文里很自然地引入了NHS所倡导的生活方式,使用college来指中学(Pat注意到国内的同学们普遍只了解用college来指大学学院的用法,但其实college在英式英语里也经常被用来指中学,尤其是准备考A-level的学生们就读的中学。在英国这些学生获取工作经验很常见,但并不是强制参加的,在本文开头段里就明确地提到了这一社会背景),以及after-school clubs不像过去那样流行等论据。这些直接涉及到英美社会与文化的内容看似简单(很多同学在看别人作文的时候都是感觉“没什么”,等到自己下笔才懂得了眼高手低的真正含义,其实是因为只有“看范文”和“读范文”,而缺少“比范文”的过程)。事实上,如果这只8分“烤鸭”没有在考前厚积薄发的积累,是很难在时间和心态都极为紧张的IELTS写作考场里想到这些与英语国家文化密切相关的内容的。
考题类型:agree or disagree型


should be involved in … 应该参与到……当中 【相关】should participate in… 应该参与……
a compulsory part of… 本文里是指必选的教学内容
★ gain work experience 获得工作经验(国内考生们很喜欢写gain working experience,虽然不能绝对算错,但事实上在英美生活里gain work experience要远比gain working experience更加常见)
★ life skills 生活技能,在英美社会生活里最受重视的生活技能包括cooperation skills(合作能力),communication skills(沟通能力),conflict resolution skills(解决人际冲突的能力),team-building skills(建设团队的能力),leadership skills(领导才能),decision-making skills(决策能力),personal financial management skills(个人财务管理能力),time-management skills(安排好时间的能力),cooking skills(厨艺)等,而且近年来computer skills也已经开始被越来越多的学校视为life skills的一部分来培养
★ voluntary work 志愿者的工作,义工,在英美生活里也经常被写成volunteer work,两个写法都很常用
manage their time 管理他们的时间
★ organisational skills 需要提醒中国同学的是这个短语其实和中文所说的“组织能力”含义并不一样。Pat 注意到中文里说“组织能力”的时候经常是指安排好别人去做什么,也就是有效管理团队的能力,其实更接近于英文里的leadership skills。而英文里所说的organisational skills则通常是指管理好自己的生活、学习或工作等,让自己的生活、学习、工作能够有规律、有秩序、井井有条的技能
★ browse the Internet 浏览网页,在写作和口语考试里经常可以和surf the Internet替换使用
★ charitable organisations 慈善机构
★ an asset on their CV 本文里的asset是指履历中或技能中的“闪光点”,CV则是指个人简历,国内同学们也许更熟悉CV的美式写法résumé
★ increase their employability 提升他们的就业适应性
hopefully adv. 副词,表示自己希望情况会如何
【剑桥例句】But hopefully times have changed,and both genders of student can have equal chances to study what they want to in whichever type of school they attend.
realise that … 意识到……
are strongly promoted by the NHS受到NHS的大力倡导(NHS是指英国的国家医疗体系)
charity work(名词短语)慈善工作
possibly reduce the crime level 可能会减轻犯罪率高的情况
age group(名词短语)年龄段
come up with(固定动词短语)想出某种方法或做法
surroundings n. 周边的事物
★ be put into action(某个想法或建议)被诉诸行动
shortly adv.不是“很短地”,而是即将,尽快
The answer addresses all parts of the prompt sufficiently,focusing on the benefits for students rather than society. A number of relevant,extended and supported ideas are used to produce a well-developed response to the question. However,some ideas,for example the reference to the crime level,are not fully extended.
The ideas are logically ordered and cohesion is consistently well managed. Paragraphing is used appropriately,and progression between paragraphs is managed with some sophistication.
同时应该指出:本文里存在少量前后文指代方式的问题。例如,第二个主体段里的第1句话By giving them compulsory work activities with charitable or community organisations,they will be encouraged to do something more creative. 事实上在英美大学论文写作里是不鼓励在一个段落的开始处使用代词去跨段指代在上一个段落里出现的名词的,因为这样做非常容易导致指代含义模糊甚至出现误读。尽管IELTS作文还不是严格意义上的学术论文,但是Pat建议您从现在开始就避免在段首使用代词去跨段指代上一段里面出现的名词的“违规”行为。
A wide range of vocabulary is used to articulate meanings precisely,with skilful use of uncommon lexis,and very few inappropriacies.
文章用词广泛,表意精确,并娴熟地使用了一些在普通IELTS作文里较少能够看到的词汇和短语(uncommon lexis),用词不当的情况也非常少(very few)。
例如,仅仅是一个做义工的含义,这名考生就先后使用了unpaid community services(para. 1),voluntary work(para. 2),activities with charitable or community organisations(para. 3)和spare time charity work(para. 4)多达四种的近义方式来表述。更关键的是:本文里的用词多样性是很自然地实现的,并不是刻意为之的“硬换”,明显是在英语学习的过程里长期坚持积累的结果。一些同学对于本文用词的不以为然,和剑桥官方评语里对于本文用词多样性和表意准确度的高度评价之间的强烈反差,体现出的其实是普通考生和剑桥考官在写作用词审美方面的深刻差别。
The range of grammatical structures used is also wide,with only occasional minor errors.
Nowadays,unfortunately,teenagers do not have many after-school activities. After-school clubs are no longer that popular and students mostly go home and sit in front of the TV,browse the Internet or play video games.
这两句话之间并没有直接使用连接词,但后一句话里面的After-school clubs are no longer that popular和前一句话里面的do not have many after-school activities之间的逻辑承接关系很明确,因此上下文之间丝毫也没有产生“断裂”的不良感觉。
By giving them compulsory work activities with charitable or community organisations,they will be encouraged to do something more creative. Skills gained through compulsory work will not only be an asset on their CV but also increase their employability.
Life skills are very important and by doing voluntary work,students can learn how to communicate with others and work in a team but also how to manage their time and improve their organisational skills.
◆ Skills gained through compulsory work will not only be an asset on their CV but also increase their employability. 这句话里的gained through compulsory work是典型的过去分词短语作后置定语,表示通过必选的劳动“被获取的”技能。同时,not only后面的动词原形be和but also后面的动词原形increase之间又形成了工整的平行结构
◆ Sending students to work in community services is a good idea as it can provide them with many valuable skills.本句里使用了动名词短语作主语的结构
◆ Healthy life balance and exercise are strongly promoted by the NHS,and therefore any kind of spare time charity work will prevent from sitting and doing nothing. 同一句话里既出现了被动语态,又有主动语态,增加了语态的多样化。但同时需要强调的是:不宜在IELTS作文里过度地使用被动语态,动词形式仍应以主动语态为主。任何一种实现句式多样化的方法都只应该是点缀而不能成为主流,否则它就变成了另一种单调
◆ Life skills are very important and by doing voluntary work,students can learn how to communicate with others and work in a team but also how to manage their time and improve their organisational skills. Nowadays,unfortunately,teenagers do not have many after-school activities. 这两句话使用了IELTS考官爱用的“长短句结合”的写法,第一句话长达35 words,而第二句话却只有9个单词,形成了句式的丰富多样感
(i)After-school clubs are no longer that popular and students mostly go home and sit in front of the TV,browse the Internet or play video games.
that popular里面的that并不是连词或代词,而是一个很口语化的副词,意思是“那么”,接近于so。请您不要在学术风格的作文里这样去使用that。
(ii)Life skills are very important and by doing voluntary work,students can learn how to communicate with others and work in a team but also how to manage their time and improve their organisational skills.
这名同学的写句子能力显然已经飞越了普通烤鸭的水平,但这句话并非完美无瑕。如果在learn和how to之间加上not only,与下文的but also how to之间形成严谨的平行结构,本句话的结构将会清晰很多。对于这个长达35 words的句子,即使这位英语基础不错的8分考生也还是出现了失误。英语基础不如这位同学的读者更应该引以为戒。写作里好句子的首要标准永远是语法和表意是否正确,如果超出自己的英语实力去追求“飙”长句而导致语法错误或者表意不清是不值得的。
教育类范文二十三 一位文风自由的考官关于教育话题的思考:是否一定要寓教于乐?
Some people believe that children's leisure activities must be educational,otherwise they are a complete waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?
考题类型:agree or disagree型


has become a priority for… 对某人来说已经变成了关键任务
seek v. 寻求
secure adj. & vt. 本意是“安全的”,本文里是动词:确保
★ apply themselves 【固定短语】尽全力
★ eventually adv. 最终
higher education 高等教育
★ access to… 获取、利用某种资源的机会
★ competitive adj. 竞争非常激烈的
allow their children sufficient free time允许他们的孩子有充分的自由支配时间
leisure activity(名词短语)休闲活动
★ is/are misguided 被误导的
★ intellectual skills 进行复杂的分析思维的能力
★ make-believe games 本文里指小朋友们把自己想象成某一角色的游戏
★ physical coordination(名词短语)身体的协调
★ emotionally immature 情感、心理上不成熟的
relevance n. 相关性
★ altogether adv. 完全地,彻底
◆ Today,education has become a priority for many parents seeking to secure a good future for their children in this rapidly changing world. 在本句里考官连用了两个现在分词短语作定语,分别修饰parents和world。如果不使用这两个现在分词短语的话,分别改用由who引导的定语从句和由that引导的定语从句也可以表达出同样的意思,但是必然会显得相当拖沓冗长
教育类范文二十四 男校女校or男女合校
Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others,however,believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
又是一道D & G型的考题,双方观点都要讨论是没跑儿了。
其实早在数十年前,L. G. Alexander先生(也就是中国同学们非常熟悉的《新概念英语》的作者)就已经在Any Form of Education Other Than Co-education Is Simply Unthinkable一文里对这个话题进行过极为彻底的论述了。相对于亚历山大先生那篇近500字的长文来说,这篇只有305 words的雅思考官范文是平淡的,甚至过于浅易:素材中规中矩,用词也不难,而结构也是典型的四段折中式。
考题类型:Discuss both views+your own opinion型



★ single-sex school 只有男生或女生的学校
★ mixed school 男女合校的学校
★ co-exist vi. 共存,同时存在
It is up to… to… 由某人来决定某事
preferable adj. 更值得选择的,更有优势的(请特别注意在地道英文里这个词的前面不能加比较级more)
educationalist n. 教育方面的专家
★ reduce distractions 减少分散注意力的事物 【动词】distract sb. from sth.
★ concentrate on their studies 集中精力在他们的学业上面
gender prejudice 性别偏见
counterpart n. 两个群体里相互对应的人或事物
cookery n. 厨艺
★ the opposite sex(名词短语)异性
★ a single gender environment 单一性别的环境
★ natural domain 天生就更加擅长的领域
★ career path 事业的发展方向
◆ Some educationalists think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single-sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourages pupils to concentrate on their studies. 本句里使用了句内连接词because
◆ Some countries have single-sex education models,while in others both single sex and mixed schools co-exist. 这句话里出现了句内连接词while,由它连接的从句与主句进行对比(提示:while有时也可以用在句首,但是作为一个“句内连接词”,它的作用只能是在同一句话内部的前后两个部分之间形成逻辑关系,而不能是跨句去形成逻辑关系。如果要在前后两个句子之间建立跨句对比关系,请在两句话之间使用By contrast,… )
◆ It also allows more equality among pupils and gives more opportunity to all those at the school to choose subjects more freely without gender prejudice. For example,a much higher proportion of girls study science to a high level when they attend girls' schools than their counterparts in mixed schools do. Similarly,boys in single-sex schools are more likely to take cookery classes and to study languages,which are often thought of as traditional subjects for girls. 这三句话之间分别使用了句间连接词For example,(表示进行例证)和Similarly,(它的意思是“与此相似地”,表示前后两句话之间的类比)。请注意:句间连接词的作用是在前后两个句子之间跨句形成逻辑关系
◆ Girls and boys learn to live and work together from an early age and are not emotionally underdeveloped in their relations with the opposite sex. They are also able to learn from each other,and to experience different types of skill and talent than might be evident in a single gender environment. 这两句话之间并没有使用句间连接词,而是用they来指代前一句话里的girls and boys,指代关系很明确,因此虽然没有使用句间连接词但仍然在这两句话之间形成了紧密的承接关系。此外,第二句话里的and也自然地承接了它前后的内容
◆ Some educationalists think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single-sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourages pupils to concentrate on their studies. This is probably true to some extent. 这两句话之间同样也没有出现句间连接词,而是在第二句话的句首使用This来指代前一句话里所论述的内容。请特别注意:单独的一个this后面没有单数名词时是指前面句子整体所论述的内容,而不是特指前面句子里的某一个具体单词
◆ Similarly,boys in single-sex schools are more likely to take cookery classes and to study languages,which are often thought of as traditional subjects for girls. 本句中出现了由which引导的定语从句,同时本句里又使用了被动语态(are often thought of as… )和前面的take,study等动词主动形式形成了主被动交替的多样化效果
◆ A much higher proportion of girls study science to a high level when they attend girls' schools than their counterparts in mixed schools do. 本句里使用了由when引导的状语从句
教育类范文二十五 Pat对教育类话题的诠释A:大学到底应该传授什么
Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to theoretical knowledge for its own sake,regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer. What,in your opinion,should be the main function of a university?
苏紫紫说:“大学,我真想上了你。”在二十一世纪,大学的功能设置越来越众口难调(It's hard to please them all.),这已是不争的事实。从素材上来看,毫无疑问,在这种经济充满着变数(highly volatile)的年代里,先找到一个饭碗肯定是最重要的,就业技能可以先确保毕业生们能够生存。而且,虽然经济不好,大学的学费却是毫不留情地一涨再涨(University tuition costs have been climbing relentlessly despite the economic recession.)。因此,大学重视对就业技能的培养其实也可以看作是对高额学费的一种经济回报(return on educational investment)。
另一方面,上述理由的不足之处则是:大学如何能够准确地预期几年之后的就业市场到底需要什么样的技能呢?而且,如果大学过度强调就业技能而轻视理论知识,是否将导致学生缺乏创新能力?毕竟创新(innovation)需要对于相关领域的理论拥有更深层的了解(require a sound grasp of the fundamentals)。
With the current economic instability,it is understandable that university students tend to regard universities primarily as institutions where they can acquire job skills.
This is especially true when considering that tuition fees have risen each year. As a result,the pursuit of higher education today has become a substantial investment. University students and their parents expect a reasonable rate of return which can be,to some degree,quantified by the job skills that are gained through higher education.
However,merely equipping students with employment skills may defeat the very purpose of universities. As technology expands and evolves on a daily basis,it is unrealistic to believe that university administrators and faculty are able to determine the technical skill sets that employers will require in three or four years. University graduates will need sound knowledge about the theoretical frameworks,principles and concepts in their fields of study to remain competitive in their future careers. There is also the risk that university graduates will not be capable of innovation at work because truly innovative ideas tend to come from a synthesis of the fundamental theories underpinning their fields of work,and the ability to apply these theories creatively on the job.
Therefore,the main function of universities should be to build core curricula that stress the fostering of employment skills and,at the same time, provide students with electives focusing on the theoretical aspects of their fields of interest. Universities performing this function not only help students to gain job skills but also ensure their capacity to apply these skills innovatively.
instability n. 不稳定的状态
acquire job skills(动宾短语)获取工作技能 【近义搭配】gain job skills
【剑桥例句】These tests attempt to judge a person's ability to acquire new job skills.
regard … primarily as … 认为某事物的首要作用是……
★ institution 机构,地道英文里常见的搭配有educational institutions 教育机构,financial institutions金融机构等
★ tuition fees 学费
the pursuit of higher education(名词短语)为获得受高等教育的机会而做的努力
★ a substantial investment 一笔可观的投资
a reasonable rate of return 合理的回报率
★ can be quantified by … 可以通过……来量化
merely adv. 仅仅 【剑桥例句】The medicine merely stops the pain.
★ equip sb. with sth. 本文里指为某人储备某种知识或者技能
★ defeat the very purpose of【固定短语】“导致某事物难以实现它应有的作用”,defeat指击败,使…… 无效
★ on a daily basis
★ unrealistic adj. 不现实的
★ administrators and faculty 英文里的固定短语,指大学的管理者与教师的总称,请注意faculty 在这个固定短语里通常是用单数形式
determine vt. 决定,确定
sound knowledge about 它并不是指“声音的知识”,而是指关于某事物的“扎实的知识”
theoretical framework(名词短语)理论框架,在英美大学里的论文写作过程中有些教授还专门要求学生用一个单独部分解释自己从事的研究的理论框架
principles and concepts(名词短语)定律和概念
remain competitive 保持有竞争力的
not be capable of 不具备某种能力的
innovation n. 创新(形容词:innovative)
synthesis n.(两种或以上的事物)有机结合的产物
【剑桥例句】Their latest album is a synthe-sis of African and Latin rhythms.
underpin vt. 构成某事物的基础
【剑桥例句】Mason presented the figures to underpin his argument.
【搭配】fundamental theories underpinning their fields of work 他们所从事的领域的基础理论
★ foster vt. 培养(某种技能或者素质)
★ elective n. 选修课
【反义】required courses
apply the theories creatively 富有创造性地应用这些理论
【近义】apply the skills innovatively带有创新性地应用这些技能
sb.'s field of interest 本文里指学生的学习或研究兴趣所在的领域
教育类范文二十六 Pat对教育类话题的诠释B:死记硬背真的一无是处吗
Some people think that memorisation of information by frequent repetition(rote learning)plays a negative role in most education systems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?


adverse effect(名词短语)负面的影响
schooling n. 它不是指具体的学校,而是泛指学校提供的教育
technique n. 做某事的方法、技巧,请注意它与technology(科技)不同
justified adj. 合理的,有根据的
★ overemphasis n. 过度的强调(它的动词形式为overemphasise)
★ inhibit the learning process(固定短语)阻碍学习的进程
approach n. 做某事的途径
discourage students from … 让学生不愿去做某事
critically understand and analyse sth.辩证地理解与分析某事物
essentially adv. 从本质上来看
【剑桥例句】Essentially,it is a dictionary but it differs in one or two respects.
worship vt. 极度崇拜,“膜拜”
clergy n. 神职人员
the Holy Scriptures这里指圣经the Bible
medieval times 特指欧洲中世纪
Confucian classics 儒家的经典
★ abstract concepts and theories 抽象的概念和理论
★ lower-elementary adj. 小学低年级的
commit … to memory 努力去准确地记忆某事物
realistic adj. 现实的
comprehend abstractions(动宾短语)理解抽象的概念
★ upper-elementary adj. 小学高年级的
★ secondary adj. 中学的
geometric axioms 几何公理
geographic facts 地理事实
chemical adj. 化学的
equation n. 等式,方程式
★ apply vt. 应用
means n. 作名词时means是指做某事的方法
★ end n.请注意在这里end不是“结束”,而是指“目的”,类似于aim/purpose,地道英文里经常会把means(方式)和end(目的)对比使用
【剑桥例句】We see good design not just as a means of increasing profits,but as an end in itself.
★ lay the groundwork for… 为(将来的某种发展)打下基础
conceptual knowledge 概念性的知识
★ critical thinking skills 辩证思维能力
[2] 中国同学们在使用英语连接词方面最大也是最顽固的误区就是误以为连接词必须要“偏、难、怪”才能拿分。然而事实上,衡量一个英语连接词好不好的唯一标准是它的出现是否合理,而不是它是否怪异。在剑桥考官们自己写的范文里使用的连接词全都是英语写作里的常用高频连接词,没有任何一个是“生僻”或者“冷门儿”的。
[3]注:Pat注意到有很多国内考生频繁地把on the contrary与by contrast混用,但这是错误的做法。by contrast表示在它前后的两句话里的内容都成立,但是它们之间存在着对比的关系。而on the contrary则是表示在它前后的两句话里后一句话所说的内容成立。因此,在英语书面写作里on the contrary之前的一句话通常都是表示否定含义的,而且on the contrary在雅思作文里并不是很常用。
[5]注:在美国和加拿大,high school都是指高中。但是在英国的教育体制里,情况却要更多样:对于实行two-tier学制的地区,high school其实相当于小学之后的“中学”,而不仅仅是高中,只有在实行three-tier学制的地区,high school才等于中文里所说的“高中”。因为两种译法对于本题写作来说没有本质上的区别,因此在这里采用国内同学更熟悉的译法——高中。
[6]注:IELTS作文里的实用短语总结在《十天突破雅思写作》Day 7里。